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[[Image:ID.jpg|right|thumb|200px|A mounted Corsair ID.]]
'''Faction IDs''' are used to identify pilot's faction association. On the Discovery RP 24/7 server every ship is required to mount and carry one ID at all times.
All players start with a Civilian ID, which is a basic ID sold on every station, planet and base. Specialised, i.e. Faction IDs or general IDs (like Trader ID), are sold in some or at least in one of the bases belonging to the faction. A Faction ID is Discovery's primary means determining to which faction a player belongs. A Terrorist ID can only be granted by admins.
So... the template needs
*<nowiki>|server =</nowiki>
The banner will be automatically placed based on the server field.  
*Need banners for each server. Mark on To Do
*<nowiki>[[Category:<server> Player Factions]]</nowiki>
This will be set by server field too.
[3:20:35 p.m.] Nathaniel (Hyung Soong) says: maybe even
[3:21:10 p.m.] Nathaniel (Hyung Soong) says: if yes then put that official at top, if not then put player group at top.  
[[Tag]] (i.e. reputation) that is shown in targeting brackets can show conflicting faction name with the ID. All players are responsible to get an ID matching their role play or desired faction and then adjust their reputation, and thus tag, to correspond the ID they have mounted.
=NO - Discovery UK=
{{Player Group|Outcasts}}
{{Faction Infobox
| name = NO Outcast Splinter Cell
| image = No-group.jpg
| origin = {{House Link | Outcast}}
| alignment = OUTCASTS
| founding_date = 800
| dissolution_date =
| leader = Miguel Perez <br>(Dual Katanas)
| founder = Pedro Portillo
| primary_role = Defend Malta from Corsairs
| secondary_role = Cardamine Research
| base = [[Planet Malta]], [[Omicron Alpha]]
The No. Outcast splinter faction was founded in 800 AS, and it has had an illustrious past. It was the brainchild of Pedro Portillo, a gifted scientist involved in cardamine research. He was annoyed at the restrictions on research caused by the corruption in the Council of Dons, which divided efforts and prevented effective research. Portillo collected a group of like-minded scientists and the No. was formed.
ID also serves as a tractor beam, so without it player cannot tractor in loot. Special care needs to be taken when purchasing new ships that you don't lose the ID. The correct way is to unmount the ID, buy the ship, mount the ID. IDs are closely related to many of the [[Discovery RP Rules|server rules]], so understanding the concept is crucial.
The original name of the No. was actually the Independent Cardamine Research Division (ICRD), which, under Portillo, began making significant progress in the field of modifying cardamine. However, the scientists found that in order to collect source material and vital resources, they had to venture out of the safety of Galicia Research Station. The ICRD found Omicron-81 very safe, as no enemy could penetrate multiple Outcast systems to get there. However, when venturing into neighbouring Omicron-80’s far reaches to conduct research, they found a few bounty hunters patrolling, looking to snap up random patrols. Portillo’s Sabre, named No.Rest, and the defensive Maltese Navy contingent was barely enough to repulse the attack, and Portillo returned to Galicia needing more power in order to further his research.
*[ 4.85 "Normal" ID's]
Portillo approached a well-known Outcast on Seguro Refugio, Guerra Diaz, and asked him for help. Guerra was more willing than Portillo had expected, and offered to join the No. as his second in command. Portillo, seeing that Guerra was an able scientist as well as a fearsome warrior, agreed. Guerra immediately set to work organising Navy aid and recommended various Outcasts to Portillo for recruitment. He renamed his Sabre No.Regret.
*[ 4.85 "Guard" ID's]
==Available IDs==
One such Outcast was the unlikely choice of Rodrigo Valdez. Valdez, having just spent five years in a Maltese jail for cowardice, hated the thought of cardamine, going as far as denouncing his parents for their cardamine plantation. However, Valdez did happen to be one of the best defensive destroyer commanders in the Maltese Navy, a fact proven time and time again by his successful defences of Omicron Alpha by marauding bounty hunters. Portillo approached him and, using his powers of persuasion, managed to convince Valdez that he could loosen the genetic shackles that tied the Outcast nation. Valdez agreed, and Portillo pulled strings and got him and his command into the No., whereupon Valdez renamed his destroyer to the No.Remembrance.
{| class="wikitable sortable"
Portillo, on Guerra’s advice, approached one of the leading gunboat tacticians in the Maltese Navy, Miguel Perez. Guerra deemed him invaluable for offensive operations and anti fighter/anti bomber defence. He also respected Miguel as an effective fleet commander, despite having limited experience on capital ships. Miguel, who was at times frustrated with the strict discipline of the Navy, agreed immediately. He and his crew resigned their commissions, and, since Miguel’s old Tridente gunship was being decommissioned, he received a brand new, more modern one. He named it the No.Rebirth and started service immediately.
!ID Name
!something else
| [[Administrator ID]]
| Everywhere
| Divine/Unholy
| Given by Admins
| [[Ageira Technologies ID]]
| [[Liberty]]
| Lawful
| For the Ageira factions
The No. grew, conducting numerous research experiments. As the ships names became more widely known, the group started to become more widely known, and eventually the ICRD title was dropped in favour of the simple No.. The small fleet grew in size, and though it was small, it was high quality due to vigorous training beforehand. Also, the modified cardamine that was produced with aid of No. fertilisers unquestionably helped the No. warriors in space. Money was always a problem, with the No. being a fairly low priority on the Council of Dons allocation of funds.
====Administrator ID====
The No. continued to grow slowly from 800 AS onwards. Several minor breakthroughs were accomplished by No. scientists, which were responsible for a slight increase in longevity for the Outcasts population. Apart from a few occasional raids, the fleet was mostly confined to defending research operations. However, the fleet sometimes seized an opportunity to obtain other resources or research that could help the No. in any way. This was demonstrated in the Atka Raid in 807 AS, where a task force of No. warriors, led by Miguel, captured a large part of Cryer cardamine research on Atka Research station, and also destroyed a large part of the station itself. The captured research aided a major fertilizer breakthrough by No. scientists, and it also won the No. public acclaim, firmly cementing their reputation as excellent warriors as well as researchers.
Administrator ID owner is administrator of your server. Treat people who maintain the server and organize gameplay with due respect.
