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Daverson Romeia
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This page is currently being developed by one or more editors being led by SmokesDen. Please refer to the talk page to learn about and/or contribute to the completion of this page. You can also contact the leader on their discussion page. |
This is an Deep Space Solutions Character Owned and Played by: SmokesDen.
Daverson "Mr Daverson" Gillias Romeia | |
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Profile | |
Origin | ![]() |
Gender | Male |
Height | 1.72 meters |
Weight | 96kg |
Affiliation | Deep Space Solutions |
Status | Alive and Well |
Born | 805 A.S. |
Background: I Was Born in the main World of Liberty, Planet Manhattan. As I was born, I had done, everything a normal Baby would do, cry. After a while was given to my mother after birth and stopped, my father was so happy for seeing his First son and only son. Named me the name he always loved Since he was a younger, Daverson.
As I got to the home for first time after being born, Everything was really nice, Dad had the nice house we lived on for my whole Little Child-hood at. As it wasn't much due to the Continues Sounds of Spacecraft's landing and Launching Always sends my mom Reckless at nights.
As night-time always came, My Father, Had heard Sounds of an unknown cause and went to investigate what the sound was coming from. As he found what it was, The sound went Dull and had gone Quite after a few minutes of him arriving at the sound was coming from.
As my father Returned to the house, He rested Peacefully. As I was sleeping in my Crib. I began to feel safe and felt a warm hand touching me as I sleep. So I woke up and seen nothing there. As I Went back to sleep, It became Sunrise On Planet Manhattan.
As The time gone Past, When I turned four, I had found out We're moving to another place on the planet and we went off to it as like it was way better than the house we lived in for the four years of my childhood. When we had moved, The neighborhood was scary for a little boy like myself. As we lived here, I started going to the Primary school which, to me wasn't fun at all, But again we all had been through those first few steps of being scared of being somewhere new then been at home with your parents.
As I started going there more comfortably, Everything started going the best way for me. Learning lots, Making friends and having fun playing activity for me to section from. As I got older and older, Things began to change my life. like, Began getting Bullied, my Disability began to show and develop, while began to lose friends and started to struggle at school.
As of the time I Finished School after 5 years of High-school, I've Graduated my Highest Degree year work with relief and joy. Even though I will miss those teachers who'd helped me learn, reaching my goals for when the Future which is coming to me.
Looking for a Job
As I Finished School. Began to take a break from Life and chill at home with my parents. As I was Chilling, I've begun to start to cook meals, Clean and began to look after my parents. A half year later, while was cleaning one day, I heard the mail person drop off some papers and bills down at our house and began to collect them and begun to flick through them, Nothing Worth my interested except for the newspaper, which I've been reading through for some time and found a Job in needing a Corp-Worker who has the strength to able do long loads with no hassle to get job done.
As I given my parents the mail I was a little happy as I can have the chance to find work, instead of staying home, I could go out and work. They were pleased and I when off to see if its available for this type of skill. As I got to the corporation building, I began seeing workers with the work icon on their suits and I was nervous I wouldn't get the job there. As I walked up to the Front Desk which where staffs sign in and out, asking for a Staff request Application forum.
As was about to grab the application the Vice President at the time, began to get my attention, As I turned around to them. I was scared, shy and really unaware. As I pointed to myself, they nodded and I stared to stare at them. They asked me to come into their office, So I came in but I was thinking to myself, "I didn't do my application yet...". They smiled and asked me to take a seat, So I did and they began to talk to me about this position I would like to take.
I told them my name, age and what I am good at and skills I can do. They seemed impressed but one thing they denied is, how much work experience I had in Business and in the matter as I had never done such Subject at school so I cant use them as Pieces of evidence to prove I done work in those Classes. He was serious that he would not accept it, due to the Leader at the time, wasn't in his office for that week. He denied it like they should so I didn't get upset. But he did offer me a trial offer for him.
I was glad to accept it as its a start, as he told me the trail briefing. I was Happy as it wasn't hard at all to do. So I nodded without any word and as I began to walk out, but the Vice-President told me to work on it, and someday in future the president when his back will contract me. I just smiled and nodded and walked off.
