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Happy Bounty

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"Happy Bounty" Modified Percheron Transport
Ship Class Transport
Built by Bretonian Buccaneers
Technical information
Guns/Turrets 0 / 5
Hull strength 75,000
Cargo space 2,600 units
Nanobots/Batteries 350/350
Max. impulse speed 80 m/s
Max. thrust speed 140 m/s
Power output 45,000 u
Power recharge 5,000 u/s (100%)
This is a player owned ship.

Originaly a BMM Transport, the Happy Bounty is the personal ship of Jack Malcolm.

BMM Days

Built in 785 AS, the Happy Bounty was originally named the BMM Yorkshire. It was primarily used to ship Gold out of Dublin, and was a stock Percheron-class Transport. In 817 AS, It was part of a gold fleet that included another Percheron and three Shetland-class trains. On the trade lanes in Leeds, it was hit by a force of Bretonian Buccaneer raiders, led by "Lucifer" Blackburne in the pirate Transport Cocytus. The escorts were destroyed and the ships boarded and captured, when the Bretonian Gunboat HMS Devronshire, along with a fighter wing, came upon the scene, responding to the distress call.

6 Buccaneer ships were destroyed, and the Cocytus was disabled. As the gunboat began its final attack run on the Cocytus, it was rammed along the main plasma conduit by the buccaneer freighter Blood Bak, crewed by Jack Malcolm, Scott "Scotty" Johnson, and John "Johnny" Underhill, who had ejected before ramming on autopilot.

The Devronshire was destroyed in the resulting chain reaction, giving the Buccaneers the time to push back and destroy the rest of the fighters. As a reward, Jack Malcolm received the Yorkshire, captured in the raid, as his flagship.

Buccaneer ship

Jack Malcolm rechristened the ship Happy Bounty, and immediately began modifying it. The armor plating was enhanced, with the engines upgraded and an extra pair of engines tucked between the wings. The power core was upgraded, along with the weapons. Part of the cargo bay was converted to a bar and crew barracks. A luxury cabin was also built near the bridge for Malcolm. Scott Johnson became the pilot, with Johnny Underhill at the gunnery station.


Deck One

  • Crew bar
  • Rec room
  • Cargo bay

Deck Two

  • Cargo bay
  • Crew quarters
  • Main Airlock
  • Comm array

Deck Three

  • Bridge
  • Captain's Quarters

Deck Four

  • Cargo Bay
  • Cargo Bay
  • Cargo Bay
  • Sensor array

Deck 5

  • Cargo bay
  • Cargo bay
  • Cargo bay
  • Cargo bay
  • Cargo bay
  • Boarding ramp


  • 1 Captain
  • 3 pilots
  • 3 gunners
  • 5 engineers
  • 30 boarding troops
  • 10 cargo handlers (SR-125 Cargo handling droids)
  • 45 in all