Please report cheating if this item was seen equipped on players who are not part of administrating team.
In the years following the Atka Raid, the No. fleet slowly moved away from protecting research operations. The No. scientists had a lot of material, so they needed to make fewer trips. Also, the Maltese Navy had greatly increased its patrols, making remote systems safer, meaning there were less requirements for No. protection. The No. ranged further afield, some going as far as Liberty, their combat prowess making them feared pirates. Their harsh life and intense training in the Edge Worlds meant that the House Navies were inferior in skill, and the No. started to become feared among traders and some parts of House navies, though not as well known as other pirate groups.
Only given via Admin
The No. also gained recognition on the Outcast battlefronts. Once the Omicron Eta system was discovered and turned into a warzone, No. ships were often seen in the system, raiding corsair supply lines, attacking the corsair bases and helping defend Outcast bases. Some No. even went as far as raiding Gamma, though these raids were small, rare, and highly dangerous, though normally well-executed.
====Ageira Technologies ID====
This battlefield recognition, along with several important advances in cardamine research, brought about the attentions of one of the most powerful factions in the Maltese Empire. The Catholic Church of Malta, always suspicious of research with cardamine, forced Cardinal Raphael Fernandez into the No. ranks in 814 AS. The zealous Fernandez, who had played a part in the Hispanic Inquisitions, reported his observations directly to the Papacy, eager to uncover some anti-Catholic plot within the ranks of the No.. Fernandez’s ship, the Sarissa class battleship No.Recusance, was the most powerful ship in the No. fleet, although it was nearly a hundred years old and was growing increasingly obsolete. However, it loaned him enough authority to be able to keep an eye on No. operations in and around Outcast space. The other No. were resentful of this, but any stand would risk sparking a war which the No. would not survive.
Pilot carrying this ID is employed by the Ageira Technologies. Trader ID grants its owner right to trade, escort traders, hunt pirates and terrorists. Trader ID owner cannot participate in any unlawful actions or military operations, cannot fulfil bounty contracts.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports
Despite the tensions, the No. continued to be successful, and their fertilizer was considered the best on Malta. It was used extensively by Miguel on his own plantation, and the result was that Perez Plantation cardamine was the best available on the planet. In early 816 AS, Miguel and Valdez were involved in what became known as the Cape Wrath Incident, where the population of near-feral Outcasts on that base were killed and the base brought back under the command of Malta. However, slightly later in 816 AS, news arrived that shocked the No.
====ALG Waste Disposal ID====
Pedro Portillo died at the age of 98, of cancer caused by radiation exposure during experiments. His health had deteriorated for the last year, and was not entirely unexpected. The No. command was changed smoothly to Portillo’s second in command, Guerra Diaz. Guerra, while remaining interested in science, was a lot more warlike than Portillo. He ordered the Rearmament, a huge upgrading of the No. fleet, including overhauls to all ships (excluding the No.Recusance), bringing them all up to date, and at the same time, expanded the fleet. Cardamine research continued on Galicia, but without any of the No. leadership involved. Guerra appointed Miguel as his second in command.
Pilot carrying this ID is employed by the ALG Waste Disposal. Trader ID grants its owner right to trade, escort traders, hunt pirates and terrorists. Trader ID owner cannot participate in any unlawful actions or military operations, cannot fulfil bounty contracts.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports
A main problem with the Rearmament was the lack of funds available to the No., as it had little monetary support from the Council of Dons, and had to rely on sympathetic Don’s donations. This money problem was solved, when, two months after Portillo’s death, a rich Don, Enrico Villa, joined the No.. As well as giving the No. a representative on the Council of Dons, this gave Guerra the money he needed. The No.Reconciliation, a mighty Ransuer class dreadnought, was commissioned, and the remaining fleet further expanded.
====Asgard Warriors ID====
Tensions rose alarmingly between the No. and Fernandez as a result of the Rearmament, until, one day, fate altered matters. Fernandez, whilst covering a remote experiment in out Omicron-81, overheard details of the corruption that ran through the church, to the highest levels. He felt that he could serve God better by joining the No., and stepped down as Cardinal immediately. Both Portillo and Guerra were surprised and delighted by this sudden turn of events, and the No.Recusance was sent to Valetta, where an extensive overhaul brought it up to date, and it was a match for modern ships once more.
Pilot carrying this ID is a member of Asgard Warriors (AW). AW ID grants its owner right to trade, escort traders, hunt pirates and terrorists, fulfil bounty contracts, participate in military operations on lawful side, engage lawful ships as long as RP status allows to do so. AW ID owner cannot pirate or commit acts of terrorism.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships
The No. now had significant power. The fleet contained a Sarissa and a Ransuer, with two Storta destroyers, backed up by a handful of Tridentes, a bomber wing and a fighter wing. This was reflected in numerous successful battles with the bounty hunters Guild, which led to decreased Guild presence near Outcast space. With Enrico’s financial support, the No. were now a well-disciplined, well-trained, and elite force to be reckoned with.
Using player faction IDs is not allowed for players who are not members of appropriate faction and for players who were expelled from the faction.
Early in 817 AS, Guerra Diaz, for undisclosed reasons, resigned from the No., leaving Miguel Perez in charge. Miguel appointed Valdez and Fernandez to be joint seconds in command. Being Commander didn’t chain Miguel in any way, and he was still seen in places as far as Dublin and New York, fighting and pirating. The No. continues to grow to this day.
Only given via Admin
Whilst they are pirates and warriors, it is important to note that the No. is honourable. Various traders have spoken of being treated fairly by No., pirates after paying the agreed sum, not the stereotypical, disrespectful, arrogant, and intimidating pirates they’d expected. Any lawful with a preconception of pirates is soon disabused by the No., who find it easier to get credits out of fat traders with persuasion and subtle intimidation rather than rabid, terror-inducing tactics used by most pirate groups.
====Blood Dragon ID====