As I began doing the Request more and more, I began to get contracted by the president as he got back and we began to talk. I was alarmed like I wouldn't know who it was as. But as we talked I found out it was the President of the company. He began to talk to me about the requirements I told him I was aware of his Second In Charge.
He was happy, as He heard, More about me, As I got more and more work experience done. Although it was only a 2 week Trail. He began to get reports rolling in about me. As I came back at end of the trail, I began to sit in the seats as the desk person was busy.
The President asked me to come to their office, Which I did and they accepted me into their ranks and told me what I need from here on, As a member of the team. So that next day, as I entered the workforce, I sore these same guys I seen going in and out and we've introduced each other. and from there we began to treat each other strangely at first, But. . . U can get used to them really fast like the speed of sound.
Main Career begans
When I started workforce the next day, I've met my Co High Ranked officer who will be my wing-man for the first couple Days, Who's was making sure I was doing the right thing as he does his job.
In order by the Vice President, the President, the base officer in control of docking on the base of operations in Kansas, and Who was in charge of my operations. Mr. Van-Burick, At the time They Were hard as a rock on me as it was hard for me to take orders that well. As I Could slowly, started to Follow orders, I got myself a pre-outfitted Rhino as the company bought for me.
As it didn't really cost me a Din as The Company was Generous to me For able to pay the Ship and hand me the papers to fill the ownership information which was a pain as I never done such forums before. Later after I filled in the Papers, The Ship Dealer Handed me the Keys and my Permit Papers to show my Ownership and told me "Don't lose these papers" I was like nodding and put them in my Case which my father give me before departure to corporation Quarters.
As I started her up for the first time, She didn't want to go. I thought she was dead, Like out of fuel like all normally do at first when they first start. Later It started like it was just a little old but I will make her better as I get used to her. While flying with my Officer they began to talk to me about the Roles of the Group, Way we do Business and how we protect ourselves during encounters.
As they spoke, I began putting down keynotes as they told me to put down. Moments later during the journey back to the Headquarters, We got an Encounter about what we talked about. It's like "the whole encounter was Called for". I began to start to talk to the Pirate who encountered us about what they want and how we can do business like to keep them happy and us happy.
They began to talk about Roles of the pirates, Which Confirmed my thought about that "planed" encounter. I was like Confused then the officer told me what they meant in Curtain parts. As we were about to head our different ways, The Pirate asked us for 3M as a Test. I told the officer in charge of my Protection to let me pay them. They were happy and send me the money and I handed it through to the Pirate.
Win-Win both ways. As They flew off in the darkness we headed to the Base of operation happy and safe. As we Approach the Base, There was a Fighter officer outside Flew to us and began asking for Identified ID. The officer Told them my clearances, was told is Wanted on base. We both landed and they showed me around. nice View of the Base quarters of the Space. Nothing then Rest and talked to get to know the Crew and having a Meeting about Introducing myself, although, I was shy they all were Calmly waiting for me to talk.
As the next day raises in the Headquarters. Which was told is Lensing. Strange name but it was nice to me. As I got up, Had a shower and waited in the Meeting room ready for first orders from the Base Manager and the Key leaders, Mr. Van-Bruck, Mr. gunsmith and The President himself.
As they came in as rest the crew, I began to get worried that I wouldn't be fit in, One of them sat next to me and patted me on my back and said "It okay, we all had those moments" Then they went quiet so the president does the brief message of the Tasks to be done. As The Tasks were handed, My task was Mining Operation. I was lucky I as Given Task with one of the Key Members. I was happy a little inside as they will go quite hash on me. But as was mining, I was slow at first.
As Day goes by, I began to get Swore fingers from Shotting Rocks. I was able to land on Base and take a break for lunch. As I did Some others were eating in the Cafeteria in the Base. Even the Vice-President was at the time talking to the President. I sat side him and eating my food as they talked about the operation I was given. They both smiled not knowingly I was eating side them and shallowed. It made me feel happy outside also working for them both.
While the weeks have gone by, Payments Rolling in and working long hours, I overheard there is an Opportunity for a Promotion to Standard Transport Captain. That was my Dream the whole time I was working for the Deep Space Engineering. Worked hard, Day by day, Week after week, months after months. Next, I knew I was Called into the President Office for some reason. I walked in and seen the key leader of my department and the Vice President sitting down.
