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(Created page with "{{Player Group}} {{Player Group|Zoners}} {{Faction Infobox | name = Sirius Research and Development | type = GROUP | affiliation = Zoners | image = ssrdlogo.png | imgsz = |...")
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{{Player Group}}
{{Player Group|Zoners}}
{{Player Group|Zoners}}
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| name = Sirius Research and Development
| name = Sirius Research and Development
| type = GROUP
| type = GROUP
| affiliation = Zoners
| affiliation = [[Zoners]]
| image = ssrdlogo.png
| image = Ssrdlogoepic.png
| imgsz =
| imgsz =
| origin = Bretonia
| origin = Bretonia
| alignment = QUASI-LEGAL
| alignment = QUASI-LEGAL
| founding_date = 807
| founding_date = 750
| dissolution_date =  
| dissolution_date =  
| leader = Benjamin Skarly
| leader = [[James Little]]
| founder = Benjamin Skarly
| founder = [[George Quest]]
| primary_role = Research and Development.
| primary_role = Research and Development.
| secondary_role = To take over the technology market.
| secondary_role = To take over the technology market.
| base = SRD's Mobile Research Station
| base = Unknown
| base2 =  
| base2 =  
| primaryID = Zoner
| primaryID = Zoner
| secondaryID = Freelancer Mercenary
| secondaryID = Freelancer
| IFF = Zoner
| IFF = [[Zoner]]
| tag = [SRD]
| tag = <nowiki>SRD|</nowiki>
| recruitment = http://discoverygc.com/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=38&t=119015&st=0#entry1687811
| recruitment = [[dgctopic:97354|Recruitment]]
| toc =  
| toc = yes
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Sirius research and development is a Sirius wide research company that is not tied to any of the houses. They operate anywhere they can find somewhere to land and rely on income from selling information to the houses. Sirius Research and Development has kept itself a secret until recently, when it decided that in order to continue research, it would have to operate more in house space. Sirius Research and Development has relied on recruiting members from Zoner bases, but recently members have grown short, indicating that SRD would need to come into house space to acquire members. Sirius Research and Development works by being split into three divisions. The Science division conducts the main research and development. The Fighting division focuses on ensuring the safety of the faction, and the Commerce division focuses on funding the entire faction. Without any of these three divisions, Sirius Research and Development would lose its meaning or not be able to work efficiently. Without Science, it would lose the ability to research and develop, without Fighting, it would lose its ever growing protection, and without Commerce, it would lose the ability to fund these projects.
Sirius research and development is a Sirius wide research company that is not tied to any of the houses. They operate anywhere that they can find something of any scientific interest and rely on income from their Commerce division. Sirius Research and Development operated in secret for some time, but it found that in order to continue research, it would have to operate more in house space in order to acquire more members. Sirius Research and Development is split into two divisions, Science and Commerce. The Science division conducts the main research and development whilst the Commerce division focuses on funding the entire faction and ensuring the safety of its members. The Commerce division was instated by [[George Quest]] in 765 [[A.S.]] to make the faction self sufficient, able to protect its own members whilst being able to fund its endeavours.
1st July, 807AS – Founded by Benjamin Skarly.
750 [[A.S.]] – Founded by [[George Quest]]. George already had a few people working with him, as scientists. George had the idea of inviting more scientists to join them, and research together. Soon they had numbers in the dozens, and so, Sirius Research and Development was born.
5th August, 807AS – First expedition launched into Omicrons, the team are attacked by nomads and only four of the ten ships make it back in one piece.
12th December, 807AS – Sirius Research and Development make their presence known to some high ranking Liberty Navy officers, by offering them some CLASSIFIED information.
760 [[A.S.]] - The aims of Sirius Research and Development weren’t clear to most of those outside it. All they knew was, new things were being rapidly introduced to the market, and that Sirius Research and Development were growing in power with the growth of the technology market.
As Sirius Research and Development grew in power and gained a stronger influence, it encountered obstacles, smaller companies trying to make a name for themselves, these companies posed a threat to the faction's influence on the market, and soon the faction started becoming more secretive and restricting who could, or couldn't, trade in their wares and knowledge.
16th February, 808AS – Another expedition is sent into the Omicrons, this time, all the ships arrive back, unharmed.
18th March, 808AS – SRD spreads to various small outposts around the Taus, Omegas and Omicrons.
