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Sir Dan Renolds Director of the Liberty Customs & Border Orgenization.

Faction Liberty Security Force.

Born 787 30 a.s Planet Manhattan. Parents, Jason Renolds, and Amy Renolds. Brother John Renolds. I attended Manhattan School Elementary - High school. Graduated 805 a.s. Went to Denver University Was there for Three Years And Graduated in 808 a.s. Worked for the Manhattan Police Force. then Move in to the Liberty Police Incorporated. Then Created the Liberty Customs and Border Organization. We were LPI for a few months then made the Change to LSF. We Are now a well known Agency in Liberty. I lost my brother in 816 a.s to the Nomads. He was infected and converted to them He Left his ship that he commanded LNS-Ohio Abandoned in Omicron Minor Space Its location is Unknown. The crew that was aboard it has been Placed As K.I.A Last transition from it was 00:00 SMT on July 11 816 a.s There has been no transmissions since.