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Another event that is memorable enough is of course when the Outcasts invaded Minor with heavy warships after an assault in Omicron Gamma. The Order wasn't there when they were needed, but Cerberus and a former Order cell known as the TCG caught the outcasts in a crossfire and pushed them out from Minor while suffering very little damage.
Another event that is memorable enough is of course when the Outcasts invaded Minor with heavy warships after an assault in Omicron Gamma. The Order wasn't there when they were needed, but Cerberus and a former Order cell known as the TCG caught the outcasts in a crossfire and pushed them out from Minor while suffering very little damage.
=[[Image:312312.png|50px]] '''''<span style="color:white;">Member Database</span>'''''=
{{Ship List begin}}
{{Ship List |'''[[Jack Aubrey]]'''|Colonel| Newjack2.jpg}}
{{Ship List |'''[[Adriana D'Angelo]]'''|Major| UnknownSmall.gif}}
{{Ship List |'''[[Dave Synk]]'''|Major| UnknownSmall.gif}}
{{Ship List |'''[[Joe Daniels]]'''|Captain| Jacob Taylor Normandy.jpg}}
{{Ship List |'''[[Morrigan Black]]'''|Lieutenant| Cybergoth3.jpg}}
{{Ship List |'''[[Janet Bridger]]'''|Sergent| UnknownSmall.gif}}
{{Ship List |'''[[Michael Arnett]]'''|Corporal| UnknownSmall.gif}}
{{Ship List |'''[[Benjamin Maxwell]]'''|Ensign| UnknownSmall.gif}}
{{Ship List |'''[[Jacob Clark]]'''|Ensign| UnknownSmall.gif}}
{{Ship List |'''[[Nicholas Fins]]'''|Ensign| UnknownSmall.gif}}
{{Ship List end}}

Revision as of 12:55, 5 February 2011

Template:TOC Faction Infobox

Cerberus Network

312312.png Description

Cerberus is the codename for a black ops organization that was part of the Order before going rogue. Cerberus has since evolved into a human-survivalist paramilitary group led by a well known Bretonian, many know him just as The Colonel, few know him as Jack Aubrey. Cerberus' core belief is that humanity is under costant threat from possible alien species and that the Order is to hamstrung by law and public opinion to truly act against these dangerous foes. For Cerberus, any method of advancing humanities ascension are justified, including illegal or dangerous experimentation, terrorist activities, sabotage and assassination. Cerberus operatives accept that these methods are brutal, but they know that if they want to save humanity they are forced to use these methods. Cerberus has many operatives planted throughout Sirius, which includes House space, who regularly report back to Jack Aubrey. Due to the very large network of contacts, they effectively have access to most systems, major trade stops, and colonies in Sirius. However, Cerberus has no knowledge of the political climate in Gallia, thus rendering Cerberus blind in the Gallia systems. Cerberus is very well-funded with several unnamed suppliers and contributors within the Bretonian military-industrial complex contributing credits and resources to Cerberus, and probably even ExoGeni, trusting Jack Aubrey will make the right decisions. Cerberus also owns several front corporations which further fund and support their operations. Classified financial records indicate that Cerberus has a reliable income stream of several billion credits per year. Communication throughout Cerberus sometimes takes the form of steganographic messages embedded within extranet broadcasts. These messages can range from ship movement orders or instructions to financiers to direct funds to their main cell. Unfortunately this method of communication was recently compromised by the Liberty Security Force. Cerberus has obtained quantum-entanglement communicators with one such device already installed onboard the Terminus to give Aubrey a more secure, direct means of communication with the many Cerberus operatives across Sirius. Cerberus is known to only recruit highly skilled Order pilots to maintain their elite force, their bomber wing, also called the Shock Wing, is a force to be reckoned with.


Cerberus is divided into numerous cells, also called sections, which have no knowledge of their counterparts. This ensures that should one cell be compromised, the others would not be compromised. Each cell is led by an operative who reports directly to Col. Aubrey. Cerberus is made up of many sections or wings, the shock wing, the support wing, the research division and the main wing, but the most famous cell is the elite wing of Cerberus.

As of 818, Cerberus consists of 450 operatives organized into five cells. Jack Aubrey oversees all projects carried out by the cells personally and consequently, there are can be upwards of a dozen projects active at one time.

'The Assault Wing'

While the goal of Support Wing is to fend-off any kind of threat to the shock wing's bombers, the assault wing's goal is to defend the main warships of Cerberus against enemy bombers. They usually concentrate all on a target and take it out in a matter of seconds.

All the fighters of the Assault Wing are based on the Cerberus|AC-Legion

'The Shock Wing'

The Shock Wing is the cell in which bomber class vessels are the only force. Their pilots are highly trained and experienced in battle, they are also known to be remarkably calm during a fight even when they are completely outgunned and outnumbered.

All the bombers of the Shock Wing are based on the Cerberus|AC-Arctica

'The Punitive Squadron'

The punitive squadron is the active capital ship fleet of Cerberus. The squadron is acting only on high risk missions and during possible encounters with enemy capital ships is highly probable. The squadron is also formed by the top ranking members who have access to the most devastating weaponry across Sirius.

The Cerberus|HQ-Terminus is in charge of coordinating all the other warships.

'The Elite Wing'

The N7, or Section 7 is a highly trained group of pilots, mainly the elite of Cerberus. Little is known about this section.

All the N7 members are based on the Cerberus|HQ-Terminus

'The Research Wing'

The research wing is lead by the well known xenoarcheologist and quantum physicyst, David Synk, the job of this section is research. All forms of research from new weapons, new shields, new armors, space anomalies or other related research are the domain of this section.

All the Research Wing members are based on the Cerberus|HQ-Terminus

312312.png Founding

Cerberus was founded by a an ex-Bretonian Armed Forces officer, Col. Jack Aubrey in close collaboration with a rogue Deep Space Engineering researcher named Dave Synk. Jack Aubrey left the Armed Forces during the attack on Cambridge at the hands of the Phantoms when a MOX warhead was deliberatly dropped on the planet's main settlement, Brighton. Jack in a matter of seconds lost his parents and his friends. He decided to leave Bretonia forever to seek revenge against those who took everything away from him.

He founded Cerberus some months later with the help of an ex-researcher of DSE, Dave Synk, and with the help of two former Order pilots, Elijah Jurgen and Cayle Swanson.

The most famous event that involved Cerberus directly was during the Liberty Navy's punitive assault on the Order. Cerberus fought side by side with their former allies to keep the Navy away from planet Toledo. They managed to survive the Navy's onslaught but they suffered a great loss.

Another event that is memorable enough is of course when the Outcasts invaded Minor with heavy warships after an assault in Omicron Gamma. The Order wasn't there when they were needed, but Cerberus and a former Order cell known as the TCG caught the outcasts in a crossfire and pushed them out from Minor while suffering very little damage.

312312.png Member Database

Jacob Taylor Normandy.jpg
Morrigan Black