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The Shaulanca Fleet

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This is an unofficial player group. For the affiliated NPC faction, see Corsairs.

The Shaulanca Fleet
Origin Planet Crete
Alignment Corsairs
Date of founding 20.09.818 A.S.
Date of dissolution N/A A.S.
Founder(s) Manuel Smith
Current leader(s) Manuel Smith
Base of operations Mindelo Base, Omega-50
Primary role
To undermine the economy and the military power of Kingdom of Bretonia.
Secondary role
To protect Crete and Omegas from Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army.
I am Manuel Smith, leader and Captain of the Shaulanca Fleet.

The Shaulanca is an small Osiris Battleship with a intelligence board computer. The Battleship can fly, communicate alone and fight alone. Also, a Captain is not really important. But me, Manuel Smith, I am important for my Fleet. The Shaulanca Fleet are a very small but dangerous Fleet. The group of the Shaulanca names Shaulanca's-Revenge

I want tell you, how it happened.

The Founder

Manuel Smith

He was born of planet New London and grown up as a usual teenager. Every day, he saw soldiers of the Bretonia Armed Forces in the sky. In this moments he sank in a dream. The dream to be a hero, the dream to fight for Bretonia and the Crown. After leaving the school, he joined the Bretonia Armed Forces of Planet new London. He had some hard times there, not just hard, but physically hard. Like many others he faced violence against younger conscripts in the army and that changed him seriously, but unlike the others he became stronger. It all finished once a year later when Manuel killed four of officers who dicriminated him that hard - the materials of case №432.42 state that they were killed with the army knife that was borrowed from Ensign David Olaf, born 10.06.790. As Smith mentioned later, he just had no other way out of it - and their blood is still on that knife. Aside from romantic passages, Manuel was accused of murder and the final sentence - imprisonment for life was carried into effect on BPA Newgate. That's the place where the story starts.


Battleship Shaulanca

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Six months later a Corsair Osiris with escort wing was ambushed by a large group of Molly. It was a planned operation with the goal to capture or kill Currito Jaramago, one of the commanders that led attack on Planet Cork in 802 A.S. The Corsair side lost nearly all the fighters and two gunboats were damage by dozens of fighters and bombers, but the Osiris continued to fight. It ended when the whole battlefleet led by Battleship Norfolk arrived on scene. It was meant to be the biggest success of Armed Forces for the last years - they managed to capture a legendary Osiris-class vessel and it was moved to the Planet Sarum orbit, declared a militarized zone for the time before it will be moved to a more secured location after the reactor will be stabilized.

Jaramango and Smith met in jail. At that moment Manuel managed to get a certain authority among the numerous Corsairs, Gaians and various terrorists, kept there for numerous, but terrifying reasons. Jaramango told Smith that the Elders will not let Bretonians capture the vessel and informed him of what to do. They used the mutiny they raised to escape the place thanks to one of the easy to bribe officers who sold his honor for a sum enough to start a new life, and on a shuttle escaped to the Holmfirth Base and with support of the radical wing of Gaians the assault on Sarum took place in twevle hours. That suicidal attempt succeed and while Battleship Illustrious was burning in the atmosphere, the damaged Osiris escaped through the jumpholes to Omega-5 and managed to pass through asteroid field to the safety. Currito Jaramango's bomber turned into fireball during the fight for a battleship and the officers decided that Manuel, while being a former Bretonian Armed Forces member, deserves to be accepted as the current captain after all the things happened.

The beginning of Manuel's Fleet

The fleet of Manuel Smith was taken shortly after the arrival of the battleship in the Cadiz Base Omega 5. The pilots who escaped along with Manuel News from the BPA Newgate wanted to continue working together with Manuel, and so did the fleet. Since Currito Jaramago died, Manuel got the battleship. The battleship is named Shaulanca and the fleet was given the label Shaulanca's-Revenge. Revenge, very simple. Manuel and the rest of his current colleagues want revenge on Bretonia. The Shaulanca fleet contributed to many massacres in Bretonia. Fighters of Shaulanca fleet proved to be very strong opponents and made the Armed Forces Bretonnia create first of all, but the Armed Forces Bretonia succeed more and more the fleet which is out for revenge, to retaliate.

One day, Manuel Smith learned about a man's deeds Shaulanca fleet has been observed over time, and his name was Eldeson Watson. This mysterious man is a prophet, and also a leader of a newly established religion which is also out for revenge, but to something else. Eldeson Watson comes from a different galaxy in which raged between two planets, a violent war due to starvation. Managed to escape Eldeson Watson, as his planet had lost the war. He vowed to someday return and take revenge. Nevertheless, he needs power, which he achieved only with a strong fleet. Manuel Smith was perfect for the Prophet, and so it was Eldesons task, the leader of the Shaulanca manipulate fleet. For many, the story of Eldeson Watson sounds very credible in what Manuel Smith was at the beginning of the case. But Manuel has more and more time spent with Eldeson, and finally got Manuel a total brainwashing. This is indeed not surprising, since Manuel was young and still a relatively unexperienced leader. What Eldeson's Faith exactly is, or to put it better, story is, will you see in the chapterr The Faith of the Fleet Shaulanca

