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{{Character Infobox
| name = Steven Hiller
| name = Steven Hiller
| image = Kurac.jpg
| image = Kurac2.jpg
| origin = Edge Worlds
| origin = Edge Worlds
| occupation = Revolutionary
| occupation = Revolutionary
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=Early Life=
Steven Hiller was born in the Omicron Delta system, on Battleship Procurator in the year 792 A.S. He grew on Planet Toledo, and was born into the Hiller family by his mother, Rachel who met his father while they were still in high school, and as they always said it was love on first sight. Even though their marriage didn't last long due to unfortunate and tragic events, all say that they were the true example of a caring and loving couple. Steven's father was a very well known and respected Commodore of the Order forces, who died in an tragic event in the Omicron Delta system the same day Steven was born. That event tagged Steven's father as a selfless being, who gave his life to defend those who served under him, and the life of his newly born son. From the day his father died, Steven had to deal with his life only with his mother on his side. She had to be a father and a mother figure in his life, what led to Steven being a very sensitive person, that cared dearly for those he loved, but hated those who wronged him or his mother in any way. In school he was always described as a smart, but rather clumsy young boy, who, for rather unknown reasons preferred in hiding his abilities from his peers, as well as his teachers. Because of his father's service in the Order forces, he was guaranteed a position in the Order, as long as he attended the Order officer's school, and restrained himself from retaining a police dossier. Being a caring child he was, never did he have any problems with school nor the law which led him to attend the Kleopatra Academy of the Order at the age of 15. There he remained for 4 years, gaining the education and the requirements to join the Top Gun Flight Academy at the age of 19. Quite an achievement as that academy was reserved for the best of the best, the most promising. And Steven, with his outstanding reflexes, street smarts, and logic was a perfect candidate, and the Order didn't let that talent go unnoticed. At the Academy he met his best friend, that he would have gave his life for. The first and only person he could trust besides his mother. The reason for that is quite simple, him not having a father had a quite strong impact on his mind and trusting people. The two were always together, never separated, and made the best flight team the Order has seen in quite some time. Both were granted their flight wings after the graduated and continued to fly together in the Order. His best, and only friend died in an unfortunate accident on a training mission on Toledo when Steven's vessel was disabled by unknown influences, and him and his Co-Pilot had to eject, but as they were doing that, his Co-Pilot, and best friend hit the glass of the vessel as he ejected, and failed to open the parachute. Steven never forgave the Order, nor himself, blaming both for the accident. He even went as far as accusing the Order of sabotage, but all charges were dismissed under the psychiatrist's advice, saying that Steven is suffering from depression, and the loss of his best friend. Steven's pain was unbearable, and he left the Order forces, to continue to search for his own path. As he was spending his time in sorrow, and pain for the death of his friend, he realized that this is the last thing him and his father would want for Steven. To lose hope, and to give away on his dreams. Therefore he returned to the Order, and under the watchful eyes of his superiors he once again gained a noted name in the Order, being known as one heck of a pilot as his wingmen described him.
Steven Hiller was born in 18th of November 790 A.S.
As a son of two parents who were the Order agents he had pleasant childhood on Planet Toledo in the Omicron Minor system.
As a child he always used to dream about to fly a space ship.
In his early years his father insisted that his wife gets a desk-job so she could have less stressful and less dangerous position. You never know what might happen, father always said.
He was just a regular kid but was always somewhat clumsy.
Steven always used to enjoy his parents retelling interesting stories about missions they have been on and certainly had an effect on him. As growing up, and as his developed, he became more and more proud of what his parents were.
He wanted to become like one of them.He wanted to be a man who'se name will be remembered.
As years passes, he didn't want to wait anymore.He went on flight academy straight away.Showing the best results, he was one of the best fighter pilots in the navy.
Steven used to be naughty, and didn't follow the orders when he knew he was right.
But he knew, everything he did was right and he doesn't regret for it.
Untill t-t-he day ... untill that bloody day when training turned into a disaster.There was a breakdown on one of the engines on Steven's airplane.They were losing altitude and had to eject.
But suddently, Steven's CoPilot hit the glass of cockpit with his head and felt dead immediatly.
Steven's parachute opened successfully, and he has landed on the nearby island.He couldn't belive what just happend ... one of his best friends lost his life with no purpose. No-one was guilty for that.
Steven blamed himself for the lost ... Guss's life..He thought he could know what's going to happend.How could he be that stupid ...
sitting on the island alone, in the dark cold night, in the middle of nowhere ...
Steven lost the desire to live. He quit his job ... his life. The pain - suffering. It was indescribably.
-Now we're not talking about the same person anymore.
But still, after the lost, Steven was hoping to fly the space ship.He knew that Guss would be happy to see his dream coming true.In that case, Steven didn't lose hope, yet.
He knew that there is always a tiny thing, the smallest one to push people one step forward.Show them the right way for higher level, not to let them to give up.
Steven didn't want to give up.He knew, one day his dream will come true.
It was third night on the abandoned island.Steven woke up, seein' lights in the air.It looked like ... God is coming to save him.T-t-the ... h-h-o-pe
He started to wipe the tears knowing that his end haven't come yet.
But it was a rescue team who took him on safety.
In his room, Steven began to prepare for departure.When suddently, the voice appeard from nowhere.
'' "'''Listen kid. It wasnt Your fault.I really feel sorry for Guss, he was a good guy.Everybody liked him but ... I can't belive I'm sayin' this.
I'm gonna help you to Your dream come true. I'm gonna send You againts best fighter pilots in the world.You're gonna be number one. I'm gonna send You to a TOP GUN. But remember.If You screw up just this much, You're gonna be flying cargo planes full of a garbage for the rest of Your life.''' "
Steven laughed gently as if it were something out of it varied to give him the strength to carry on.