I knew this isn't good news for the looks on their faces. I was thinking did I do something wrong?. The key Leader of my department spoke then later the vice President Spoke and they were all impressed with my work for the Division I worked in. Later that day, I was told go back to work, so I did and before I was about to take the night shift off, The President called me one more time, so I came and it was just the President himself, Vice-President and me.
We had a talk, and the last thing, I been told before I Left was to be given the promotion to the Transport Captain rank, which Unlocks me permission to use curtain DSE Transport ships. I was happy and Smiled without a word. They Were happy with my reports and handed me a Captains Cap and the keys to a Ship Pre-brought, Pre-Painted and everything on it was pre-owned by the Department of Trading in which I was dreaming in for doing.
As I began doing Transport Piloting and Mining freely as I became a Transport Captain I was Allowed to mine at any time I like. Which I did to this day. As I did one load I was stopped by my first Pirate. Had a nice talk to them, was demanded 10 Million. So I had to tell them I cant pay it as I don't own the money on the ship "at the time". They told me about something the Company did. I kept it quiet. They told me a new price, Pay them 2 million and keep it quiet they leave me alone till they next encounter me. I was like looking at my cargo worth and accepted them and paid.
As they flew off and I went my way. Began to think about they been saying about the company did. As I returned back to base, I was that scared I will die in my own sleep. Entered my Quarters as seen Vice-President Coming to check on me. I told him what they do to the Pirate Organization. They knew what I mean and told me "don't take it personally they're trying to fish us out.", then left me in my quarters and token the ship keys and did something.
The next night as I put keys back on the hock in my room, they sat side me like, something is about to go down. They told me they read the logs on the AI computer logs and told me to keep away from their Organization if I can. I tried my best. As I did my Task I was given each day. I began to Hear Warning Lights going off on the AI computer. I landed on base as soon as I can to see whats going on. As I sore all the crew running to their ships, I saw the Vice President running to his ship. As he ran I began to ask him whats going on.
He told me, "Prepare yourself for war".. I was like "I cant fight".. he knew I had no hope. he tokens me under his wing as I was about to enter my ship, Some metal sway bar hit my head and knocked me clean out. I was in a coma for 3 days. Next, I know when I woke up, I was in a hospital on another base with him side me worried I wouldn't survive. I was scared, upset and worried what happened. As the Vice-President told me everything, I was mad, weak and wanted revenge for those Pirates to kill Lensing. As I tried sitting up, he helped me a little.
As I was in the hospital, I was told to recover my strength and get well as the Hit on my head was really hard. As The Nurses and doctors began Coming in to check on me, the Vice-President told me he has to leave so they can do tests on me. I was like I didn't want him to go...But he knew he has to and given me a nice hug like a father does and told me "Don't call me Vice-President call me Dan or Mr. Gunsmith" and leaves.
I was forced to go back to sleep and next I knew a day later I was awake again. but I feel really dizzy and weak. As Mr. Van-Bruck came in with Mr. Gunsmith again, They were happy I was fine with some of the other crew members. As I recovered in the next 4 weeks. I was myself all again but here and there will get headaches, but that didn't worry me that much.
As I got to the base remains after I recovered, I was taken back by Mr Gunsmith, I released my ships weren't there. I was told It exploded with the base with the side of the Transport I was given.. as I was only left with the money I had in my father's Briefcase which I was given by Mr gunsmith was able to receive in time. I looked inside and it has a few million as it all I had, rest was burned or stolen. As I had no ride, Mr. Gunsmith toke me to Planet Houston to get a new Rhino.
As I did, it was the same Dealer as before, They heard the news on the Survivors and savage Channel. I was weak still as I lost my strength cause the hospital time. As they knew I was in bad shape they given me the Rhino for half price as it was all I had. With another half, I will need pay later if can. As I began to recover the ship controls again, I was giving some cash but not a lot.. as I am in recovery mode in the company and Mr gunsmith told me to take the rest the week off, in which I did to recover some my cash to be able to make lots again.