765 [[A.S.]] - As the faction grew in influence, fifteen years from the founding by [[George Quest]], so did their need for safety and funding. George Quest introduced a new ranking system for the faction that would allow the faction to fund itself and be able to protect its members.
27th November, 808AS – An expedition through the Omicrons found an unknown jumphole, they proceeded through but did not return, no such jump hole has been located since.
19th January, 809AS – Rumours about the SRD’s existence are spread in Kusari, SRD has to hush the rumours up in their own ways.
772 [[A.S.]] - [[George Quest]], now aged 72 renounced his leadership, and his son, [[Henry Quest]] took over from him. This change was widely accepted as Henry was well known with most of the members. Henry's views were mostly those of his father, who kept a careful eye on him, and was his preferred adviser.
22nd February, 809AS – The rumours finally die down, and business returns to “normal” within SRD.
29th March, 809AS – SRD becomes quite friendly with Zoners and uses their bases as their main outposts.
782 [[A.S.]] - Sirius Research and Development held a celebration for Henry Quest's tenth year in power, the celebration took place on [[Freeport XV]].
1st October, 809AS – SRD begins research on a new TOP SECRET project, scheduled to be complete in 825AS.
810-816AS – Not much is seen at all of SRD as they are working hard on the new project.
794 [[A.S.]] - Aged 94, [[George Quest]] passed away in his sleep. [[Henry Quest]], who was very attached to his father, spent months in grief. His main advisers had
to run the faction whilst he grieved. It was about this time that [[Benjamin Skarly]] started being recognised as a potential leader.
15th October, 817AS – SRD’s biggest expedition convoy yet is launched, and heads out into the Omicrons. They are not seen for a year.
19th December, 817AS - Benjamin Skarly creates the Sirius Research and Development act of secrecy.
800 [[A.S.]] - Henry Quest's mother passed away, [[Henry Quest]] handed over his leadership to [[Benjamin Skarly]], who was accepted by the faction's members and began to bring his views to the table almost immediately.  
818AS – Only half the convoy returns, but they got what they needed. Activity returns to normal within SRD, albeit low on numbers.
819AS – Present day. SRD is running low on members and so has started mingling with the houses more, to recruit enough people to run efficiently once again.
815 [[A.S.]] - The faction was radically changed, [[Benjamin Skarly]]'s views were no longer popular with large quantities of the members. Skarly had militarised many of the faction's views, unfortunately for those who disagreed with him, most of the members went along with his ideals out of fear or loyalty.
818 [[A.S.]] - Due to a miscalculation in the size of a reactor component, there was a catastrophic explosion on the Sirius Research and Development's Mobile Research Station, this explosion resulted in the death of almost all of the people on board, including most of the head scientists and leading members of the faction, including [[Benjamin Skarly]], the Mobile Research Station was also destroyed completely. With the death of [[Benjamin Skarly]], the leader at the time, the faction was thrown into turmoil, most of those who survived left the faction to return to family, or just out of the fear that was brought about by such a large scale killing of the faction's members. The few remaining members were without a leader, and attempted to band together until someone would emerge.
About halfway through 818AS an unlikely figure emerged above the rest. A man named [[James Little]], a member of a barely known family in Sirius, managed to band together the few remaining members and set about restoring the faction to its original state.
819 [[A.S.]] Part 1 - At the beginning of 819 A.S., Sirius Research and Development was beginning to show signs of recovering, it has only just been restored enough to reveal itself again. The faction is mostly the same as when [[Benjamin Skarly]] was is power, although [[James Little]] did have some fairly different views to the previous leaders, and has reformed parts of the faction. Present Day First sightings of Sirius Research and Development members in almost a year have only just begun, the faction is back, and will gain power once more.
819 [[A.S.]] Part 2 - [[James Little]] signed a contract with the Commonwealth, lead by [[Robert d'Autoine]] that would supposedly allow both factions to prosper and grow together. Being a new bond, it is uncertain how well this relationship will work.
==Base of Operations==
==Base of Operations==
It is uncertain whether or not Sirius Research and Development actually has a base of operations as of the present, gatherings of their members have been observed in various bases, but there has not appeared to be a new Head Quarters since the destruction of their Mobile Research Station.
Sirius Research and Development currently own no known stationary bases. They mainly use freeports or just about anywhere they can land. They then buy some rooms in a station and set up labs. Sirius Research and Development currently own one Zoner Juggernaut which they use as their Head Quarters and as a heavily armoured mobile research station. The said ship is listed in the database as [SRD]MBRS.
