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Thor Krupp

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Thor Krupp
Origin Flag-rheinland.png Rheinland
Occupation Flieger of the Red Hessian Army
Affiliation Red Hessian
Joined the Red Hessians 812 A.S.
Rank Flieger
Born February 28th 786 A.S., New Berlin(Age 32)

Thor Krupp, (born February 28th in 786 as Max Müller), is a Flieger of the Red Hessian Army. He is well known among the crew ranks for his rude and inconsiderate attitude towards his comrades and his sadistic behaviour towards anyone laying in front of him - whether friend or foe.


Müller was born near the central train station of New Berlin's Capital, Mitte-Stadt to Lena Müller. His mother was a struggling 17 year old drug addict who tried to get by prostituting her self. When she told her pimp that she wouldn't terminate the pregnancy, he kicked her out of his establishment and Lena had to survived the following months begging and using basic public services.
When her child was born, the authorities ruled that she wasn't fit to raise her son in the current environment and state she was living in and gave Max into foster care.
He grew up in the suburbs of the city and was raised by a lower class family. His foster father was a violent alcoholic who frequently abused him and his foster mother who had an alcohol problem her self. He tried to vent his frustration and helplessness by bullying other kids in school and committing minor felonies as a teen. By the time he was 16, he was no stranger to armed robberies, car thievery and assault. When he dropped out of school, he decided not to take the news home to his beating father and rather take his life into his own hands and living in his gang's hang out in an abandoned fabric hall until he would have made enough money with car theft and drug dealing to finance his own place.
In the following years, he became part of a sizable operation that ran its own chop shop and small time narcotics trade. And he was even lucky enough not to be around when RFP officers closed the ring down in a police raid.
In order to get by, he had to result to more extreme crimes to get his hand on some money. In his early twenties, he became a wanted criminal for several murders committed as a result of gang violence and armed robberies. at the age of 31 he committed a triple homicide when he attempted to hijack a money transport in brought daylight - and failed. He was captured a year later while attempting to rob a bank near central station - the very place he was born - and was sentenced to life in what had to be the quickest prosecution of a serial killer yet since most of his crimes were recorded on security cam footages. His sentence would have to be served in Vierlande Prison.

Joining the Red Hessian Army

Müller was put on a maximum security prison transport to Vierlande - escorted by a military fighter squadron. The military presence was owed to the high number of political convicts, terrorists and serial killers just like him self.
Müller's cell mate on the transporter turned out to be a Unioner Terrorist named Thor Krupp who seemed to be in joy about the fact that he was on his way to what had to be the most secure prison in Sirius. When Müller got annoyed by the Unioner's grin and chatted him up, Krupp told him that there was no way the Hessians would leave such a large number of high profile assets to interrogation. Krupp told Müller that they would free the Hessian Prisoners on the prison liner and sell the Bundschuh and Unioners to their home organizations - or simply destroy the transporter if the escorts should prove too much to handle. In any case a win-win situation, Krupp concluded.
And indeed, after two hours the ship started to rock and high pitched sounds of debris hitting the hull could be heard. When Müller stood at the bars and tried to get a peek on what was going on outside his cell - like most of the other convicts - Krupp was still laying on his bunk, hands folded behind his head with a grin on his face.
When Müller asked him what would happen to the likes of him self, Krupp just shrugged and avoided eye contact, saying that there surely would be a use for people like him in one of the political movements.
Müller may not have been able to finish school, but he wasn't a complete idiot.
When shots could be heard at the end of the hallway and the lights started to flicker, he turned around, pounced on Krupp like a shot and threw him off his bunk and on the ground. It went down too fast for Krupp to even understand what was happening to him. Just when he tried to push him self back up, he felt Müller's arms around his neck, shortly before it broke.
When the raid seemed to be done, the Hessians remotely opened the cell doors and ordered everyone via intercoms to gather in the mess hall. A Hessian and two of his guards were standing on one of the tables at the end of the room, waiting for the prisoners to gather while others were still searching the dead prison guards for their weapons and possessions.
The Hessian announced that he would read a couple of names off a list who would have to join him. The others would be free to stay on the ship, take command of the bridge and do what ever they liked after the Hessians had left. After the cheering crowd calmed down, he began to read the names of those intended to be taken into Hessian custody. When Krupp's name was called out, Müller walked forward to the other exit where another officer was striking names off a list as the prisoners passed by. When Krupp attempted to walk by however, the officer looked up to him, pulling one of his eyebrows up. He stopped him to ask if he wasn't supposed to have long hair. Müller just answered in short words that he got them cut. Fleas. In what had to be the longest seconds of Müllers life, he constricted every muscle in his body, counted the guards around them and made out who carried what kind of gun before the Hessian finally shrugged, told him that he wouldn't care anyway and to move on.

When the Hessian transporter that Müller had entered started to spin up the cruiser drives, a bright flash of light could be seen through the small windows marking the location of what once had been a Prison Liner.
When they entered cruiser speed, Müller walked up to one of the Hessian guards and asked him if there was any way to join his ranks. The guard asked for his name and looked up Krupp's felony record. Müller's luck proved to not have ran out when the guard told him that he completely understood his concerns about going back to the Unioners considering what happened and that there surely was a place for a man of Krupp's skills in Omega-5 if that was alright for him. Müller who now hat assumed Krupp's identity nodded and said that Omega-5 sounded like a great Idea.
A great idea that he should turn out to hate for the rest of his life.

Service in the RHA

When Krupp entered the ranks of the army in 812, he turned out to be a total disaster for the RHA. Despite his Unioner service record, he didn't seem to have any space fighting skills at all. He lost a Sabere, an Odin and a Loki within two months but miraculously survived every time while only suffering minor injuries. When his squad commander pulled him out of the Loki's escape pod and held a long and raging speech about him being an incapable idiot and being more useful to the corsairs than to the hessians, Krupp lost his temper and beat half of the Leutnant's teeth out before the bystanders could get him off his superior officer. But Krupp got lucky again when his wing commander decided not to airlock him but give him a month in the brick and pirate duty in Rheinland instead. During his comparatively quite time in Stuttgart, Krupp could actually prove him self to be a of value to the Hessians as being a predator to prey on unarmed civilians seemed to be what he could do best. Resistance of escorts had always been soft and manageable and did their part in further improving his fighting skills. Only a year later, he was transferred back to Ronneburg where he still serves today.
Because of his poor social skills, he is hardly able to integrate him self into the comradeship of the hessians, make friends or let alone lead a squad. The only two things that matter to him out in the field is killing people and surviving. He never hesitates to open fire on the defenseless or to run like a coward and to leave his fellow pilots behind to die. Yet every time he was the only one returning from a battle alive, people assumed that it were in fact his fighting skills that kept him in one piece.
He is especially unpopular with his female comrades as he is known to bribe interrogators and prison guards to get time alone with female prisoners in order to rape them repeatedly.
In his six years of service, Krupp was never promoted. And probably never will be.