With the high level of training provided for them, and with their high levels of discipline, No. warriors can always be relied apon in battle, even when the odds are against them. However, the No. is not the rigid hierarchy of the Maltese Navy. There are only two ranks; Commander and Second in Command. All other No. must obey orders set by their superiors, but there is little military discipline. Miguel himself is especially hard on anyone calling him ‘sir’. He has a problem with restrictive authority, so everyone in the No. is on first-name terms with each other. However, if an order is not obeyed, and if any No warrior displays cowardice, Miguel has little tolerance for them and punishments can be severe. However, as restrictive authority is nonexistent, there is a cordial atmosphere within the ranks of the No.
Pilot carrying this ID has joined the Blood Dragons. Pirate ID grants its owner right to scan other ships and demand cargo (not allowed for cruisers and battleships), engage bounty hunters and lawfuls, fulfil bounty contracts, participate in military operations on unlawful side, and trade. Pirate ID owner cannot ally with lawful forces.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers (limited), Battleships (limited)
Today, the No. exist as they always have done, recruiting, pirating, protecting and attacking. They have a firmly cemented reputation as excellent cardamine researchers, and their fleet as one of the highest quality in the Maltese Empire.
====Border World Exports ID====
Pilot carrying this ID is employed by the Border World Exports. Trader ID grants its owner right to trade, escort traders, hunt pirates and terrorists. Trader ID owner cannot participate in any unlawful actions or military operations, cannot fulfil bounty contracts.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports
====Bounty Hunter ID====
Pilot carrying this ID has joined the Bounty Hunters Guild. Bounty Hunter ID grants its owner right to fulfil bounty contracts, escort traders, hunt pirates and terrorists, participate in military operations on lawful side. Bounty Hunter ID owner cannot participate in any unlawful actions and trade on regular basis.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships
====Bretonia Armed Forces ID====
Pilot carrying this ID has joined the Bretonia Armed Forces. Navy ID grants its owner right to participate in military operations on lawful side, hunt pirates and terrorists, scan traders for contraband, and trade. Navy ID owner cannot participate in any unlawful actions and fulfil bounty contracts.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships
====Bretonia Mining and Metals ID====
Pilot carrying this ID is employed by the Bretonia Mining and Metals. Trader ID grants its owner right to trade, escort traders, hunt pirates and terrorists. Trader ID owner cannot participate in any unlawful actions or military operations, cannot fulfil bounty contracts.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports
====Bretonia Police ID====
Pilot carrying this ID has joined the Bretonia Police. Police ID grants its owner right to participate in military operations on lawful side, hunt pirates and terrorists, scan traders for contraband, escort traders, and trade. Police ID owner cannot participate in any unlawful actions and fulfil bounty contracts.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships
====Bundschuh ID====
Pilot carrying this ID has joined the Bundschuh. Pirate ID grants its owner right to scan other ships and demand cargo (not allowed for cruisers and battleships), engage bounty hunters and lawfuls, fulfil bounty contracts, participate in military operations on unlawful side, and trade. Pirate ID owner cannot ally with lawful forces.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers (limited), Battleships (limited)
====Civilian ID====
Civilian ID is handed to every beginning freelancer. On role-playing servers, the ID item serves as your RP identity; in addition to that, the ID works as a cargo beam of your ship. Don't lose or unmount this item, and transfer it each time you buy a new ship, otherwise you will be unable to tractor goods in space.
According to Discovery RP 24/7 server rules, the Civilian ID is valid until player reaches level 40. After reaching level 40, player should choose a faction to join and confirm the choice by buying a faction ID. Cost of IDs ranges from 40 thousand to 1 million credits, they can be found on primary bases or planets of all Sirius factions. ID will be sold only if the freelancer is on friendly terms with appropriate faction. Several types of IDs exist: freelancer, military, mercenary, trader, pirate, terrorist, and neutral; different IDs have different ship restrictions listed in the end of their descriptions. Never forget to transfer your ID each time you buy a new ship.
On Discovery PvP 24/7 server, changing IDs is optional. Players might use the Civilian ID or any other ID regardless of level.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters
Note that different Discovery servers might have different rules regarding ID usage. Refer to the rules of your server in order to know how different ID types should be used.
====Coalition ID====
Pilot carrying this ID is a member of The Coalition. Coalition ID grants its owner right to attack military, police, and pirate targets throughout Sirius, and fulful bounty contracts. Coalition ID owners are not allowed to trade, engage traders and civilians, demand cargo, and ally with any Sirius factions.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships
====Corsair ID====
Pilot carrying this ID has joined the Corsairs. Pirate ID grants its owner right to scan other ships and demand cargo (not allowed for cruisers and battleships), engage bounty hunters and lawfuls, fulfil bounty contracts, participate in military operations on unlawful side, and trade. Pirate ID owner cannot ally with lawful forces.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers (limited), Battleships (limited)
====Criminal ID====
Pilots who violate laws and customs of Sirius get a Criminal ID. Criminal ID allows its owner to participate in all kinds of lawful activities, trade and fulfil bounty contracts. Owner of Criminal ID cannot take part in military operations or unlawful actions. When offender will improve, this ID might be removed. Removing Criminal ID is allowed only with permission of higher authority. Cargo beam disabled.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats
====Cryer Pharmaceuticals ID====
Pilot carrying this ID is employed by the Cryer Pharmaceuticals. Trader ID grants its owner right to trade, escort traders, hunt pirates and terrorists. Trader ID owner cannot participate in any unlawful actions or military operations, cannot fulfil bounty contracts.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports
====Daumann Heavy Construction ID====
