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Kell Tainer

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Kell Tainer
Origin Liberty
Affiliation The Order
Rank Colonel
Born January 26th, 790 A.S., Planet Los Angeles
Died Still alive


Kell Tainer is a former Liberty Security Force Agent now working for The Order. Born on Los Angeles in the California System, he and his brother James are the children of an Ageira researcher and a former LSF agent. Strong willed, noble hearted and an adept commander, he is in command of the Black Ops force known as "The Preservers" and stark contrast to many Order agents.

Early Life and Career in the LSF

Kell was born on January 26th, 790 A.S. in a hospital on Planet Los Angeles along with his brother James to Michael and Alyssa Tainer. From an early age, the twins were destined for the LSF. Their father, Michael was an LSF agent, and their mother, Alyssa was a researcher for Ageira Technologies consulting for the LSF. During their school years, the twins demonstrated their differing abilities. Kell proved to be noble at heart, very independent and strong willed, adept at leading (albeit, very reluctant) and to be a bit shy. James demonstrated similar qualities, except showing a large ego, and far more sociable than his brother. Throughout elementary school and high school, Kell hung in the background, sticking to a close-knit group. When he was 18 and just about to graduate, he met his future wife, Rebecca. They began dating second semester of his senior year, later getting married when he finished at West Point and she graduated from University. During the Nomad War, his father went MIA on an Op in Rheinland. What actually happened is of dispute, but the result was his father being recruited into the organization known as The Order. This would later effect Kell's career. Upon graduation from High School, Kell was accepted at the West Point Military Academy. There, he further built upon his abilities, and studied bio-medical engineering. Upon graduation, he was recruited by the LSF. Due to his natural born leadership and degree in Bio-Medical engineering, he was sent to Eureka Research station in the highly classified Ellesemere system. He served with the LSF from 813 A.S. to 815 A.S., under Director Brian Copeland. In April of 815, he had had enough of the LSF. He was ordered to experiment on a Nomad-Human Hybrid. He refused the order, and was subsequently attacked by his supervisor, who also attempted to infest him. Kell shot the man, and escaped, stealing an LSF Avenger type fighter. For the next two years, he would be off the grid, running.

On the Run


Recruitment into the Order and early career

In early 817 A.S., Kell recieved a communique from his father, who had been MIA for 15 years, urging him to come to Toledo, the Order's main base of operations. Kell heeded the transmission and journeyed to Omicron Minor. There, he was thought of as a spy, until he proved his worth by completing many missions successfully, and earning the trust of his comrades. Over the next several months, he was promoted to the rank of Captain and given command of the Hathor Class Gunboat, Neith. He led several recon missions, including one to the Kansas system, where he met the Neo Terran Front (NTF). Upon the discovery of an Alien (presumably Daam'Ka'Vosh) station in a system linked to Kansas, Kell pushed for the immediate dispatch of a fighter wing to the system to guard against Nomad incursion. This fell on deaf ears. However, then came the Preservers.

The Preservers

In January of 818 A.S., Kell was given command of a highly classified Black Ops unit codenamed "The Preservers".

Their purpose is twofold

  • The Interdiction of Nomad Technology
  • The Study of the Nomads

Rumors persist of more hidden goals, but they can be assured of this, they work for the good of humanity.

Along with this, he was given command of a new cruiser, The Neith II , a heavily modified Resheph Class Reconnaissance Cruiser.

Now he directs the Preservers from the shadows of the Omicrons, leading them towards their goal.

The Neith II

The Crew of the Neith II

Colonel Kell Tainer, Commander
Colonel Rebecca Tainer, Chief Science Officer
Commander Jessica Donnelly, Chief Engineer
Major Rachel Whitcomb, Chief Medical Officer
Lieutenant Jack "Ghost" Williams, Helmsman
Lt. Commander Matthias Shaw, Weapons Officer