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Planet Alcara

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Removed with System Omicron-81 in 4.88.4

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Planet Alcara
Planet Alcara.jpg
Location 3D, Omicron-81
Flag-outcasts.png Outcasts
Technical information
Docking No
Terrain Barren
Diameter 30,216 km
Mass 9.89 x 10e24 kg
Temperature 247°C to 400°C
Escape velocity 16.42 km/sec

The burned and barren world of Alcara shields Cartagena Shipyard from the brunt of the star's radiation. The world is totally inhospitable due to the surface taking most of the brunt of the two suns with temperatures on the dayside reaching 247 degrees on a cool day. But the planet is rich in metals, which the Outcast Nation desperately needs to fill the growing demand for warships. Mining shuttles make the decent onto the night side of the Planet and proceed to strip mine whole cliff faces and take the raw resources to Cartagena before the sun rises.