Pilot carrying this ID is employed by the Daumann Heavy Construction. Trader ID grants its owner right to trade, escort traders, hunt pirates and terrorists. Trader ID owner cannot participate in any unlawful actions or military operations, cannot fulfil bounty contracts.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports
====Deep Space Engineering ID====
Pilot carrying this ID is employed by the Deep Space Engineering. Trader ID grants its owner right to trade, escort traders, hunt pirates and terrorists. Trader ID owner cannot participate in any unlawful actions or military operations, cannot fulfil bounty contracts.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports
====Farmers Alliance ID====
Pilot carrying this ID has joined the Farmers Alliance. Pirate ID grants its owner right to scan other ships and demand cargo (not allowed for cruisers and battleships), engage bounty hunters and lawfuls, fulfil bounty contracts, participate in military operations on unlawful side, and trade. Pirate ID owner cannot ally with lawful forces.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers (limited), Battleships (limited)
====Freelancer ID====
Pilot carrying this ID is a lawful Freelancer who works for him/herself, unwilling to join any of the Sirius factions. Freelancer ID grants its owner right to participate in lawful missions and military operations, fulfil lawful and unlawful bounty contracts, escort traders, hunt pirates and terrorists. Freelancer ID owner is not allowed to pirate and openly join unlawful forces.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats
====Gaian ID====
Pilot carrying this ID has joined the Gaians. Pirate ID grants its owner right to scan other ships and demand cargo (not allowed for cruisers and battleships), engage bounty hunters and lawfuls, fulfil bounty contracts, participate in military operations on unlawful side, and trade. Pirate ID owner cannot ally with lawful forces.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers (limited), Battleships (limited)
====Gas Miners Guild ID====
Pilot carrying this ID has joined the Gas Miners Guild (GMG). GMG ID grants its owner right to trade, escort traders, hunt pirates and terrorists, fulfil bounty contracts. GMG ID owner cannot participate in any unlawful actions or military operations.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships
====Gateway Shipping ID====
Pilot carrying this ID is employed by the Gateway Shipping. Trader ID grants its owner right to trade, escort traders, hunt pirates and terrorists. Trader ID owner cannot participate in any unlawful actions or military operations, cannot fulfil bounty contracts.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports
====Golden Crysanthemum ID====
Pilot carrying this ID has joined the Golden Crysanthemums. Pirate ID grants its owner right to scan other ships and demand cargo (not allowed for cruisers and battleships), engage bounty hunters and lawfuls, fulfil bounty contracts, participate in military operations on unlawful side, and trade. Pirate ID owner cannot ally with lawful forces.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers (limited), Battleships (limited)
====Helghast ID====
Pilot carrying this ID has joined Helghast. Helghast ID grants its owner right to scan other ships and demand cargo (not allowed for cruisers and battleships), engage bounty hunters and lawfuls, fulfil bounty contracts, participate in military operations on unlawful side, and trade. Helghast ID owners cannot join lawful forces.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers (limited), Battleships (limited)
Using player faction IDs is not allowed for players who are not members of appropriate faction and for players who were expelled from the faction.
Only given via Admin
====Hogosha ID====
Pilot carrying this ID has joined the Hogosha. Pirate ID grants its owner right to scan other ships and demand cargo (not allowed for cruisers and battleships), engage bounty hunters and lawfuls, fulfil bounty contracts, participate in military operations on unlawful side, and trade. Hogosha ID owner cannot ally with lawful forces.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers (limited), Battleships (limited)
====Independent Miners Guild ID====
Pilot carrying this ID has joined the Independent Miners Guild (IMG). IMG ID grants its owner right to trade, escort traders, hunt pirates and terrorists, fulfil bounty contracts. IMG ID owner cannot participate in any unlawful actions or military operations.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships
====Interspace Commerce ID====
Pilot carrying this ID is employed by the Interspace Commerce. Trader ID grants its owner right to trade, escort traders, hunt pirates and terrorists. Trader ID owner cannot participate in any unlawful actions or military operations, cannot fulfil bounty contracts.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports
====Junker ID====
Pilot carrying this ID has joined the Junkers. Junker ID grants its owner right to scan other ships and demand cargo (not allowed for cruisers and battleships), engage bounty hunters and lawfuls, fulfil bounty contracts, participate in military operations on unlawful side, and trade. Junker ID owner cannot ally with lawful forces.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers (limited), Battleships (limited)
====Keeper ID====
Pilot carrying this ID is not actually a pilot but a Nomad. Nomads are hostile to everything human in Sirius sector. They may attack any ship or station on sight, but cannot demand cargo or ally with humans. Tractor beam disabled: Nomads are not interested in human loot.
Allowed ships: Any Nomad ships
Only given via Admin help (Reputation fix needed)
====Kishiro Technologies ID====
Pilot carrying this ID is employed by the Kishiro Technologies. Trader ID grants its owner right to trade, escort traders, hunt pirates and terrorists. Trader ID owner cannot participate in any unlawful actions or military operations, cannot fulfil bounty contracts.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports
====Kruger Minerals ID====
Pilot carrying this ID is employed by the Kruger Minerals. Trader ID grants its owner right to trade, escort traders, hunt pirates and terrorists. Trader ID owner cannot participate in any unlawful actions or military operations, cannot fulfil bounty contracts.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports
====Kusari Naval Forces ID====
Pilot carrying this ID has joined the Kusari Naval Forces. Navy ID grants its owner right to participate in military operations on lawful side, hunt pirates and terrorists, scan traders for contraband, and trade. Navy ID owner cannot participate in any unlawful actions and fulfil bounty contracts.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships
====Kusari State Police ID====
Pilot carrying this ID has joined the Kusari State Police. Police ID grants its owner right to participate in military operations on lawful side, hunt pirates and terrorists, scan traders for contraband, escort traders, and trade. Police ID owner cannot participate in any unlawful actions and fulfil bounty contracts.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships
