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Latest revision as of 00:00, 23 January 2013

Ryder O'Reilly
Ryder ness.png
Origin Flag-bretonia.png Bretonia
Occupation Trader
Gender Male
Height 6' (180cm)
Weight 198lb (90kilo)
Eye color Brown
Affiliation Freelancer
Status Alive
Born 774 (A.S.) Planet New London


Ryder has a long dark brown beard that goes down to his chest.
He wears welding goggles around his neck.
Missing half of his left ring finger.
Wears fingerless gloves.
He's pretty muscular.
Wears working boots.


Ryder was born on Planet New London. Soon after his birth his mother Lydia, abandoned him and left him with his father Lawrence O'Reilly. Ryders father worked at a shipyard on Planet New London and lived in the workers quarters with other fellow workers that couldn't afford a home.

After eight years Ryder started to follow his fathers footsteps, he always went and watch his father work, so he learned a lot just by watching. Years later he was old enough to work with his father on the shipyard. The pay was low, but without any education this was the only job he could get.

Months later, he and his father earned enough money together that they could afford a small apartment in the city. Ryder continued to work at the shipyard, in spite the low pay he loved his job. At the age of 18 he got in a little accident at work.(he kind of welded half of his finger off).

When he was 26 ( 800 A.S) he bought his first ship the CSV (Combat Service Vehicle). He used it to do additional jobs on other space stations, but he never left the New London system. He got a lot of requests for joining the Nomad War as a fighter, but he thought he would be more helpful on land.

Five years later his father died. After his death Ryder got tired of his job, because he didn't work with his father anymore. Ryder left his job at the shipyard, left New London to find adventure and live the life he always wanted.

Present days

Now he works as a Freelancer and travels all around the Sirius looking for a better life.


BWT - Border Worlds Transport
CSV - Combat Service Vehicle