The Faith

In a distant galaxy, far away from Sirius sector a long time ago there was an implacable war between two planets. The first planet was named Vilutra and the other planet was called Surulas. Those planets were both suffering from famine, the population was still not high enough. Since there were no other planets in the vicinity of this sector, there had been only one way for both planets: the war. The military of Planet Vilutra had the name Vilustans. The Millitary of planets Surulas had the name Surulans. The famine on the two planets was due to a disaster in space. An unknown planet came into the solar system and burned up because it got too close to the sun. Several huge boulders hundreds of miles in diameter flew at the two planets. After the holocast both planets began trying to preserve food and business began to seize, but a war broke out. The ruler of planet Vilutra Samuel Multres invested as many resources as necessery in manufacturing warships. His military, the Vilustans also recieved an order to begin a fast tactical attack on planet Surulas. In total there were 3 moons in this solar system. For a long time the Vilustans oppupied two of the moons and their tactic succeeded, Surulas's siege was strong. At that moment neither military had developed battleships. Due to the Surulans's defensiveness they had only a single moon. This tactic was done only because the Surulans had made it possible to reduce their need of lunar resources, which were important for a building a capital fleet. It was possible for the Surulans to build a battleship, which, though not strong, was able to act as a carrier to squadrons of snubcrafts and maintain a strong advantage. The Vilustans thought they would win the war, but suddenly a battleship undocked from the moon which belonged to the Surulans.

The battleship of the Surulans

The battleship made with all combat ships on the way to the first moon. The Vilustans had to stand on this moon their most ships and there were all damaged boats repaired most quickly. The battleship Surulans managed to successfully take the moon. They have taken hostages, stealing ships and were now much more resources. The Surulans did not have much time because they did not know what the Vilustans might have up his sleeve. So they went away and set course for the second moon. There, there was a battle which had heavy losses for both sides. The battleship Surulans had to withdraw because the defensive towers of the moon were too strong. The fighting ships of the Surulans however, were quick and agile enough to save the shots of the towers to cause trouble.

The last moon of the Vilustans is under heavy attack by the Surulans

Noted by the Surulans also ultimately the third moon and Vilustans remained only their planet. Planet Vilutra was a planet on which it was always dark. It was permanent night. The planet Vilutra described himself as a planet of darkness. It was only possible to see him good when in space are some explosions.

So looks planet Vilutra at much places

planet Vilutra is under attack
The Church
The Church

The Vilustans had no choice, her planet was attacked and they have already had to disappear as quickly as possible. One of the admirals of the Vilustans was Eldeson Watson. He was responsible for the the escape. The planet of darkness had barely fighting ships, but they still had a massive scale with the freighter they succeeded most of the population of Vilutra take. They flew away and hoping for a new home, they hoped to find a system where they can do exactly what did the Surulans with them. The Vilustans knew the way back and knew exactly where to find Planet Surulas. Their goal was to overrun the planet Surulas to destroy him and what is left to claim for themselves. Eldeson Watson and the other volatile flew towards Sirius sector. They came into the house where they were headed for Bretonia Planet New London. There, the volatile meisst changed their name and began a new life. One of the few that have not changed their names was Eldeson Watson. He wanted to keep his name, he stands by his former people. He vowed that he built a fleet that is strong enough to take planets, stations and even solar systems. The fleet will increase from hour to hour, in the end he was also the goal to take Sirius. When he got Sirius, will Sirius produce battleships, and his military forces will attack Planet Suluras and after his army destroyed Surluras and the army is powerful enough to own everything he has always wanted: power and might. He want to be one of the most mightfull peoples in space. Eldeson it does not matter what he must do to get his revenge, it is no matter for whom he must kill, to sacrifice what he has or where he has to go. Eldeson Watson has made the acquaintance of the Zoners. The relationship between him and the Zoners was very good, but they did not know who he really is. As Eldeson Watson had enough money to buy a vessel which is capable of jumping to other solar systems, he flew into the system Omega 49 and landed on Planet Gran Canaria. There he proved to the Zoners as a friend and got an old church which was already badly damaged to be repaired and was in urgent need. But that it did not matter. Eldeson was lucky, the church is so corrupt that he got quite a gift. Now it was time to spread his story. For the most peoples is this a faith, but for Eldeson it is reality. What he needs now is peoples with a great influence on other people and thus it could succeed him to found a religion that is going on and believes in its brutal history. Manuel's Fleet believe in his history, and they help him. The Fleet is known now as The Fleet of the Darkness The most interesting point on the dark Shaulanca fleet is probably that they are no longer Corsairs. Because of conflicts.

