Planet Clermont

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Planet Clermont
Planet Clermont.jpg
Location 3E, Ile-de-France
Flag-gallia.png Gallia
Technical information
Docking No
Terrain Barren
Diameter 9,475 km
Mass 7.87 x 10e24 kg
Temperature -200°C to -40°C
Escape velocity 6.44 km/sec

Clermont is a medium-sized icy world located on the outskirts of Ile-de-France. The planet is devoid of any volcanic activity and has a crust comprised of water and methane ice. The planet is presumed to contain a dense rocky core. Thin atmosphere and lack of internal heat sources make the planet one of the coldest large solar bodies of Ile-de-France. By contrast, Montataire, the only moon of Clermont, is known for substantial volcanic activity and is actually warmer than its parent planet.