Latest revision as of 16:55, 3 April 2012

Steven Hiller
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Origin Edge Worlds
Occupation Revolutionary
Affiliation The Order
Years of service in the Order 810 - 818
Rank Battleship Captain
Born November 18 790 A.S., Planet Toledo (Age 28)
Died Still alive


Steven Hiller was born in the Omicron Delta system, on Battleship Procurator in the year 792 A.S. He grew on Planet Toledo, and was born into the Hiller family by his mother, Rachel who met his father while they were still in high school, and as they always said it was love on first sight. Even though their marriage didn't last long due to unfortunate and tragic events, all say that they were the true example of a caring and loving couple. Steven's father was a very well known and respected Commodore of the Order forces, who died in an tragic event in the Omicron Delta system the same day Steven was born. That event tagged Steven's father as a selfless being, who gave his life to defend those who served under him, and the life of his newly born son. From the day his father died, Steven had to deal with his life only with his mother on his side. She had to be a father and a mother figure in his life, what led to Steven being a very sensitive person, that cared dearly for those he loved, but hated those who wronged him or his mother in any way. In school he was always described as a smart, but rather clumsy young boy, who, for rather unknown reasons preferred in hiding his abilities from his peers, as well as his teachers. Because of his father's service in the Order forces, he was guaranteed a position in the Order, as long as he attended the Order officer's school, and restrained himself from retaining a police dossier. Being a caring child he was, never did he have any problems with school nor the law which led him to attend the Kleopatra Academy of the Order at the age of 15. There he remained for 4 years, gaining the education and the requirements to join the Top Gun Flight Academy at the age of 19. Quite an achievement as that academy was reserved for the best of the best, the most promising. And Steven, with his outstanding reflexes, street smarts, and logic was a perfect candidate, and the Order didn't let that talent go unnoticed. At the Academy he met his best friend, that he would have gave his life for. The first and only person he could trust besides his mother. The reason for that is quite simple, him not having a father had a quite strong impact on his mind and trusting people. The two were always together, never separated, and made the best flight team the Order has seen in quite some time. Both were granted their flight wings after the graduated and continued to fly together in the Order. His best, and only friend died in an unfortunate accident on a training mission on Toledo when Steven's vessel was disabled by unknown influences, and him and his Co-Pilot had to eject, but as they were doing that, his Co-Pilot, and best friend hit the glass of the vessel as he ejected, and failed to open the parachute. Steven never forgave the Order, nor himself, blaming both for the accident. He even went as far as accusing the Order of sabotage, but all charges were dismissed under the psychiatrist's advice, saying that Steven is suffering from depression, and the loss of his best friend. Steven's pain was unbearable, and he left the Order forces, to continue to search for his own path. As he was spending his time in sorrow, and pain for the death of his friend, he realized that this is the last thing him and his father would want for Steven. To lose hope, and to give away on his dreams. Therefore he returned to the Order, and under the watchful eyes of his superiors he once again gained a noted name in the Order, being known as one heck of a pilot as his wingmen described him.



He went back on academy and showed best results.They couldn't belive what return he had.After several years of being trained, his dream finally came true. Order agents gave him a chance to prove everything he learned so far.They took him for a patroll mission, which was his first flight in a space ship. He was soo upset, and somehow he knew that something will go wrong ... l-i-like the day when he lost his father .. from that day, he never ever heard a word from him again. But Steve will never forget the moment when he touched his dad's face for the last time... that night ..

t-he-e p-pain ...

Stevan spotted several red signals on his scanners and suggested to fall back.But the arrogancy brought them to the death.

From the middle of nowhere, Nomad battleship appeard up-ahead.It started shooting straight away, taking down all remaining Order ships.Somehow Steven managed to avoid the fire and he was trying to escape while others were taking down like flies without any chance to escape.

The Order agents under attack by Keeper Battleship.

He remembered the trainings, which kept him alive.When he got away from the battleship, he took out remaining Nomad fighters who were after him.But his ship was badly damaged, and engines were malfunctioning.He couldnt take the control of it. It leaded him right into the Black hole and Steven couldn't resist it. While entering the Black hole, he thought he's gonna die ...

t-t.ho-those significent lights were all oarround his ship ... he knew something isn't right, he knew something don't want him dead ... He felt happines ... h-h-e-he indulged in.

