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Solari | |
Solari, ??? A.S. | |
Profile | |
Origin | ![]() |
Occupation | Cannibal |
Gender | Male |
Affiliation | Bone Carver |
Status | Active |
Born | ??? A.S., Off World |
Died | Alive |
Doctor Nimble's Psychological Profile
See link for pictures - http://discoverygc.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=61365
Attached Below is the record and recordings of Doctor Nimbles The dates seem to be missing and scratched out intentionally
Session 1
Doctor: Nimbles
A patient named Solari has been brought in today, he seems to be suffering from a Dissociative identity disorder at first glance. Patient uses the word "We" a lot as if he is refering to someone else in the room.
I have been assigned to his case, but it is late tonight and I will get a start on it tomorrow
Session 2
Doctor: Nimbles
Further examination into Solari's records reveal some disturbing things. There has been several warrants issued for his arrest for apparent "Cannibalism". His birth records are incomplete, but it says here he was born on Planet Crete. The city is not mentioned so I beleive he must of been born in some village in the outskirts of any town, and since cannibalism has not been practiced there for several generations it had to be that of a exiled colony perhaps. The facts are unknown, the patient refuses to have any open conversation. I will begin shock treatments tuesday to see how the patient responds.
Session 3
Doctor: Nimbles
The patient did not respond well to the shock treatment. He managed to tear loose one of his bindings and bite a descent size chunk out of poor nurse shellys ear. We have not found the peice of ear yet, we think he might of eaten it. The patient has now been confined to a mouth guard to keep him from biting any staff again.
On a side note, the patient seemed to show remarkable strength, almost inhuman for all the medication he is dosed up with. I have requested that the dosage of his meds be increased.
Session 4
Doctor: Nimbles
The patient does not seem to respond to verbal conversation at all. I beleive there are two identities conflicting with each other his the patients mind, that of himself and another one that he seems to refer to as the "Beast". Verbal treatment is out of the question, as he already injured a staff and this other personality responds very violently to any social engagement. Saturday we will begin with ice water treatment.
Session 5
Doctor: Nimbles
The patient Solari is unresponsive to any of the treatment, his aggression has died down but I sense that it is not from the treatment at all. The ice water treatment did not phase him at all. He seems to have withdrawn himself all together from the world. I beleive the only way for him to be successfully cured is for one personality to win the battle for his body. I have cancled all treatments.
Session 6
Doctor: Nimbles
I have begun a more close research into his history, I am not totally convinced that this is a Identity disorder somethings just not right. Patient has not left his room and seems to be a empty shell.
Session 7
Doctor: Nimbles
Below I have attached a copy of all my research of the history of cannibalism along with various pictures that turned up in my research. I have no recorded history of cannibalism on Crete, so I dug back as far as planet Sol.
Cannibalism (from Can?balis, the Spanish name for the Carib people, a West Indies tribe well known for their practice of cannibalism), also called anthropophagy, is the act or practice of humans eating the flesh of other human beings.
The term "cannibalism" is also used in zoology to mean the act of any species consuming members of its own type or kind. The expression "cannibalization" is in addition used metaphorically outside of biological fields to refer to the reuse of parts or ideas or to situations such as when a company's assets eat into its other assets.
Cannibalism has recently been both practiced and fiercely condemned in several wars, especially in Liberia and Congo. Today, the Korowai are one of very few tribes still believed to eat human flesh. It is also still known to be practiced as a ritual and in war in various Melanesian tribes.
Cannibalism was widespread in the past among humans throughout the world, continuing into the 19th century in some isolated South Pacific cultures. Fiji was once known as the 'Cannibal Isles'. Neanderthals are believed to have practiced cannibalism, and they may have been cannibalized by modern humans.
The reasons for cannibalism include the following:
As sanctioned by a cultural norm By necessity in extreme situations of famine Caused by insanity or social deviancy Note that cannibalism is not mentioned in the formal index of insanity, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, presumably due to its rarity. The medical literature on the topic is likewise sparse. This was discussed in a 2004 edition of the newspaper column The Straight Dope headed "Eat or be eaten: Is cannibalism a pathology as listed in the DSM-IV?." There are fundamentally two kinds of cannibalistic social behavior; endocannibalism (eating humans from the same community) and exocannibalism (eating humans from other communities).
A separate ethical distinction can be made to delineate between the practice of killing a human for food (homicidal cannibalism) versus eating the flesh of a person who was already dead (necro-cannibalism).
Note that, endocannibalism (eating humans from the same community) and exocannibalism (eating humans from other communities) are both expressed by the patient. I am not entirely sure about these places specified but I am trying to learn as much as I can about the ancient history of planet Sol, perhaps it can shed some light on the patient... some very much needed light. I am afraid to go down that hall after-hours.
