Hallo Xiphos; I wanted to sent you this by Forum PM, but you disable that for you account so I am doing it this way.
Misterich 22:41 CET 04.06.2018
Best Greetings: Misterich
[show]PM to Xiphos
Subject: "Wiki: Commodities-Work-Request"
Good Evening Xiphos;
I have watched your work on the Commodities at the wiki the last days and I want to say that you are doing a nice job; thanks for that. For month I had the feeling I would be the only person that take care for the wiki but you are of the guys that proved me the opposide - thank you!
Now to my Request; Because it seems so, that you are very well with the Commodities and overwokring them all I would ask you to report all commodities with missing pictures here: Link I
I promise I will do that soon after.
Also I have seen you have updated the "Mining Machinery" page and here we have a problem. To earn money I normally fly the gold ore <-> alu ore route (foundable here: https://discoverygc.com/wiki/Mining_Guide#Trading_Routes) with a little modification. I trade Bier to Dortmund and take there Mining Machinery to Raubling. That is why I have seen that this mining machinery have a different icon that the on on the wiki (its the old Torpedo Icon from normal Freelancer), but later I killed a NCP transporter with Mining Machinery with the icon on the forum in the Taus. That let me think about it and I found out, that "Mining Machinery" are saperated like passengers so I would ask you, to something similar to the passengers on the wiki with the Mining Machinery. If needed or you just want me to (not everyone like it when I help them - I have learned that very soon when I started to work on the wiki years ago) I will creat you basic pages and the Disambiguation pages and will search and correct links on other pages like the Exports of stations/planets/nations.
Best Greetings: Misterich
Link I: This link cannot bet set in to the spoiler because of the '='.
- --Xiphos (talk) 07:43, 5 June 2018 (UTC) Noticed. I will send you a forum pm as soon as i am at home