Planet Gran Canaria is the planet, where the Church of a dark religion with a strange faith stays. This dark religion has the primary target to bring the darkness over one of the biggest part in the sirius sector: Bretonia. The suns shall be dark and it shall be impossible for the peoples of the planets, to live there. Still, the followers of the dark faith should supposedly live on the planets. In short: The dark religion and their followers want to conquer Bretonia.

The Fleet of the Darkness

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Since then, Manuel was given a brainwashing is exactly the same happened with his fleet mates. Since Watson Eldeson a church on Planet Gran Canaria, has now it is the sacred place for Manuel's fleet. The fleet of darkness aims to take every system in Sirius Sirius and ultimately to complete on their own have to exercise and Manuel Eldeson an even greater power, attack and other galaxies. The most important point for Eldeson however, is to take revenge on Planet Sulutra.

First of all, the fighting intensified Shaulanca fleet against Bretonia Armed Forces. The first and one of the greatest goals from Manuel was completely to claim Bretonia for themselves and ultimately take. Bretonia should fall, the sun will be dark and the planets to be infested with pests. The Shaulanca fleet had their first base in Omega 50 To be precise, based Mindelo. The activity of Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army in Omega 50 was very high, why Manuel did not own fleet. Nevertheless, Omega 50, despite the danger of a wonderful system, because the Church of the fleet is only one system was removed on Planet Gran Canaria in the system Omega 49.

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The most interesting point on the dark Shaulanca fleet is probably that they are no longer Corsairs. Because of conflicts. Planet Crete, the home of the Corsairs, but still not the right place for the warriors of Manuel's Fleet. Manuel Smith's Fleet is something different. The population of Planet Crete don't really know the Shaulanca Fleet and Manuel had something to do for the Corsairs. What he need to do? And what he get? Its simple. Manuel's Fleet was under the flag of the Corsairs and they used even her Ships and guns. But one day, they got problems with other Corsairs. They said, the Shaulanca Fleet should show the Corsairs that they are willing to do something for the mightfull Corsair folk. They get guns, weapons but they do something different things. At this time, where Manuel got a warning from other Corsairs, Crete was often under the attack by huge Outcast Fleets. They came from the other side of the deep Omicron systems. The battleship of the darkness, the Shaulanca, flew to planet Crete and the Warriors of the Fleet was for a while of planet Crete. The biggest problem was, there stood no Church. The Shaulanca Fleet got for the next few months a big house, a kind of villa of planet crete. For the first time, it was pretty nice for the dark believer even if they thought, the corsairs are not really the best folk. The main reason why they flew under her flag was, that they have mightfull guns and ships to take the control of Bretonia and other sectors. At one day attacked a group of peoples the villa of the darkness Fleet. They attacked the villa with mollotow cocktails, grenades and with guns. It was at night and the peoples slept in the villa, so it was a very big surprise. Nobody of Manuel's warriors died, but some came in the hospital. One thing was for sure, it was Corsairs. Manuel never really liked the Corsair's, even if they saved his life, but he do not like her kind of character. Before Manuel came to planet crete, he had a bad feeling, if he should really do it. It was understandable, he was scared. Maybe do the Corsairs not like Manuel's and Eldeson's religion? Maybe the corsairs don't want have Manuel's religion under the flag of the Corsairs. However, Manuel decided at the next day to left the Corsairs. The Corsairs made a lot of trouble, especially the Black Sails. The relation to other groups in sirius it totally destroyed in Manuel's eyes and it wasn't possible to come closer to one group like the beatiful gaians. It was possible for the Shaulanca Fleet to come close to some groups, but with a lot of problems. The diplomacy is the biggest problem for Manuel. The Fleet of Manuel should be free, they should be in complete sirius. So Manuel decided to make his Fleet to an independent pirate fleet. He haven't seen a other way out of this. His benefit's was, that he has some good contacts to other groups in Sirius and his Fleet would find fast a base for operations. But leaving the Corsairs wasn't so easy than he thought. The dark Shaulanca Battleship stood in front of planet crete. The technical defendsystems was good enough to fight alone against enemy ships. While the Shaulanca Battleship stood in the space, tried the dark warriors to flee with the wonderful Corsair ships. But the Corsairs didn't liked that, they forced Manuels Fleet to fly away with her damn Border world ships and her some Mamoru Bombers. The corsairs put their activity more on what happened right on the planet, so they forgot the Battleship. While Manuel's fleet distracted the Corsairs he gave his Battleship a command to leave Omicron Gamma as soon as possible. Manuel's Fleet flew away with all her Border world ships in direction: Omicron Kappa. The Shaulanca Battleship was already in Omicron Kappa, near a jumphole to Omicron Delta. Manuel had a good plan, The battleship was keep it simple, he did not give up this wonderful ship. It had to flee into hiding, and it had far from Omicron Gamma and the Corsairs!

The fleet is still propagated Shaulanca their goal to not, they keep going they will win fights against Sirius and want to. Manuel's followers continue to fly around in all of Sirius and the submerged and hidden dark battleship Shaulanca, is, according to rumors in Omicron Minor.

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