Around a few days later after recovery, most the crew had left due to no work and nothing to do. But I stayed due to I am respected by the team. As Most the Key leaders and Mr. Gunsmith began to work for another origination, they asked me if I wanted to join, and I've accepted. I was glad to cause any more of that, I will have a chance of death more than into another Coma again.
Change of update in my Career
When it came time after I recovered from the base accident which almost leads me to my death, I began working with the Deep Space Mining under my new miner, it wasn't really outfitted well as my balance was the tight cause of the case didn't hold much money.
Money at first when I was reworking was hard, as the Family members who formed the group wasn't able to deposit much cash into the family funds, which the Base Manager, who came second in charge. Put a few million for starters which were to me is fine.
As we as a family, went off to buy a load of Food, water, oxygen and Reinforced alley with the survive DSE Transport captains who surived the Destruction. even Mr. Gunsmith's Transport, Executive also surprised the blasted. To yet again start the new Construction of our home, we called Elysium. As the base was out standard with the basic goods to start her off, we began developing Storage models immediately.
While they began building the Storage models, I began mining to make some fast cash so I can get a transport and try helping. As it started became night-fall on the new home. The family began to have dinner together in the cafeteria, some of us are tried as the transporting is really hard work, and they all went off to bed, me and Mr. Gunsmith.
We began to talk about how we can make this work again but as a family. a new forum of family. I told him about me apologies about how I went mining instead of helping best I can. He understood how much the money was tight and hugged me goodnight and we both set off to bed in our quarters.
The very next morning raise near Elysium, I woke up early, had a shower before anyone else woke up and began to have breakfast. As I began to walk into the Meeting room for briefing, I began to think about my mum, dad, and my sister as I waited for the organization.
As everyone else started to wake up, had their showers, most of them had to go back to earth safely as others just help the base manager with the needs daily and mining operations.
While the Base began to get a study amount of stuff, one of the staffs began to discover a strange pocket of some ore, As they came back on station and taken it to the Labs.
When I landed on the base and walked in the labs, I've Immediately put on my lab safety gear and all that I am safe from hazard materials, They discovered the ore they found was Silver Ore. Which they knew, will make us a fortune if sold correctly at the right buyer.
As they kept it on station till Mr gunsmith came back on station, to check on the teams on the base operations status. While Mr. Gunsmith began to check on every, the officer who found the ore went to him and showed what they found. Mr. Gunsmith was very proud of this new discovery and knew the right buyer who was good for our business, but most of us who heard the news is thinking his off his head and gone insane.
As the miners and myself began to work on the new ore, Mr. Gunsmith set off, with a sample of the silver to his buyer we worked our hardest to keep the ore coming in the base, as he's gone to his buyer. While later during the day goes on, I began to think about if his okay, At that moment my head started to hurt from the accident earlier in the year.
As it got later, I heard a Faint Signal entering our sectored area. I asked them for their Identification, and it turned up as Mr. Gunsmith returning from his dealer with a little case of cash. I began to be happy, As he began to tell the miner crew, Mining is a gold mine, for us. Everyone was happy, even myself for the first time in ages since I joined the team.
The very next day, mining began to be fun and worth a lot. After a few runs of ore delivery, the base was full, and everyone began to go to the Waypoint sent by Dan himself, and we all were happy once again. Many loads later I got a lot of money.
While I began to get to much money in my pocket and case, I bought myself a Civilian Very heavy fighter, Civilian bomber, Civilian gunboat and a nice Bison. As I began to use my new Bison, I began to make millions fast and safer. Later as I getting too much to fast as I don't need much anymore, I Began to set up a backup bank account case I lose all my money again. As time goes on, the family began to get requests from recruits requesting to join and as always, Mr gunsmith asked me to get them and I always do that in style and always do what I'm told.
Update again with the Resistance
As the Deep space Mining operations turning out smoothly Mr Gunsmith began to talk to the Elders of Liberty about making a Stand for our operations to make them come more to the pubic so our Productions of Cloak Disrupters, Silver ore comes out so more profit for us can be made.
As time went on, Staff began to get more and more busy with their families over the universe, or Been unable to work as medical reasons which shaken me up a little. cause it cuts down on our production Cycle and Material costs and resources to power them.