Sirius Research and Development attempts to keep neutrality with as many factions as possible. This neutrality is important because it allows them to move freely through Sirius, and means that they do not have to spend precious resources on war. The faction often takes a very hostile view to anyone who attempts to disrupt their missions, although they can also be quite forgiving.  
Sirius Research and Development retains its ability to research throughout Sirius with its neutrality to most factions. The four overseers act as ambassadors for any meetings of great importance.
{{Faction Diplomacy/begin}}
{{Faction Diplomacy/begin}}
{{FD |Zoners|0.9}}
{{FD |[[The Commonwealth]]|0.9}}
{{FD |General [[Zoners]]|0.7}}
{{FD |Everyone else|0}}
{{FD |Everyone else|0}}
{{FD |Nomads|-0.9}}
{{FD |Threats to the faction|-0.9}}
{{FD |Wilde|-0.9}}
{{FD |Anyone that gets in their way|-0.9}}
{{Faction Diplomacy/end}}
{{Faction Diplomacy/end}}
The very first rank is rookie.
Once a rookie gets promoted, he/she may choose to go into one of the three divisions of ranks //this should be based upon, A. The type of roleplay you like. B. Your characters background and what they are best at. The three divisions are: Science; the Science division focuses on research and development, Fighting; the Fighting division focuses on protecting all members of Sirius and Development and enforces the Act of Secrecy, Commerce; the Commerce division deals with trade, and selling information and technology and sometimes developing technology out of the Science division.
There is a basic rank within each of the divisions. Scientist for Science, Mercenary for Fighting and Merchant for Commerce. These three ranks are allowed fewer ships than the ranks above them and these ranks are in place so that the members may prove themselves and have time to think about which focus they want to move to.
Each of the three divisions are split into three main focuses.
The Science division is split into: Biology; the Biology section focus on researching about life within Sirius and spend a lot of time investigating planets. Chemistry; the Chemistry section focus on researching and developing medicines and chemicals. Physics; the Physics section focus on researching about the atomic structure of things within Sirius and can often be found near space anomalies.
The Fighting division is split into: Escorting; the Escorting section focus on escorting the traders and scientists within Sirius Research and Development and preventing them from being harmed. Hunting; the Hunting section focus on seeking out those who have betrayed or caused harm to Sirius Research and Development, they often act in secrecy and are rarely seen in public, they are the main enforcers of the more serious violations of the Act of Secrecy. Patrolling; the Patrolling section focus on patrolling Sirius and making sure there is nothing preventing Sirius Research and Development from carrying out their goals, they also deal with enforcing the less serious violations of the Act of Secrecy.
The Commerce division is split into: Trading; the Trading section focus on financing Sirius Research and Development by trading goods throughout Sirius. Information; the Information section focus on gathering information and selling it on to other factions in exchange for Sirius Credits, they too often act in secret as the information they gather is not always legal, or wanted sold by the faction it belongs to. Technology; the Technology section focus on trading technology, often in the form of weapons, between faction in order to make a profit, they also often invent technology using research from the Science division and are the head section of the invention of weaponry.
At the top of each of the divisions is an Overseer. They make sure their division is running smoothly and often end up doing the paperwork.
Above these ranks, at the top of the faction is the Sirius Research and Development Overseer (Head Overseer). He/she acts as the faction leader and makes the most important decisions.
==Act of Secrecy==
==Act of Secrecy==
This act is in place to ensure that Sirius Research and Development can act with the utmost secrecy. Preventing secrets from being found out by those who should not know them. Those found to be leaking information will be dealt with in any manner deemed fit.
Act 1: Field Secrecy
1.1: Sirius Research and Development reserves a 5km sphere around their ships when working in debris/mining fields. Any ship that enters this sphere without permission will be asked to leave, and may be engaged if they do not leave within 1minute (60 seconds). Not leaving the area a maximum of 1minute (60 seconds) after being asked to leave in an offence. (Mj)
1.2: Sirius Research and Development reserve the right not to answer questions about what they are doing within a debris/mining field to anyone outside the faction. They may give very vague answers if the research is not too secret. Such as “Gathering samples” or “Analysing the area”. Forcing them to talk is an offence. (E)
