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Kohaku Ueda

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Kohaku Ueda
Kohaku Ueda.jpg
Origin Flag-kusari.png Kusari
Affiliation Liberty Navy
Born January 12, 800 A.S., Planet Kyushu
Died Still Alive


Hobbies and Dislikes


  • Singing.
  • Playing Guitar.
  • Reading.
  • Song Writing.


  • Music
  • Liberty
  • Nebulaes


  • Drug dealers
  • Criminals
  • Being the center of attention
  • Social interaction

Early Life

Kohaku was born on Planet Kyushu. Her parents were Jirou Ueda, a Kusarian, and Kimberly Ueda, a Bretonian. Her parents at the time were notorious drug smugglers who owned a small fleet on the Kusari market. Despite the parent's profession, they tried to keep Kohaku from any vices.

In the summer of 806, Kusari Navy raided the family's house. They arrested Jirou and Kimberly. They initially intended to put Kohaku into foster care, but then they were proposed by an independent research group who were based in the Sigmas to purchase the child for social observing.

Research Life

The details of the research were never released to Kohaku. All she knew was that the small apartment they put her in was her new home. For the first 8 years of her new life, she was taught basic education about what a person needs to live in space. After her 14th birthday, the researchers gave her a basic job that she was paid for.

During her working years, she had nothing to occupy herself with as the apartment just had what a person needs to survive. However, one day a supply ship docked on the station, and one of the crew members had a guitar. Kohaku had never seen anything like it before, and ended up buying the instrument. Over the next 4 years, Kohaku taught herself how to play and hasn't put the guitar down since.


September of 818, the station suddenly came under attack. Kohaku was ordered to stay in her room, which was locked. Two hours after the fighting started, the door to Kohaku's room was forced open, a female figure in a space-battlesuit. The figure told Kohaku to grab what she needed and to come with her. The figure later identified herself as Milly, a Freelancer who works with Gaians to attack live-research stations. It was when the two rendezvoused with the others that Kohaku met the Gaian leading the attack, a Kusarian named Katsuo. During the attack, Milly's ship, the Evanescent, was destroyed. Milly and Kohaku instead left on Katsuo's Claymore. They were taken to a Gaian base in Edinburgh.

Life with Milly

Kohaku lived on Islay briefly after her escape from the research station. She never left the base, Katsuo and Milly not taking her on raids. One raid that happened in November changed that though. Katsuo and Milly made another raid into the Sigmas, where Milly returned with an Ahoudori that she named the Evanescent II. From there, Kohaku lived permanently on Milly's Ahoudori.

Arrival in Liberty

During Kohaku's time on the Evanescent II, Milly was freelancering in Liberty. During this time, Milly did not care who she was shooting, as long as she got paid. Kohaku didn't approve of it, but it was not her ship, so she could not say.

While searching for a bounty in the Cortez, the Ahoudori was ambushed by a group of Rogue bombers looking for revenge. The ships disabled the Ahoudori and sent in a boarding party. The Rogues killed almost all the crew except for Milly, Milly's newborn daughter, and Kohaku who was locked in her room. Milly and her child used an escape pod to get away.

After the fighting ended, Kohaku sneaked out of her room and made it to the bridge undetected. From there, Kohaku vented every room in the ship, save the bridge and her bedroom. With the ship bring disabled and Kohaku not knowing how to fly, she sent out a distress signal in which the Liberty Navy replied. They brought the ship back to Liberty to be repaired. After a month of time on Norfolk Shipyard, Kohaku learned how to fly and the Ahoudori, which was renamed to Bequest, was repaired. In exchange for saving her life, Kohaku decided that the best thing she could do is collect bounties for the government.

Liberty Navy life

Personal Relations

Faction Relationship People
Daler Mehndi
Alexis Hunter
Alan Polstari
Rachael Baker
Jay Wilcott
Rohj Teerin
David Hale
Katsuo Yukimura

Faction Diplomacy

Faction Relationship Factions
Liberty Navy
Other Liberty Factions
Bretonian Forces
Everyone else
At War
At War


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