While I was gone to Visit a few friends in Liberty, I began to contract the Elysium Hub. It was quite at first as though everyone was busy working for a change, Impressive I say at first. So I waited for a few days and began to call again as telling them I'm on my way back to Station the next day after a week Holiday from Elysium.
By that time I called Hub one last time, and began to get hold of someone, they telling me things in the hub aren't going so great and I will be asked to come back immediately as I can. So that night I parked up my stuff then caught the next Transporter friend to Elysium as their going there too. as I got on the transport I found out it was Captain Lourens of the DSS Tag ship, Nightingale.
As I sat foot on Elysium once again. I unpacked my stuff in my room, as I came back out all dressed ready for work, I heard the place been quite, I walked around to investigate what happening on the station, and sore a bare few in the rest room and one in the main room eating.
I began to look inside the Rest room and sore a few staffs having their showers.. As I sore them having showers I looked immediately away. and walked out and sat at the staff member eating and asked them whats going on. They responded the base is getting quite cause not many are left on board due to reasons.
As I sore Mr RecMac come out of the rest room he told me his reason he hasn't been working and I began to get dressed to get to work As I began to get in my room Mr Gunsmith stoped me and began to talk to me about an operatory that I can or can not deny.
So I stoped and hear him out. He told me come to the meeting room as soon as I can cause he will tell why then. After that he let me go to my room to get changed and as I done getting changed I walked into the Meeting room and sore him them standing up straight as an arrow ready to tell us why he called us here.
as Minutes came hours he told us all his resigning from DSS President cause of His life is catching up on him and told us all he knows someone in this Group has been helping him since day 1 of this operations and then he went quiet.
I began to get worried then he spoke up and told me to go outside the room. I was like "what I do?? am I in trouble?" but I without a word, walked out and waited for him. As I walked out he told rest he be right back. Then we talked for a few moments about this position he has for someone.
As I began to worry about it, I looked down then he handed my shoulder and I looked up at him. As I looked up at him, his eyes began to sparkle and tear.. I was felt under sadness and wanted to cry, But I stayed Strong and brave for him.
He told me "How you like taking my place as President?". I was speechless then I opened my mouth and cant resistance and said "Well, I can give it a go that's all I can say". He was happy and said "Use my strength and you will success the company to gory and wonders far beyond you can image" which made me joy tear. He even will word everyone to help me. I just can't thank him hard enough and starred, after that I've said "Permission to return to room sir?", he just nodded and did and sat back down.
Months has gone by, And the Team is getting more busier by the moment, Meanwhile around 08:00 Hrs, Mr Gunsmith has heard from another Originazation Leader, known as Mr Parr, who is a member of the ISE of Crayter Repbuic and requested to see Dan, under a meeting Outside Planet Yuma. Everything went to plan as he was escorted by, Me,Mr Racmac and Mr O'Hara.
Hours later, Mr Parr offered us a drink on him on the planet. Mr Gunsmith,O'hara and Mr Racmac landed and had their drinks while I stay outside the planet Talking to Mr Parr about a follower friend of mine, Mr Gramball joining, He told me a few things but rest was classfield.
As the meeting was over, We been given the papers from Mr Parr the next day for the Company to be able to use their Altas, as long as we like, So that made a new foamed Paint was made. When Dan stayed there he send rest the team though a private sectured saying we got access to their Altas and all its database information.
As I sat down he told everyone his retiring and said I am now the new president of DSS and said everyone if they can give me assistances as his last President of the company request, which everyone was happy to accept his last and final request and he picked me up and put me out front and smiled and saluted to me as everyone else stood up and done also.
Without thinking I did also and everyone else drops as I do also and all sat down as final moments with Mr D Gunsmith as a farewell party Hosted by himself before he lefted us and began to go on retirement after I drop him off at his retirement Location and hugged him for final goodbye and lefted to help DSS and become a nice helpful president.
as things are going nicely, Everything was fine, till the things I cant do start to hit me hard, as I began to struggle, I heard Mr Gunsmith returned and doesn't like to retire by the way he acting, and token back President and Left me in a unknown spot in the ranks maybe I go back to my old rank, or yet I requested him in his office if I can help him organizing the recruiting forums that gets shipmented. wouldn't know till I caught up with him.