1.3: Sirius Research and Development withhold the right to dock on any bases within debris/mining fields, lawful or unlawful. Preventing them from doing so is an offence. (M)
Act 2: Secrecy of technology
2.1: Sirius Research and Development withhold the right to not give out any information about what they are working on. Forcing them to talk is an offence. (E)
2.2: Any technology sold to a certain faction may not be distributed to other factions by that faction. In doing so, both factions risk hostility to Sirius Research and Development, and a ban from any future technology. (FE)
2.3: In purchasing any technology from Sirius Research and Development, you sign yourself into a contract, meaning you may not pirate or otherwise harm any members of Sirius Research and Development. Breaking these rules is an offence. (FE)
Act 3: Secrecy of trade
3.1: Scanning the cargo hold of any Sirius Research and Development vessel is an offence. The vessel scanned may choose a punishment, depending on the Secrecy of their cargo. Scanning the cargo is an offence. (M)
3.2: Sirius Research and Development trade vessels withhold the right to trade throughout Sirius. Preventing them from doing so is an offence. (Mj)
3.3: Demanding credits or cargo from a Sirius Research and Development trade vessel (aka pirating) is an offence punishable by the destruction of the offenders ship. Pirating Sirius Research and Development vessels is an offence. (Mj)
Act 4: Freedom of movement and protection
4.1: Sirius Research and Development vessels withhold the right to travel throughout the entirety of Sirius. Preventing them from doing so is an offence. (Mj)
4.2: Firing upon any Sirius Research Development vessel in a no-fire-zone is an extreme offence. (E)
4.3: Sirius Research and Development vessels withhold the right to dock on any station or planet they deem inhabitable. Preventing them from doing so is an offence. (Mj)
Act 5: Protection against treason
5.1: The selling of information or technology to anyone outside Sirius Research and Development by a member of Sirius Research and Development without permission from a Learned one or above is an act of treason. (T)
5.2: Any member of Sirius Research and Development who provides someone outside the faction with a means of accessing any of the databases, is committing an act of treason. (T)
5.3: Any member of Sirius Research and Development who purposely causes harm or death to any other member, except in certain cases, is committing an act of treason. (T)
The breaking of any of these acts can result in one of the following punishments, it also removes any rights you may previously have had.
Minor (M):
You will receive a caution. Repeating the offence can result in a fine of up to 2,000,000 Sirius Credits.
Major (Mj):
A fine of up to 4,000,000 Sirius Credits.
Engagement of the Offender’s vessel.
Bounty posted on the offender’s head.
Extreme (E):
Bounty posted on the offender’s head.
A fine of up to 7,500,000 Sirius Credits.
Faction Extreme (FE):
Hostility between Sirius Research and Development and the offending faction.
Bounties posted on members of the offending faction.
Ban from that faction purchasing technology from Sirius research and Development for a set amount of time.
Treason (T):
Removal of Sirius Research and Development Status.
A fine of up to 15,000,000 Sirius Credits.
Bounties posted on the offender.
This act here by takes effect from 817AS-830AS. After which it must be renewed.
==Current Members==
==Current Members==
Benjamin Skarly - Head Overseer.
[[James Little]] - Head Overseer
Hans Von Goeben - Science Overseer.
James T Hunt - Scientist.
Nate Kicho - Scientist.
Hubert Farnsworth - Rookie.
For more detail on members, ranks and permissions, see the ranking page.
For more detail on members, ranks and permissions, see the Google docs files.
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|category = Player Groups
|category = Player Groups
|faction = Sirius Research and Development
|faction = Sirius Research and Development
|affiliation = Zoner
|affiliation = Zoners
|image = [[image:ssrdlogo.png|center|link=Sirius Research and Development]]
|image = [[image:Sssrdlogoepic.png|center|link=Sirius Research and Development]]
|border = #888A85
|border = #888A85
|bgcolor = 0
|bgcolor = 0
Line 243: Line 127:
|header = Sirius Research and Development
|header = Sirius Research and Development
|label = Members
|label = Members
|pages = [[Sirius Research and Development|Main page]]
|pages = [[Sirius Research and Development|Main page]] - [[Sirius Research and Development Ranking|Ranking and permissions]]
|forum = [http://discoverygc.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=118952 Faction Information][http://discoverygc.com/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=38&t=119015&st=0#entry1687811 Faction Recruitment][http://discoverygc.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=119176 Message dump]
|forum = [[dgctopic:97352|Faction Information]] [[dgctopic:97354|Faction Recruitment]] [[dgctopic:97539|Message dump]]
|mypages = [[User:Benjamin Skarly|Benjamin Skarly]] - [[Hans Von Goeben|Hans Von Goeben]] - [[User:Nate Kicho|Nate Kicho]] - [[Hubert Farnsworth|Hubert Farnsworth]]
|mypages = [[James Little]]

