Planet Tonnerre

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Planet Tonnerre
Location 4D/5E, Burgundy
Flag-gallia.png Gallia
Technical information
Docking No
Terrain N/A
Diameter 58,615 km
Mass 35.16 x 10e24 kg
Temperature N/A
Escape velocity 30.75 km/sec

A planet of immense size and gravitation, Tonnerre is the center of explored part of the Burgundy system. Located between two stars, this gas giant is not only the largest planet in all Gallia (and probably in all Sirius), but also has the largest known system of planetary rings. The rings consist of three distinct parts: colorful inner rings containing dust and rock asteroids, and white outer ring consistent mainly of ice asteroids and small ice particles. Tonnerre has four moons, namely Yonne, Auxerre, Chatillion-sur-Seine, and Saulieu.