Days gone by, I had indeed caught him in time before he departured for a meeting some where in the univerise.. didn't say where but. He told me He had changed my Mining operations and transports duties to now them still but now then been a casual fighter, an eilite fighter since he seen me under darkness that my fighting had made me a dangerous man now to mess around with.. But as long as my Controls don't freeze up on me which normaly does time to time, we be just... cool
While a few weeks to months gone by, Mr Gunsmith heard a Transmission from another Human. I wasn't sure who it might be, till I heard Mr Gunsmith said he will met this guy at some place. I didn't caught where but. As I heard a notice on the Speakers about Dan is calling for a team meeting in the meeting room. I came as soon as possible, followed by other members apart from Mr Brick, I wonder what made him late, either way doesn't matter.
When the team began to sit, even myself. Mr Gunsmith told us his going to be visiting the Crayter Integral Systems Engineering Leader personnel and requesting some of our Finniest fighters to escort him. Me, Mr O'Hara and Mr RacMac Volunteered. He was happy with us coming along. Shame that no one else steped up or had time.
Meanwhile after that meeting he told us to met him outside the base at a time which was the departure time to Vist this guy. As time went by, we began to talk about this guy. I was hyped cause this may be the time I get to see a old friend of mine who I Caught time to time on my Travels when im off duty, who I hope, isn't on Duty by the time of us arriving.
After a few hour flying with non stops, we got there and this guy, Identified himself as Mr Parr, which sounds like the guy I've heard before, which was who send that Transmission to us the hours beforehand. As we flew to Planet Yuma, Some Independent Miner Guild pilot was getting shot by the Crayter military which was Hilarious to watch. As I began to get low fuel cause I forgot to top my ship up, I had to landed on Yuma for a refuel and vist my friend's Apartment which was on the Planet somewhere.
After a while I relauched and sore the meeting ending up and they began to land on the planet for refill, a drink and some resourses on Mr Parr himself. after it began to come night fall on Planet Yuma and the Team landed and rested Peacefuly and the next day I've heard from Mr Gunsmith, we got the Papers to fly the Altas as long as we use a special name.
As days to months gone by, Mr Gunsmith began to resign once again to the Company, but this time, permit for real. Which really upsetted me a lot due to reasons, soon after he lefted us, a lot of the team also lefted, sadly only ones who was active was myself, Mr MacRae, and Mr O'Hara at the time. When time came, I was told, by Mr MacRae himself, he has to return to his family where he is needed most and left me back in Charge of the operations in the DSS. So it was left with myself and my Best friend, Mr O'Hara. Good friend of mine, I wouldn't say friend, let me say, an old Pal of mine.
As things since those times gone past, things going quiet, Taking Daily which turns to every so often, goods we need to keep our base alive and Function correctly. I am still waiting on updates with our closest ally, the Crayter Republic about work we do with them. No rush I always say as we are chilling for their Transmission, Mr O'Hara and I.
It beens many Months since Last Entry of my Career,Sadly due to the indieness of the Team, I, Mr Daverson Had put DSS to rest. I am and will always loved the family cause times we had, was funny, fun, crazy but it I still call family. I Shut down Elysium operations, and Toke my Taxi back to Manhattan to my family, And told them stories of my life and shown them my logs and they pleased, I learnt a lot of things in my life I had with these guys. and from this point, im uneloymeed, But That doesn't stop me with the skill I learnt to use.
DSS under a new Age
Its been so long and it seemed, Like the DSS Has been called by a new leader, They go by the name, Velerie Gunsmith. Could this be That Dan told me about he had a sister or girlfriend. Well spoke heard her voice a bit, I can confirm it was his wife, after hearning about Dan's lost, this made me upset but i need be strong, For him. well, I cant let her down not like this in her heart broken from lost of her busband.
God.. I hope this DSS outfit still fits me.. hasn't worn it in so long. I should check my Spaceship pad I bought with some of the money i got from work to the government to look after. Once there I'll go to the base and check it out see what hasn't change, and maybe just maybe, met up with her get to know Valerie more.