====LWB ID====
Pilot carrying this ID has joined the Landwirtrechtbewegung (LWB). Pirate ID grants its owner right to scan other ships and demand cargo (not allowed for cruisers and battleships), engage bounty hunters and lawfuls, fulfil bounty contracts, participate in military operations on unlawful side, and trade. Pirate ID owner cannot ally with lawful forces.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers (limited), Battleships (limited)
====Lane Hacker ID====
Pilot carrying this ID has joined the Lane Hackers. Pirate ID grants its owner right to scan other ships and demand cargo (not allowed for cruisers and battleships), engage bounty hunters and lawfuls, fulfil bounty contracts, participate in military operations on unlawful side, and trade. Pirate ID owner cannot ally with lawful forces.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers (limited), Battleships (limited)
====Liberty Navy ID====
Pilot carrying this ID has joined the Liberty Navy. Navy ID grants its owner right to participate in military operations on lawful side, hunt pirates and terrorists, scan traders for contraband, and trade. Navy ID owner cannot participate in any unlawful actions and fulfil bounty contracts.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships
====Liberty Police, Inc. ID====
Pilot carrying this ID has joined the Liberty Police. Police ID grants its owner right to participate in military operations on lawful side, hunt pirates and terrorists, scan traders for contraband, escort traders, and trade. Police ID owner cannot participate in any unlawful actions and fulfil bounty contracts.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships
====Liberty Security Force ID====
Pilot carrying this ID has joined the Liberty Security Force. LSF ID grants its owner right to participate in military operations on lawful side, hunt pirates and terrorists, scan traders for contraband, and trade. LSF ID owner cannot participate in any unlawful actions and fulfil bounty contracts.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships
====Liberty Rogue ID====
Pilot carrying this ID has joined the Liberty Rogues. Pirate ID grants its owner right to scan other ships and demand cargo (not allowed for cruisers and battleships), engage bounty hunters and lawfuls, fulfil bounty contracts, participate in military operations on unlawful side, and trade. Pirate ID owner cannot ally with lawful forces.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers (limited), Battleships (limited)
====Mercenary ID====
Pilot carrying this ID is a mercenary who works for him/herself, unwilling to join the Bounty Hunters Guild or any other faction. Mercenary ID grants its owner right to fulfil lawful and unlawful bounty contracts, escort traders and smugglers, hunt pirates and terrorists, participate in military operations on lawful or unlawful side. Mercenary ID owner is not allowed to pirate or trade on regular basis.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Gunboats
====Military ID====
Pilot carrying this ID has joined the lawful military forces of Sirius sector. Military ID grants its owner right to participate in military operations on lawful side, hunt pirates and terrorists, scan traders for contraband, and trade. Military ID owner cannot participate in any unlawful actions and fulfil bounty contracts.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats
====Miner ID====
Pilot carrying this ID is a miner. Miner ID grants its owner right to trade, escort traders, hunt pirates and terrorists; main occupation of a miner, however, is mining goods from asteroid fields. Miner ID owner cannot participate in any unlawful actions or military operations, cannot fulfil bounty contracts.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports
====Molly ID====
Pilot carrying this ID has joined the Mollys. Pirate ID grants its owner right to scan other ships and demand cargo (not allowed for cruisers and battleships), engage bounty hunters and lawfuls, fulfil bounty contracts, participate in military operations on unlawful side, and trade. Pirate ID owner cannot ally with lawful forces.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers (limited), Battleships (limited)
====Neutral ID====
Pilot carrying this ID has declared himself or herself lawful and neutral towards all factions. Neutral ID owner cannot attack other players (self-defense is allowed). Other players are not allowed to attack ships equipped with Neutral ID anywhere except clan systems and Connecticut arena system. Neutral ID owners cannot join any factions, except factions that are neutral themselves.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters
Only given via Admin
====Nomad ID====
Pilot carrying this ID is not actually a pilot but a Nomad. Nomads are hostile to everything human in Sirius sector. They may attack any ship or station on sight, but cannot demand cargo or ally with humans. Tractor beam disabled: Nomads are not interested in human loot.
Allowed ships: Any Nomad ships
Only given via Admin
====NovaPG ID====
Pilot carrying this ID has joined Nova PowerGen. NovaPG ID grants its owner right to scan other ships and demand cargo (not allowed for cruisers and battleships), engage bounty hunters and lawfuls, fulfil bounty contracts, participate in military operations on unlawful side, trade, and commit acts of terrorism. NovaPG ID owners cannot join lawful forces.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers (limited), Battleships (limited)
Using player faction IDs is not allowed for players who are not members of appropriate faction and for players who were expelled from the faction.
====Orbital Spa and Cruise ID====
Pilot carrying this ID is employed by the Orbital Spa and Cruise. Trader ID grants its owner right to trade, escort traders, hunt pirates and terrorists. Trader ID owner cannot participate in any unlawful actions or military operations, cannot fulfil bounty contracts.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports
====Outcast ID====
Pilot carrying this ID has joined the Outcasts. Pirate ID grants its owner right to scan other ships and demand cargo (not allowed for cruisers and battleships), engage bounty hunters and lawfuls, fulfil bounty contracts, participate in military operations on unlawful side, and trade. Pirate ID owner cannot ally with lawful forces.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers (limited), Battleships (limited)
====Phantom ID====
Pilot carrying this ID is one of the Phantoms. Phantom ID owners can attack any lawful and most unlawful ships at will and participate in military operations on unlawful side. Phantom ID owners are not allowed to ally with lawful forces and demand cargo from traders.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships
====Pirate ID====
Pilot carrying this ID has joined pirates of Sirius sector. Pirate ID grants its owner right to scan other ships and demand cargo, engage bounty hunters and lawfuls, fulfil bounty contracts, participate in military operations on unlawful side, and trade. Pirate ID owner cannot ally with lawful forces.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats
