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The Outer Project

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The Inner Project


With war raging in all four houses and with increased embargo laws many companies are forced to let many of their employees go in order to save what little profit they get. In these hard times most of the transport captains have no choice but to go on their own and into smuggling work, but with the risk level gradually getting higher as military and police forces get more suspicious of any transport that isn't from the known companies, and their shoot first and ask questions later policy makes many smugglers rather sit in docks than move something illegal.

So a band of smugglers came together and thought up a plan: To create a criminal gang to support their smuggling operation and help them break any blockade that stand in their way, this criminal gang would be their muscles when it comes to enforcing their will on anyone who dare stand in their way, they called it The inner Project because, They planned to create a new under ground network of shipping from all corners of the galaxy, making contacts with pirate houses and pirate organisations in order to freely move their cargos, and would only operate from the inside and in the shadow, with no marking of any kind, and they mostly fly unmarked ships, unlike their criminal gang which they called them The outer Project, would operate in open view, and fly proud with their banner [ToP].


Sara Croft was one of the best transport captains in one of the leading liberty shipping companies, flying transports was the best thing she could think of and her dream was owning that special yacht so she could explore space in luxury. Her work with the company involved the usual cargo runs like rations, water, oxygen and luxury food. Then after the company received new contracts her cargo runs changed to very high valued cargo. With these cargo changes came very high stress. She received strict orders from her superiors to not lose any of her cargo and that it was time sensitive, this wasn't any problem for her, but flying through lanes made her work less effective. Being a creative young women she found an opportunity to use the jump hole rumors most traders have heard of, and in time she effectively charted enough of them to make her run more efficient and much more succesful. Sara got a lot of praise from her friends in the company but not from her superiors, words reached them that she used an unconventional method to get to her drop point.

Sara continued to do her special runs and she sometimes met other transport captains on smuggling runs, some would just fly by without any contact and some would exchange a few words with her. And there was always a few ships that would stop because of a malfunctioning engine, most of them could not afford a new version, so they put a few scraps together and called it an engine. Sara didn't mind stopping to give them assistance, some thanked her for her help and some just mumbled the word with suspicious eyes, and some didn't mind sharing a story with her. Such as a smuggler by the name of Shane, he would just go on about his travels through uncharted space but said very little about his reason for being there. Sara didn't mind hearing his stories as she was most interested.

A few months after she received her new contracts, the company had troubles covering some of their debts, and had to make considerable sacrifices by terminating some of their factory workers and dock workers and replacing them with a new model of artificial worker to save money and hours, however they couldn't afford to lose their transport captains. But they found this opportunity to terminate one captain that didn't follow company policy. Sara Croft. Soon after that she left planet side and started spending most of her time in bars while fixing her old transport, and it wasn't long before she met her old friend Shane and got together for a drink and told him about her story, so to repay her Shane offered to bring her with him and into the smuggling operation but she wasn't sure, but Shane knew she wouldn't refuse her dream.

Weeks past, Shane and Sara's smuggling became somewhat legend, transporting highly illegal cargo, with no one the wiser. Shane was still unsure about his newly found helper, he still kept a few hidden secrets from Sara. Once, he received an encrypted transmission about a meeting so he sent Sara to get supplies. Sara, like the good navigator she was, found shortcuts, so she returned a bit early, only to find strange characters having words with Shane, she got closer to listen in. She could barely hear the words, but she knew that the argument had become heated, and in a fraction of a second the unknown men drew their pistols and started shooting, she fell to her knees with shock and Shane collapsed, dead, on the floor of his ship. The sounds of police units soon filled the air, and the three men left the scene. Sara still stunned but aware of the situation, she convinced her self to move and leave the ship.

Still trying to find out what happened back onboard Shane's ship, Sara kept on doing her smuggling work, knowing that it was probably the best way to get a clear picture of what happen, but this wasn't enough. She had to expand her operation, get a full crew, find Shane's contacts and his old smuggling friends that he talked about. It wasn't long befor she realised that she was planning a smuggling organization and it wasn't going to be that easy either.

The Outer Project


The Outer Project is the complete opposite of what the Inner Project is in the smuggling rings. Members of the Outer Project don’t care about secrecy or whether or not their name is known amongst the lawful forces. Their motto: Get the job done as fast as possible, no matter what.

This means members of the Outer Project aren’t afraid to take shortcuts through systems with extreme military defenses. Tradelanes and jumpgates are the main travelling system these people use. And even if one gets caught by lawful forces, they won’t go down without a fight, risking their hide by flying through minefields or into the extreme warmth of a sun. Nothing is too risky for members of the Outer Project, and nothing will stop their cargo from reaching its destination.

They are the tools of The inner Project. They are used to make those hard choices in order to get the job done, they kill, pirate and smuggle.