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The 'Hujuk' was a private Democritus Luxury Yacht which was destroyed by the Liberty Navy after an armed uprising by automated robotic units onboard. The owner is unknown.

Hujuk "Democritus" Class Luxury Yacht
Ship Class Transport
Built by Unknown Civilian
Technical information
Guns/Turrets 0 / 5
Opt. weapon class 7
Max. weapon class 8
Other equipment
Hull strength 170,000
Max. shield class 7
Cargo space 1,500 units
Nanobots/Batteries 400/400
Max. impulse speed 100 m/s
Max. thrust speed 160 m/s
Max. cruise speed 350 m/s
Power output 90,000 u
Power recharge 7,500 u/s
Additional information
Ship price $70,000,000
Package price $72,082,250


The Hujuk was not simply a pleasure Yacht but was also used extensively for the owner's passion, exploration. Long weeks and months were spent in the vast tracts of space between star systems as the ship's refitted engines traversed the gap to systems that did not have jumpholes or other connections to known Sirius space. On a seemingly normal excursion into an unknown system the ship came across what seemed to be a fully mechanical or artificial based vessel. What later would be known to be an encounter with the Harvesters was to be a pivotal moment in the life of the Hujuk.

The Harvester clamped onto the Yacht and after interfacing with the electronic systems onboard, transmitted the Beta code to all the automated robotic units onboard. The Yacht had an abnormally large amount of these onboard due logistical reasons, replacing a crewman with an automated unit allowed for one less mouth to feed and care for. With the code transmitted, many of the units became self aware and chaos ensued. A massacre took place aboard the ship as the units now commenced their new Harvesting directive. The Navigator, one of the last people to live on the vessel, managed to set a course for Liberty space and recorded a distress call.

The Yacht eventually reached Colorado and the distress call was picked up by a nearby Liberty Police Incorporated patrol. Unfortunately, after finding out about the slaughter onboard and the self-aware robotic units, the patrol was destroyed by the units and the Yacht's turrets. The Police referred the issue to the Navy who declared the vessel too dangerous to allow to be left alone and so it's destruction was ordered.

Before this could be carried out however, an unknown group boarded the Yacht and somehow took the robotic units off the vessel before vanishing out of range of system scanners.

The vessel was destroyed by a Naval strike team and the remains projected into the system's star.