====Planetform, Inc. ID====
Pilot carrying this ID is employed by the Planetform, Inc. Trader ID grants its owner right to trade, escort traders, hunt pirates and terrorists. Trader ID owner cannot participate in any unlawful actions or military operations, cannot fulfil bounty contracts.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports
====Red Hessian ID====
Pilot carrying this ID has joined the Red Hessians. Pirate ID grants its owner right to scan other ships and demand cargo (not allowed for cruisers and battleships), engage bounty hunters and lawfuls, fulfil bounty contracts, participate in military operations on unlawful side, and trade. Pirate ID owner cannot ally with lawful forces.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers (limited), Battleships (limited)
====Republican Shipping ID====
Pilot carrying this ID is employed by the Republican Shipping. Trader ID grants its owner right to trade, escort traders, hunt pirates and terrorists. Trader ID owner cannot participate in any unlawful actions or military operations, cannot fulfil bounty contracts.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports
====Rheinland Military ID====
Pilot carrying this ID has joined the Rheinland Military. Navy ID grants its owner right to participate in military operations on lawful side, hunt pirates and terrorists, scan traders for contraband, and trade. Navy ID owner cannot participate in any unlawful actions and fulfil bounty contracts.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships
====Rheinland Police ID====
Pilot carrying this ID has joined the Rheinland Police. Police ID grants its owner right to participate in military operations on lawful side, hunt pirates and terrorists, scan traders for contraband, escort traders, and trade. Police ID owner cannot participate in any unlawful actions and fulfil bounty contracts.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships
====Samura Industries ID====
Pilot carrying this ID is employed by the Samura Industries. Trader ID grants its owner right to trade, escort traders, hunt pirates and terrorists. Trader ID owner cannot participate in any unlawful actions or military operations, cannot fulfill bounty contracts.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports
====Slaver ID====
Pilot carrying this ID is a Slaver. Slaver ID grants its owner the right to trade and escort only Slaver ships, demand human beings or human organs from other ships, and engage pirates, terrorists, and lawfuls within their Zone of Influence. Slaver ID owner cannot fulfill bounty contracts, ally with any lawfuls, or use any Liner except for the Prison Liner or Slave Liner. Slaver ID owner can only land on unlawful, Zoner, and IMG bases, and bases where slaves are bought/sold for more than 600 credits or human organs are bought/sold for more than 1800 credits.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Bombers, Freighters, Transports, Prison Liners, Slave Liners
====Smuggler ID====
Pilot carrying this ID is a smuggler. Smuggler ID grants its owner right to trade and escort traders. In addition to that, the Smuggler ID indicated good reputation within the Sirius unlawful factions, and is commonly used to carry smuggled goods to and from pirate bases. Smuggler ID owner cannot participate in any military operations and cannot fulfil bounty contracts.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports
====Synth Foods, Inc. ID====
Pilot carrying this ID is employed by the Synth Foods, Inc. Trader ID grants its owner right to trade, escort traders, hunt pirates and terrorists. Trader ID owner cannot participate in any unlawful actions or military operations, cannot fulfil bounty contracts.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports
====Terrorist ID====
Pilot carrying this ID is a terrorist. Terrorist ID owners can attack any lawful and most unlawful ships at will and participate in military operations on unlawful side. Terrorist ID owners are not allowed to ally with lawful forces and demand cargo from traders.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships
Only given via Admin
====The Order ID====
Pilot carrying this ID has joined The Order. Order ID grants its owner right to participate in military operations on lawful side, hunt pirates and terrorists, scan traders for contraband, fulfil bounty contracts, and trade. Order ID owner cannot participate in any unlawful actions.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships
====The Wild ID====
Pilot carrying this ID is part of The Wild, nomad-infested Rheinland terrorists. The Wild ID owners can attack any lawful and most unlawful ships at will and participate in military operations on unlawful side. The Wild ID owners are not allowed to ally with lawful forces and demand cargo from other ships.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships
Only given via Admin
====Trader ID====
Pilot carrying this ID is a trader. Trader ID grants its owner right to trade, escort traders, hunt pirates and terrorists. Trader ID owner cannot participate in any unlawful actions or military operations, cannot fulfil bounty contracts.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports
====Unioner ID====
Pilot carrying this ID has joined the Unioners. Pirate ID grants its owner right to scan other ships and demand cargo (not allowed for cruisers and battleships), engage bounty hunters and lawfuls, fulfil bounty contracts, participate in military operations on unlawful side, and trade. Pirate ID owner cannot ally with lawful forces.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers (limited), Battleships (limited)
====Universal Shipping ID====
Pilot carrying this ID is employed by the Universal Shipping. Trader ID grants its owner right to trade, escort traders, hunt pirates and terrorists. Trader ID owner cannot participate in any unlawful actions or military operations, cannot fulfil bounty contracts.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports
====Xeno Terrorist ID====
Pilot carrying this ID has joined the Xenos. Xeno ID owners can attack any lawful and most unlawful ships at will and participate in military operations on unlawful side. Xeno ID owners are not allowed to ally with lawful forces or demand cargo from traders; also, they are not allowed to use capital ships, super heavy fighters, transports, and liners.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters
====Zoner ID====
Pilot carrying this ID has joined the Zoners. Zoner ID grants its owner right to trade, escort traders, hunt pirates and terrorists, fulfil bounty contracts, participate in military operations on lawful side. Zoner ID owner cannot participate in any unlawful actions.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships
==See also:==
*[[The Basics]]
*[[Discovery RP Rules]]
[[Category: Discovery content]]