Latest revision as of 11:40, 6 May 2013

This is an unofficial player group. For the affiliated NPC faction, see Zoners.

Sirius Research and Development
Origin Flag-bretonia.png Kingdom of Bretonia
Affiliation Zoners
Alignment Quasi-legal
Recruitment Recruitment
Date of founding 750 A.S.
Founder(s) George Quest
Current leader(s) James Little
Base of operations Unknown
Primary ID Zoner ID
Secondary ID Freelancer ID
IFF Zoner
Tag(s) SRD|
Primary role
Research and Development.
Secondary role
To take over the technology market.
Table of contents


Sirius research and development is a Sirius wide research company that is not tied to any of the houses. They operate anywhere that they can find something of any scientific interest and rely on income from their Commerce division. Sirius Research and Development operated in secret for some time, but it found that in order to continue research, it would have to operate more in house space in order to acquire more members. Sirius Research and Development is split into two divisions, Science and Commerce. The Science division conducts the main research and development whilst the Commerce division focuses on funding the entire faction and ensuring the safety of its members. The Commerce division was instated by George Quest in 765 A.S. to make the faction self sufficient, able to protect its own members whilst being able to fund its endeavours.


750 A.S. – Founded by George Quest. George already had a few people working with him, as scientists. George had the idea of inviting more scientists to join them, and research together. Soon they had numbers in the dozens, and so, Sirius Research and Development was born.

