User talk:Jimmustain

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Small notes about ships:

Specific sale locations should not be stated.....ever. Also, stats aren't going to be added until 4.85 is out of beta. This is because stats can change at anytime, and nothing will be final to the last release.

Hope ya understand!

I don't understand

"Specific sale locations should not be stated.....ever."

I don't understand why ship sales locations should never be disclosed. As a player, that's one of the most important pieces of information to me. I'm always on the lookout for the next upgrade and where to buy it. I know others are as well. I was under the impression that this was a place to share information about the game.

Igiss said we don't disclose ship locations, as the mod is called "Discovery" for a reason. We are mainly trying to make the Wiki a RP resource (ie, text about building X on Planet Y) instead of a OOC resource (ie, "the best trading routes"). Sorry, but these are the rules. Feel free to add other things to the wiki though, you're more than welcome to do so ;) . :: Nathrael :: Talklink Datalink Commlink


I suppose I can't think of anything to add then. we should probably delete the following pages as well, as they also appear to present OOC content:

Huh, after we delete all the pages similar to those, there won't be much of a Wiki left. Rules are rules indeed, but the very idea of having a database centered about the game is OOC. Is giving ship locations any less OOC than giving the locations of anything else? I understand the idea of this being a RP resource, but I see more OOC information here than anything else. I was really excited about adding information to the Wiki for you guys because I really enjoy your Discovery Mod, thanks for all your hard work and good luck in the future.