Latest revision as of 19:31, 28 January 2012


So... the template needs

  • |server =

The banner will be automatically placed based on the server field.

  • Need banners for each server. Mark on To Do
  • [[Category:<server> Player Factions]]

This will be set by server field too. [3:20:35 p.m.] Nathaniel (Hyung Soong) says: maybe even

  • |official=
  • |official_affiliation=

[3:21:10 p.m.] Nathaniel (Hyung Soong) says: if yes then put that official at top, if not then put player group at top.

NO - Discovery UK

This is an unofficial player group. For the affiliated NPC faction, see Outcasts.

NO Outcast Splinter Cell
Alignment OUTCASTS
Date of founding 800 A.S.
Founder(s) Pedro Portillo
Current leader(s) Miguel Perez
(Dual Katanas)
Base of operations Planet Malta, Omicron Alpha
Primary role
Defend Malta from Corsairs
Secondary role
Cardamine Research

FLUK-faction.jpg The No. Outcast splinter faction was founded in 800 AS, and it has had an illustrious past. It was the brainchild of Pedro Portillo, a gifted scientist involved in cardamine research. He was annoyed at the restrictions on research caused by the corruption in the Council of Dons, which divided efforts and prevented effective research. Portillo collected a group of like-minded scientists and the No. was formed.

The original name of the No. was actually the Independent Cardamine Research Division (ICRD), which, under Portillo, began making significant progress in the field of modifying cardamine. However, the scientists found that in order to collect source material and vital resources, they had to venture out of the safety of Galicia Research Station. The ICRD found Omicron-81 very safe, as no enemy could penetrate multiple Outcast systems to get there. However, when venturing into neighbouring Omicron-80’s far reaches to conduct research, they found a few bounty hunters patrolling, looking to snap up random patrols. Portillo’s Sabre, named No.Rest, and the defensive Maltese Navy contingent was barely enough to repulse the attack, and Portillo returned to Galicia needing more power in order to further his research.

Portillo approached a well-known Outcast on Seguro Refugio, Guerra Diaz, and asked him for help. Guerra was more willing than Portillo had expected, and offered to join the No. as his second in command. Portillo, seeing that Guerra was an able scientist as well as a fearsome warrior, agreed. Guerra immediately set to work organising Navy aid and recommended various Outcasts to Portillo for recruitment. He renamed his Sabre No.Regret.

One such Outcast was the unlikely choice of Rodrigo Valdez. Valdez, having just spent five years in a Maltese jail for cowardice, hated the thought of cardamine, going as far as denouncing his parents for their cardamine plantation. However, Valdez did happen to be one of the best defensive destroyer commanders in the Maltese Navy, a fact proven time and time again by his successful defences of Omicron Alpha by marauding bounty hunters. Portillo approached him and, using his powers of persuasion, managed to convince Valdez that he could loosen the genetic shackles that tied the Outcast nation. Valdez agreed, and Portillo pulled strings and got him and his command into the No., whereupon Valdez renamed his destroyer to the No.Remembrance.

Portillo, on Guerra’s advice, approached one of the leading gunboat tacticians in the Maltese Navy, Miguel Perez. Guerra deemed him invaluable for offensive operations and anti fighter/anti bomber defence. He also respected Miguel as an effective fleet commander, despite having limited experience on capital ships. Miguel, who was at times frustrated with the strict discipline of the Navy, agreed immediately. He and his crew resigned their commissions, and, since Miguel’s old Tridente gunship was being decommissioned, he received a brand new, more modern one. He named it the No.Rebirth and started service immediately.

The No. grew, conducting numerous research experiments. As the ships names became more widely known, the group started to become more widely known, and eventually the ICRD title was dropped in favour of the simple No.. The small fleet grew in size, and though it was small, it was high quality due to vigorous training beforehand. Also, the modified cardamine that was produced with aid of No. fertilisers unquestionably helped the No. warriors in space. Money was always a problem, with the No. being a fairly low priority on the Council of Dons allocation of funds.

The No. continued to grow slowly from 800 AS onwards. Several minor breakthroughs were accomplished by No. scientists, which were responsible for a slight increase in longevity for the Outcasts population. Apart from a few occasional raids, the fleet was mostly confined to defending research operations. However, the fleet sometimes seized an opportunity to obtain other resources or research that could help the No. in any way. This was demonstrated in the Atka Raid in 807 AS, where a task force of No. warriors, led by Miguel, captured a large part of Cryer cardamine research on Atka Research station, and also destroyed a large part of the station itself. The captured research aided a major fertilizer breakthrough by No. scientists, and it also won the No. public acclaim, firmly cementing their reputation as excellent warriors as well as researchers.

