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3 Mighty Asteroids of Judgement

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This is an unofficial player group.
3 Mighty Asteroids of Judgement"
Origin Flag-kusari.png Kusari Empire
Affiliation Blood Dragons
Alignment Unlawful
Date of founding before 800 A.S.
Founder(s) Cveki, tkora
Current leader(s) Akito Fujima
Base of operations Kyoto Base, Chugoku
Primary role
Robbing transports,
Secondary role
Gain political power and resources in Kusari

The 3MAJ are a terrorist organization supposedly deposed during a coup several centuries before -- and dedicated to the overthrow of the current Kusari government.


3MAJ are modern Ronin - masterless warriors who hope to find a new master that can abolish the corruption and stagnation of the Kusari government and restore the family to power.


The history of the 3MAJ goes back to the fourth century. The founding members of the group were the Ronin's Royal Guard during the Cveki family dynasty. In a bloody coup during the celebration of the revived Sakura festival in 321 AS, the Ronin was surrounded in the palace by Samura-backed elements of the military and asked to surrender, along with the Royal Guard. The Ronin, humiliated by the shame he had brought his family, committed suicide. The guards, headed by Kozue Okamura, did not acquiesce so easily. In a bloody battle, they fought their way out of the palace and retreated into the darkness of northern Kusari space. Here they regrouped and began a long guerrilla campaign aimed at overthrowing the Samura-controlled Kusari government

3MAJ are a tight group who hold the sympathy and support of individuals in the highest levels of Kusari government. They periodically launch surgical strikes and commando raids from their Kyoto base designed to destabilize the current government to the point where sympathetic officials could potentially seize power. 3MAJ prefer to target Samura and Kusari Naval Forces bases and ships, although they occasionally attack other House shippers for supplies.

The group is loosely allied with the 3 Mighty Asteroids of Judgement, who provide refuge and a forward tactical base for assault crews in the Chugoku system. 3MAJ also provide many of the essential Commodities that the 3MAJ need, a critical function given the complete lack of 3MAJ landing rights within the rest of Kusari space. The Chugoku Gate construction is viewed as a direct threat to the continued survival of the group.

3MAJ codex

... on wings of steel- an ancient flight, with fire burning deep inside we are warriors of endless time and gods will now send us a sign; ...through the valley we ride full of glory we soar where the fights wii be raging, for now and for more with the vision of a great divide ou turn towards the other side you think you run but you can't hide- the dead can not ride; ... to space uknown we come so far, we ride the night till morning star when united we come and dide they fall

         tonight you will withness it all..