Session 8 Date:
Doctor: Nimbles
I have been observing the patients records, all of his killings seems to be a practice of killing a human for food (homicidal cannibalism) versus eating the flesh of a person who was already dead (necro-cannibalism). This is clearly not some type of interest in human meat, but the murdering as well. He clearly like to- how should I put this- devour his victimes while they are still alive. The thought sickens me to even think of. Patient seems to show no recollection of these events what so ever.
On a side note I examined the patient today and maby I just marked it down wrong but, his eye color changed.
Session 9
Doctor: Nimbles
Patient was moved to a more secure room today after he managed to pull a nurses arm through the feeding door and bite it clean to the bone. He had been removed of his mouth guard from showing no more signs of aggression, a mistake I wont make again. He has been issued a straight jacket now, and a mouth guard. There was blood everywhere, I am not going to have to clean up another mess again.
Session 10
Doctor: Nimbles
Patient is again showing no signs of awareness, he has sat in the same spot for days now. I took the liberty into continueing my research into the origins of cannibalism. I attached the findings below along with my notes, but on a side not I tested the patient for the Kuru virus, and he seems to have immunity to the virus, I will continue my search.
Cannibalism has been occasionally practiced as a last resort by people suffering from famine. After food supplies were diminished, some colonists began to dig up corpses for food. During this time period, one man was persuaded to confess to having killed, salted, and eaten his pregnant wife before he was burned alive as punishment. A number of stories in Greek mythology involve cannibalism, in particular cannibalism of close family members, for example the stories of Thyestes, Tereus and especially Cronus, who was Saturn in the Roman pantheon. The story of Tantalus also parallels this.
A certain mythology describes evil demons called "asura" or "rakshasa" that dwell in the forests and practice extreme violence including devouring their own kind, and possess many evil supernatural powers. These are however the Hindu equivalent of "demons" and do not relate to actual tribes of forest-dwelling people.
Odd, the patient had painted a picture once before of a large beast in a forest. I wonder if this has any connection.
Session 11
Doctor: Nimbles
Patient has started screaming in what seems to be some form of language, none that I have ever heard of. From the sounds of it, it has to be ancient. I attached my last bit of research below, tomorrow I am going to try to find something to record him with and figure of what it is he is exactly saying.
While there is universal agreement that some Aztec people practiced human sacrifice, there is a lack of scholarly consensus as to whether cannibalism was widespread. It has been suggested that the flesh of the victims was a part of an aristocratic diet as a reward, since the Aztec diet was lacking in proteins. While most historians believe that there was ritual cannibalism related to human sacrifices, they do not support the thesis that human flesh was ever a significant portion of the Aztec diet.
Human sacrifice was the most striking feature of Aztec civilization. The Aztecs, if their own accounts are to be believed, brought this practice to an unprecedented level. For example, for the reconsecration of Great Pyramid of Tenochtitlan in 1487, the Aztecs reported that they sacrificed 84,400 prisoners over the course of four days, reportedly by Ahuitzotl, the Great Speaker himself.
This is remarkable.. how could so many people die in one day, all in a name of their god! They must of had a tremendous reason to fear them. What unsettles me is, that they had many gods. Could there of been a god or demon that they worshiped for cannibalism or blood?
Session 12 Date:
Doctor: Nimbles
I found this picture with all of his old belongings, I have attached it below. It shows that the patient had some form of connection with this culture, perhaps his village still practiced it.
Session 13 Date:
Doctor: Nimbles
Damnit! I have made so much progress in understanding the patient, and now when I am just about to unlock the secrets to his past the LSF show up and he is now planning on being transfered some off world site for the insane.
Session 14 Date:
Doctor: Nimbles
It seems we were wrong. Solari is not from Crete, in fact, I have no idea were he is from. His DNA tests came back strange, it appears he is not entirely human. He is obviously disfigured but we had no idea about his race.
The LSF have told us not to move him anywhere. He really is not that big of a threat as they make him out to be, after all he is still in his jacket and guard. I have sent nurse Ria down to move him out of the cell, even though I have been told not to.. his cell is still covered in blood from the last incident. We are switching him cells now. I think I can hear Ria down the hall right now.
[Audio log plays in the background]
Nurse Ria! is that you? what!?! what are you doing in here! Get ou-----
Audio Logs Incomplete, session Terminated...
LSF Document
Written Document by a unknown LSF agent on the mental status of Solari, one day before his breakout
We have the patient Solari awaiting transfer to a more secure off world sight. With his current mental condition he is deemed to dangerous to be held on a ground sight. His chances for escape are great and his violent nature makes him extremely dangerous. I have arranged for his departure to sight 46 tomorrow and he is under no circumstances to be let out or moved to another cell. I have attached a copy of both my examination of the the patient, and the leading psychologist. I have also sent for a copy of his criminal record, and hope to receive that around the time he is to be transfered.
Upon examination of the patient I have concluded that he is indeed suffering from a extreme case of Dissociative identity disorder. As to his increased strength I have no doubt that it is from his illegal use of Cardamine. What I dont understand is how he broke the addiction? He somehow no longer needs the drug, I know this because the nurses surely have not been giving him any. They looked at me with utter confusement when I asked were his inhaler was. We would certainly like to find out how he broke his addiction.
