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Location 6D, Omicron Alpha
Technical information
Docking No
Terrain Volcanic
Diameter 4,912 km
Mass 2.010 x 10e24 kg
Temperature -188°C to 513°C
Escape velocity 3.27 km/sec

A hot, rocky, and heavy moon in a semi-inclined orbit above Planet Malta, Vesuvius is the result of an approximately 30 million year old collision of two captured asteroids, that has been cooling off ever since. Said asteroids were likely destined to impact Malta, but said cataclysm was staved off when the two met, forming Malta's only natural satellite and "guardian angel" that has protected the world from collisions ever since.

Though portions of Vesuvius are still prominent volcanic features, there are a small number of shielded settlements in the form of research outposts on, and below the surface. An 816 census put the population of the moon at no more than 600, most of which are centered around the planet's lone spaceport near the equator.