Zvezdny Gorodok

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Zvezdny Gorodok
Asteroid Base class Station
6D, Omega-52
Technical Data
Gravity Full
Docking bays Yes
Amenities Full
Crew 2,100

It is believed that the Coalition settlers of Omega-52 travelled to Sirius aboard the sleeper ship Hispania, and that after sabotaging it beyond repair they scattered in small craft throughout Sirius. Hundreds of years later, their population base has grown enough to once again become a threat for the nations that originated from the Alliance. Members of the Coalition spring from both ancestors of the surviving saboteurs and sympathisers from all over Sirius. Little else is known about the resurgent Coalition, although rumours of both its ideals and it ferocity have spread like wildfire to all corners of civilized Sirius.

Not satisfied with a mere space station as their primary base, the leadership of the Coalition had a small moon orbiting Planet Volgograd hollowed out and carved into a massive "Moon Base". Now housing a myriad of facilities, this base is one of the largest asteroid bases found in Sirius. Fighter construction facilities are housed in a small ring around the base, and produce the Coalition's line of small craft. Also inside the base are troop barracks and training facilities, and Coalition weapon production factories.

Missions Offered

No missions offered here

Bribes Offered


  • None