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User: Anomander
Age: 25
Sex: Male
InGame Characters:

Anomander - RM Indie Player

Matthäus "Anomander" Kreutz, ??? A.S.
Origin Flag-rheinland.png Rheinland
Gender Male
Affiliation Rheinland Military
Rank Gunboat Capitan
Status Active
Born Unknown (Age Unknown)
Died Alive


Matthäus "Anomander" Kreutz.
Capitan of prototype unmanned Rheinland Gunboat.
Gefreite of Rheinland Military, Sekundäre Flotte.

Motto: "Whatever doesn't kill you is gonna leave a scar"

Current status - Unknown.


Matthäus "Anomander" Kreutz
- self regenerated clone, efect of experimental secret cloning project.
One of the identity of one of Matt's - warlike.

He cover his true ID by changing an ID, Name for time to time
- mainly by mysterious death.

Current Short Fake Biography

Son of Heidi Meier and Hans von Kreutz, engineers in Planet New Berlin.
Both died when Matthäus got 6 years old, killed by Wilds ambush.
He and his Brother was send to the orphanage - brother died on some unknown incurable disease

He suscesfully finish all klasses in New Berlin Military Academy
- as a Recruit He was alowed to join Military Armed Wing in some operation against Enemies of Fatherland.


As an faithful Soldat of the Rheinland Military, he was given a honor to fly on Unmanned Prototype of Rheinland Gunboat.

Handlowiec - Independent Trader

Matt "Handlowiec" Deerg, ??? A.S.
Origin Flag-kusari.png Kusari
Gender Male
Affiliation Independent Trader
Rank Independent Trader
Status Active
Born Unknown (Age Unknown)
Died Alive


Matt "Handlowiec" Deerg,
Current founder of all other clones from secret cloning project.
Owner and woker of one-man Independent Trading Company.

Motto: "Where is cash to earn - there You could find me"

Current status - Unknown.


Matt - self regenerated clone, efect of experimental secret cloning project.
One of the identity of one of Matt's - greedy.

He cover his true ID by changing an ID, Name for time to time
- mainly by mysterious death.

Current Short Fake Biography

Son of unknown Libertonian Family, probably killed in Xeno ambush.
His Rescue Pod was find in Shikoku by group of Kusarian Turists.
He and his Brother was send to the New Tokio orphanage - brother died on some unknown incurable disease

He suscesfully finish all klasses in New Tokio School of Business
- in age 18 he start to earn by his own in his first transporter.


He fly in Unmanned Prototype of Border Worlds Transport

Gornik - Independent Miner (exMiner)

Matt "Gornik" Lurg, ??? A.S.
Origin Flag-liberty.png Liberty
Gender Male
Affiliation Independent Trader
Rank Independent Trader
Status Active
Born Unknown (Age Unknown)
Died Alive


Matt "Gornik" Lurg,
Independent Miner, on forced retirement.
Owner and woker of one-man Independent Mining Company.

Motto: "I love smell of melted rock"

Current status - Retirement.


Matt - self regenerated clone, efect of experimental secret cloning project.
One of the identity of one of Matt's - meticulous.

He cover his true ID by changing an ID, Name for time to time
- mainly by mysterious death.

Current Short Fake Biography

Son of Jannette Arrow and Dominic Ron Lurg, engineers in Planet New Berlin.
Both died when Matt was 1 years old, killed by some unknown Pirates ambush.
He and his Brother was send to the orphanage - brother died on some unknown incurable disease

He suscesfully finish all klasses in Manhatan Mining Technical School.
Year later he was flying in own mining ship - usually work for traders.


He fly in Civilian Heavy Miner

Very Heavy Fighter

Spanish_Inquisition - Indie BH

Matt "Spanish Inquisition" Winkle, ??? A.S.
Origin Flag-liberty.png Liberty
Gender Male
Affiliation Independent Trader
Rank Independent Trader
Status Active
Born Unknown (Age Unknown)
Died Alive


Matt "Spanish Inquisition" Winkle,
Man who was melted in your own game.
He pretend an Holy man, Crusader - for that long, that he start belive that he is an Holy Inquisitor.

Motto: "Non shall pass my Judgement!"

Current status - Active, hunt 'Evil' in his Holy Crusade.


Matt - self regenerated clone, efect of experimental secret cloning project.
One of the identity of one of Matt's - crazy.

He cover his true ID by changing an ID, Name for time to time
- mainly by mysterious death.

Current Short Fake Biography

Orphant rased in New London orphanage guided by Hurch of Gods of Sirus
His fate is unknown since he was closed behing walls of monastery.

He was raised to become an Paladin who will fight with Evil.


He fly in self modificated crewless AP-200039 "Bottlenose" Bounty Hunter Gunship

Mancer gs02.png

Nuuskamuikkunen - Civilian Junker