In the years following the Atka Raid, the No. fleet slowly moved away from protecting research operations. The No. scientists had a lot of material, so they needed to make fewer trips. Also, the Maltese Navy had greatly increased its patrols, making remote systems safer, meaning there were less requirements for No. protection. The No. ranged further afield, some going as far as Liberty, their combat prowess making them feared pirates. Their harsh life and intense training in the Edge Worlds meant that the House Navies were inferior in skill, and the No. started to become feared among traders and some parts of House navies, though not as well known as other pirate groups.

The No. also gained recognition on the Outcast battlefronts. Once the Omicron Eta system was discovered and turned into a warzone, No. ships were often seen in the system, raiding corsair supply lines, attacking the corsair bases and helping defend Outcast bases. Some No. even went as far as raiding Gamma, though these raids were small, rare, and highly dangerous, though normally well-executed.

This battlefield recognition, along with several important advances in cardamine research, brought about the attentions of one of the most powerful factions in the Maltese Empire. The Catholic Church of Malta, always suspicious of research with cardamine, forced Cardinal Raphael Fernandez into the No. ranks in 814 AS. The zealous Fernandez, who had played a part in the Hispanic Inquisitions, reported his observations directly to the Papacy, eager to uncover some anti-Catholic plot within the ranks of the No.. Fernandez’s ship, the Sarissa class battleship No.Recusance, was the most powerful ship in the No. fleet, although it was nearly a hundred years old and was growing increasingly obsolete. However, it loaned him enough authority to be able to keep an eye on No. operations in and around Outcast space. The other No. were resentful of this, but any stand would risk sparking a war which the No. would not survive.

Despite the tensions, the No. continued to be successful, and their fertilizer was considered the best on Malta. It was used extensively by Miguel on his own plantation, and the result was that Perez Plantation cardamine was the best available on the planet. In early 816 AS, Miguel and Valdez were involved in what became known as the Cape Wrath Incident, where the population of near-feral Outcasts on that base were killed and the base brought back under the command of Malta. However, slightly later in 816 AS, news arrived that shocked the No.

Pedro Portillo died at the age of 98, of cancer caused by radiation exposure during experiments. His health had deteriorated for the last year, and was not entirely unexpected. The No. command was changed smoothly to Portillo’s second in command, Guerra Diaz. Guerra, while remaining interested in science, was a lot more warlike than Portillo. He ordered the Rearmament, a huge upgrading of the No. fleet, including overhauls to all ships (excluding the No.Recusance), bringing them all up to date, and at the same time, expanded the fleet. Cardamine research continued on Galicia, but without any of the No. leadership involved. Guerra appointed Miguel as his second in command.

A main problem with the Rearmament was the lack of funds available to the No., as it had little monetary support from the Council of Dons, and had to rely on sympathetic Don’s donations. This money problem was solved, when, two months after Portillo’s death, a rich Don, Enrico Villa, joined the No.. As well as giving the No. a representative on the Council of Dons, this gave Guerra the money he needed. The No.Reconciliation, a mighty Ransuer class dreadnought, was commissioned, and the remaining fleet further expanded.

Tensions rose alarmingly between the No. and Fernandez as a result of the Rearmament, until, one day, fate altered matters. Fernandez, whilst covering a remote experiment in out Omicron-81, overheard details of the corruption that ran through the church, to the highest levels. He felt that he could serve God better by joining the No., and stepped down as Cardinal immediately. Both Portillo and Guerra were surprised and delighted by this sudden turn of events, and the No.Recusance was sent to Valetta, where an extensive overhaul brought it up to date, and it was a match for modern ships once more.

The No. now had significant power. The fleet contained a Sarissa and a Ransuer, with two Storta destroyers, backed up by a handful of Tridentes, a bomber wing and a fighter wing. This was reflected in numerous successful battles with the bounty hunters Guild, which led to decreased Guild presence near Outcast space. With Enrico’s financial support, the No. were now a well-disciplined, well-trained, and elite force to be reckoned with.

Early in 817 AS, Guerra Diaz, for undisclosed reasons, resigned from the No., leaving Miguel Perez in charge. Miguel appointed Valdez and Fernandez to be joint seconds in command. Being Commander didn’t chain Miguel in any way, and he was still seen in places as far as Dublin and New York, fighting and pirating. The No. continues to grow to this day.

Whilst they are pirates and warriors, it is important to note that the No. is honourable. Various traders have spoken of being treated fairly by No., pirates after paying the agreed sum, not the stereotypical, disrespectful, arrogant, and intimidating pirates they’d expected. Any lawful with a preconception of pirates is soon disabused by the No., who find it easier to get credits out of fat traders with persuasion and subtle intimidation rather than rabid, terror-inducing tactics used by most pirate groups.

With the high level of training provided for them, and with their high levels of discipline, No. warriors can always be relied apon in battle, even when the odds are against them. However, the No. is not the rigid hierarchy of the Maltese Navy. There are only two ranks; Commander and Second in Command. All other No. must obey orders set by their superiors, but there is little military discipline. Miguel himself is especially hard on anyone calling him ‘sir’. He has a problem with restrictive authority, so everyone in the No. is on first-name terms with each other. However, if an order is not obeyed, and if any No warrior displays cowardice, Miguel has little tolerance for them and punishments can be severe. However, as restrictive authority is nonexistent, there is a cordial atmosphere within the ranks of the No.

Today, the No. exist as they always have done, recruiting, pirating, protecting and attacking. They have a firmly cemented reputation as excellent cardamine researchers, and their fleet as one of the highest quality in the Maltese Empire.