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When your ship's Hit Points reach 0, you die. That has consequences:

  • Your ship explodes, meaning you loose all cargo (commodities and unmounted equipment).
  • All that stuff will float where you died, and can be gathered by Players or NPCs. If no players are around, it will dissapear.

Then after you press RESPAWN, NEW PLAYER, NEW SERVER, MAIN MENU or otherwise DISCONNECT from the game:

  • Your ship is moved to the last base you docked with and resurrected with full hitpoints and equipment you had mounted at the time of death.
  • A death message is shown to everyone on the server.

Death message

The color of death message determines where that player died:

  • BLUE = in your current system.
  • RED = in some other system.

When killed by NPC:

  • Death: Name_Of_Dead_Ship was divided by zero.
  • Death: Name_Of_Dead_Ship was put out of action by a hostile vessel.

When killed by his own doing, suicide:

  • Death: Name_Of_Dead_Ship suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
  • Death: Name_Of_Dead_Ship suffered a self-administered loadout error (Mine).
  • Death: Name_Of_Dead_Ship suffered a self-administered loadout error (Missile/Torpedo).
  • Death: Name_Of_Dead_Ship suffered a self-administered loadout error (Wasp/Hornet).

When killed by another player:

  • Death: Name_Of_Dead_Ship was put out of action by Name_Of_Killer's_Ship (Gun).
  • Death: Name_Of_Dead_Ship was put out of action by Name_Of_Killer's_Ship (Mine).
  • Death: Name_Of_Dead_Ship was put out of action by Name_Of_Killer's_Ship (Collision).
  • Death: Name_Of_Dead_Ship was put out of action by Name_Of_Killer's_Ship (Missile/Torpedo).