The patient seems to think that a demon has taken over his body. The mind is a very strong weapon, capable of self infliction as well as infliction on others. He is centered on the idea that a demon has possesed him, and his mind is making it real. As I walk through the asylum there seems to be many nurses that wont even walk past his cell. I was told that he bite a nurses arm clean to the bone. I believe this behavior is derived from his past childhood of cannibalism.
Doctor Nimbles, leading criminal psychologist
Patient name: Solari
Issues: Suffers from D.I.D., confined to the padded room, mouth guard to be worn at all times along with straight jacket.
Treatments: Ice water treatment, shock treatment, cranial all treatments cancled, patient shows no signs of awareness or recovery. Patient is to be left confined and in his room.
Criminal Record: Solari
Status: WANTED
37 counts of murder 57 counts of arson 78 counts of cannibalism
12 victimes were found without their skin, 3 were missing their arms and legs, and another two were missing all internal organs.
All victimes were found with bits of flesh missing.
Exact number of victimes are unknown
Criminal is extremely dangerous, approach with caution he has yet to be caught.
Solari's own take on the story
The Awakening
Solari sat, rocking back and forth in his sweat stained straight jacket. His rooms were padded to protect himself from harm. His head twitched as a Nurse peeked through the looking hole of the cell door. He let out a shrill cry; it was another day in the asylum. He had originally been diagnosed as having D.I.D. or Dissociative identity disorder, but it had seemed as if he had some new symptom every day. What the doctors didnt know was as he starred, rocked back and forth, a battle raged on in his head, a battle between an ordinary man, and something far more sinister. His body was nothing but a vessel, a shell, a world in which the final battle for his humanity would play out
A lone man walks through the forest, his shadow only visible by the light of the moon. Its a full moon tonight, he thought it always is... His only defense was a hand made spear. Now, some might have thought that this very act alone was an act of insanity, but this was different, he was hunting the only monster capable of setting him free. The man was known as Solari. Solari was not the only one hunting within the forest, the monster was looking to kill him as well. As Solari crept through the forest he was constantly haunted by victims that the monster slayed and that he had a front row view of when it feasted on their flesh. He couldnt help but to blame himself, as much as the monster. After all, it was His body. As he walked he saw their names were carved into every treethe monster was playing with him.
As Solari walked on his final path toward the confrontation with the monster, he thought how things ended up so badly. It wasnt Solaris fault; from the time he was born he was doomed. He grew up within an exiled colony that was well known for its mysticism. He had grown up constantly hearing people call him one of the chosen. He was deemed by the village shaman to be chosen for a ancient ritual. This terrified Solari, so much that when he reached age 18- the time when the ritual is carried out- he ran away and left the planet forever on a handed down ship.
With no were to fly, and little knowledge of the galaxy, he was eventually picked up by slavers and shipped to Planet Malta. Solari didnt mind it much, and eventually grew to love the planet, but what he didnt realize was that by the time he had set foot on Malta, breathed in its air, and changed his DNA, his nightmare was slowly coming back for him.
The Cardamine had changed his DNA structure, and it caused problems with his trait for immunity to the Kuru virus- The virus contracted from the eating of another mans flesh. He constantly was spending days, even months in a hospital. But it made it no better he needed to breathe the cardamine. There was only one thing that would save him, and it was the shaman back on his Planet Crete. He departed Malta and headed for his home village. The shaman was happy to see him again since he had raised him since he was a child. The shaman indeed told him that he had a chance, for he was the chosen one for the reincarnation of a blood god, a great and powerful spirit. Solari agreed upon fearing death, but no one knew what would happen to him, no one had ever had Cardamine in their DNA and under went the change. Solaris body was tormented, his identity constantly changing between that of the demon and him. He watched as the monster committed atrocities against mankind, unable to kill it, as it grew stronger with the help of the cardamine, until his body could no longer support two hosts. One would have to die.
The path was dark and there was a heavy mist as he crept ever closer to the monster, the trees were ornamented with limbs and body parts. Spear at the ready he went through the mist toward his final battle with the monster. There was a laugh from within as the outline of the giant monster appeared. His giant orange, blood crested eyes penetrated the mist like fog lights. The monster moved with supernatural speed and power, he quickly snatched up the spear and vanished, only to appear behind him and seize Solari by the throat. The monster had won; he was in full control now. Solari was to be forever the viewer of the monsters atrocities; the only witness to his cruelty.
The fact of the matter still remained. Was he really insane, and all of this was just manifested by his cruel childhood? Or did something actually get inside Solari's body that day he visited the old shaman? And did the man formly known as Solari even exsist anymore?
Solaris body ceased to shake, his head twitch, and the buckle on the back of his straight jacket was loose. The nurse was coming and it was feeding time