Steven opened his eyes to loud thuds and cracks of thunder like noises.He found himself in the medical room on Battleship Isis.

"Welcome back Agent Steven Hiller we thought we lost you.Your ship was floating without a control in the Minor space. We immediatly sent the rescue crew that beamed You up on Battleship Isis. You had many injures, but not serious ones.We're regret to inform You that you're the only one who survived.Others couldn't make it.Your ship will be repaired in few weeks, we strongly recommend You to take some rest untill that."


Steven was on edge, he had a overwhelming desire to get back into the cockpit of his fighter, but he would have to obey the doctors orders for a few weeks. He was nervous and still a bit shakey as he left the hospital, the thought of what he had just been through, and how he had survived it still made him tremble, he thought a good stiff drink at Toledos Bar would help him relax. He entered the bar and was immediatly congratutated by other Order Agents that were there, they patted him on the back and were full of questions of how he had managed to escape from what was an unescapable ordeal.

He managed to relax now and sat down at a table with some other agents, he relived his story to them, in a hope that this may save some lives of these young Agents the more he told this story the more he wanted to be flying again, he was nervous yes, but he was an Order Agent now, and a damm good one....

These 2 weeks layoff would pass soon enough and he would be back flying..


Steven Hiller was a proud Order Agent. He had come up through the ranks from flying fighters, then bombers. For a while he even flew a Hathor gunboat - but his proudest day was when he was commissioned his beloved Osiris and his hand picked his crew, picked from some of the best pilots he had flown with. After many years, ShmeLe now he was ready to fullfil his lifelong ambition.

It had been 3 cycles since Steven had been commissioned his Osiris. He had been on many raids now, in his beloved Osiris. He made a name for himself amongst the Order Agents, and he was always one of the first ships to be called upon, when the mission was thought to be dangerous. This day though would turn out to be very different.

One day, Steven recieved an SOS from what he thought was another Osiris in danger in Omicron Lost. He didnt have any time to wait for back up - so he raced to the co-ordinates of the SOS call. Jump protocalls were put into action, and he guided the ship into the JH. This was to be a big mistake.

Upon entering Lost, Steven was ambushed by a force of Keepers to overwhelming for him to defeat, To his supprise the Keepers did not try to destroy him instead they seemed to want to make him a prisoner and seemed to be more interested in the Osiris to be left intact. Steven put himself into a holding chamber inside his own Osiris, to protect himself from nomad infection. He activated an emergency beacon. The Osiris was without any power to cruise, just life support systems were running...

He waited.

Steven's Osiris under attack by Nomads.

Steven opened his eyes , he was still in the Osiris but not in the Holding Chamber, he was in a Medical room, and a familiar face was looking down on him.

"Welcome back cpt.Steven Hiller we thought we lost you, the Order responded to your SOS, but your ship was nowhere to be found. 3 weeks later we picked up your beacon again. You were drifting in Omicron Delta, under attack from Nomads. You had killed many of themm, but you and your ship were very badly damaged. Other Order agents finished off the Nomads and I boarded your ship. You were out on your feet and collapsed. We're heading back to Minor so you can recieve full medical treatment. Rest now, my friend."

1 Week later...

Steven was visited by the Order Medical staff. They had bad news...

"We are sorry to inform you cpt.Steven Hiller, but we think it best for you to take up a fighter position for a while. An Osiris is to stressfull for you to cope with at the moment. Rest up and await your assignmet to a Nephthys."

The revenge

Steven took a week to come around to the idea of going back to a Fighter. He knew he was one of the Orders finest Fighter Pilots, but he had thought those days were behind him... until...until those Nomads showed up, until those damm Nomads with there strange technology aboard there stranger ships. He had a plan and he was going to destroy Nomad after Nomad , brain by brain he would take out his revenge on these "squids" as he refered to them.

The 1st week back in his Fighter , Steven had managed only to kill a handfull of Nomads, were hes skills slipping? No, not at all. He out manouvered all order agents still in simulations quite easily, it was the Nomad tech he thought to himself. Thats how they out manouver me that Nomad Tech is the key, the key to me having an edge against them , I must learn more about this technology he thought to himself.

Steven's new Nephyts.

Steven formed a group of 4 other agents and they headed to Iota. this time not to destroy Nomads, but rather to capture a whole ship. It was a long tediuos ambush, but it worked - and Steven had the Nomad Ship that he had been so curious to learn the secrets of.

A group of engineers were hired to study the tech, they dismantled it piece by piece, and with tedious labour and frustration they mounted this tech to Steven Hiller `s Nephthys.

Steven smiled as he borded the Nephthys for the 1st time with this new Tech, he had the edge he needed , the edge on his sworn enemy, an edge he would use wisely.