v0.3 is up.
Cleaned up the mesh (not done yet) and refined the model a bit.
Although there's still some details to add, the mesh itself is mostly done, so if you have any feedback regarding its general look, now would be a good time to post.
After taking a moment to inspect the turret placements, I think I can safely say that their coverage is really well thought out. At a glance, it appears that only one turret cannot fire forwards, with only two being incapable of direct rear fire. Directly from the sides, I see only three turrets left out, with similar stories being true of straight up or down fire.
I keep looking at it from different angles to see if there's anything that seems to be a flaw or out of place, but I can't find anything of the sort. I love how the bottom "rib-like" extension beneath the pods has a jagged, zig-zaggy pattern when viewed from the sides. 10/10 from me!
I wonder if those cargo pods you use as placeholders are the same size as the actual pods?
It's a great model so far and It'd be sad if the cargo pods would all float so much.
(06-08-2018, 08:45 PM)Sand_Spider Wrote: I keep looking at it from different angles to see if there's anything that seems to be a flaw or out of place, but I can't find anything of the sort. I love how the bottom "rib-like" extension beneath the pods has a jagged, zig-zaggy pattern when viewed from the sides. 10/10 from me!
Unfortunately, the rail at the bottom won't be able to make it ingame due to the high polycount. Right now It's a quick placeholder just to show it's meant as a rail. I'm gonna try and keep the rail look in the low poly mesh as much as possible, but if the cleaned up version ends up still adding too much to the polycount (which it probably will) it'll have to be replaced with a cube and just textured like a rail, because a low poly rail won't really look good.
(06-08-2018, 08:52 PM)Skorak Wrote: I wonder if those cargo pods you use as placeholders are the same size as the actual pods?
That placeholder is actually one of the ingame cargo pods (Drab Cargo Pod). So those proportions are what you'll be seeing ingame.
(That's also the reason why it ended up being larger than the current BWT - so it could fit the vanilla pods)
The rail should work fine as part of the mesh if it's just a sawtooth. Usually I'm not opposed to increasing polygon counts (these are not the days of 2000-triangle battleships) but that looks like a lot of mesh for something people won't really see much. Just using a sawtooth will be six tris per bump or twelve tris per bump if they're angled at the sides as well.
edit, later: You can probably keep the rail as is based on the apparent whole triangle count of the model being around 2500 according to p3d.
v0.4 is up.
Added some details, cleaned up the mesh, kicked the polycount down to 2.9k (trans) and 3.1k (train). Apparently that's ok for FL engine.
That's the mesh basically done (I'll probably give it another cleanup pass but it wont have much of a noticeable effect on the general look of it). So, if you have any feedback regarding its general look, now would be a good time to post.
Next up is textures.
P.S: If anyone with any clue about FL modeling sees anythin iffy, do point it out. Would be much appreciated. This was the first model I had to do with any sort of tricount constraint, so it could use a pair of more experienced eyes going though it and double-checking just to be sure.
(06-08-2018, 10:13 PM)Kazinsal Wrote: edit, later: You can probably keep the rail as is based on the apparent whole triangle count of the model being around 2500 according to p3d.
Well, that's good news then. Guess the rail can stay after all.
(Although, I think you saw the cleaned up version I updated shortly after that post. The original quick placeholder rail was an embarrassing 1.8k polys just on its own )
Listen, don't worry about polycount that much - we have 20,000 faced models RIGHT NOW in the mod and they still don't break the engine. (Orca gunboat, Vidar cruiser and others come to mind).
Your models are lightweight enough, so if you want to add some more eye candy, do it!
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