760 A.S. - The aims of Sirius Research and Development weren’t clear to most of those outside it. All they knew was, new things were being rapidly introduced to the market, and that Sirius Research and Development were growing in power with the growth of the technology market. As Sirius Research and Development grew in power and gained a stronger influence, it encountered obstacles, smaller companies trying to make a name for themselves, these companies posed a threat to the faction's influence on the market, and soon the faction started becoming more secretive and restricting who could, or couldn't, trade in their wares and knowledge.

765 A.S. - As the faction grew in influence, fifteen years from the founding by George Quest, so did their need for safety and funding. George Quest introduced a new ranking system for the faction that would allow the faction to fund itself and be able to protect its members.

772 A.S. - George Quest, now aged 72 renounced his leadership, and his son, Henry Quest took over from him. This change was widely accepted as Henry was well known with most of the members. Henry's views were mostly those of his father, who kept a careful eye on him, and was his preferred adviser.

782 A.S. - Sirius Research and Development held a celebration for Henry Quest's tenth year in power, the celebration took place on Freeport XV.

794 A.S. - Aged 94, George Quest passed away in his sleep. Henry Quest, who was very attached to his father, spent months in grief. His main advisers had to run the faction whilst he grieved. It was about this time that Benjamin Skarly started being recognised as a potential leader.

800 A.S. - Henry Quest's mother passed away, Henry Quest handed over his leadership to Benjamin Skarly, who was accepted by the faction's members and began to bring his views to the table almost immediately.

815 A.S. - The faction was radically changed, Benjamin Skarly's views were no longer popular with large quantities of the members. Skarly had militarised many of the faction's views, unfortunately for those who disagreed with him, most of the members went along with his ideals out of fear or loyalty.

818 A.S. - Due to a miscalculation in the size of a reactor component, there was a catastrophic explosion on the Sirius Research and Development's Mobile Research Station, this explosion resulted in the death of almost all of the people on board, including most of the head scientists and leading members of the faction, including Benjamin Skarly, the Mobile Research Station was also destroyed completely. With the death of Benjamin Skarly, the leader at the time, the faction was thrown into turmoil, most of those who survived left the faction to return to family, or just out of the fear that was brought about by such a large scale killing of the faction's members. The few remaining members were without a leader, and attempted to band together until someone would emerge. About halfway through 818AS an unlikely figure emerged above the rest. A man named James Little, a member of a barely known family in Sirius, managed to band together the few remaining members and set about restoring the faction to its original state.

819 A.S. Part 1 - At the beginning of 819 A.S., Sirius Research and Development was beginning to show signs of recovering, it has only just been restored enough to reveal itself again. The faction is mostly the same as when Benjamin Skarly was is power, although James Little did have some fairly different views to the previous leaders, and has reformed parts of the faction. Present Day First sightings of Sirius Research and Development members in almost a year have only just begun, the faction is back, and will gain power once more.

819 A.S. Part 2 - James Little signed a contract with the Commonwealth, lead by Robert d'Autoine that would supposedly allow both factions to prosper and grow together. Being a new bond, it is uncertain how well this relationship will work.

Base of Operations

It is uncertain whether or not Sirius Research and Development actually has a base of operations as of the present, gatherings of their members have been observed in various bases, but there has not appeared to be a new Head Quarters since the destruction of their Mobile Research Station.


Sirius Research and Development attempts to keep neutrality with as many factions as possible. This neutrality is important because it allows them to move freely through Sirius, and means that they do not have to spend precious resources on war. The faction often takes a very hostile view to anyone who attempts to disrupt their missions, although they can also be quite forgiving.

Faction Relationship
The Commonwealth
General Zoners
Everyone else
Threats to the faction
At War



Act of Secrecy


Current Members

James Little - Head Overseer

For more detail on members, ranks and permissions, see the Google docs files.

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Sirius Research and Development
Wiki Main page - Ranking and permissions
Forum Faction Information Faction Recruitment Message dump
Members James Little