Slomon Nyctores

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This is an unofficial player group. For the affiliated NPC faction, see Nomads.

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Talk Page

Slomon Nyctores
Nyctores (2).png
Origin Unknown
Affiliation Nomads
Alignment Other
Date of founding -2,000,000 A.S.
Founder(s) Moveit56
Current leader(s) Moveit56
Base of operations unknown
Primary ID K'Hara ID
IFF Nomad
Tag(s) Nyctores|

The Nyctores

The Nomad goal has always been the same throughout the long time of their existence. Finding their Creators, and keeping their possessions and space throughout the ages. The Humans have started to become a threat to the Nomads, taking over pieces of space the Nomads deemed was theirs. Because of the continuation of threats of hindering the Nomad’s search, the Nomads started to have no choice but to act more aggressively to the intruders. Slowly becoming more and more dangerous when around the foreign beings, they eventually reached the point of killing them, paving their path through the Humans finding it the most efficient way in dealing with them. The section of nomads that stuck to hostility and aggressiveness was eventually designated the Slomon K’Hara.

The Great Sleep. The deep slumber the Nomads go into to reconnect with the other nodes of the Mirrorshare and to merge themselves fully as one being again. Even after the awakening of the Harbinger and the nomads with it, there remains a large group of other nomads that did not wake up with the rest at Sol. Nomads that remained in their deep sleep throughout the ages until Sirius was colonized by the Humans.

These other nomads eventually started to awake from their slumber and rejoin their brethren in Sirius as it was the closest colony to their present location with a large amount of their kin. Yet they have not adjusted to the hostility against the Humans. These Nomads did not resort to violence to get what they wanted, but used the older methods which included influencing the Humans, and planting more spies into the Human ranks than the others. These nomads became known as the Slomon Nyctores. Nomads who continue to use the past methods instead of using the K’Hara’s more violent ones.

The Nomads that awoken later were very cunning. With the addition of these minds into the Mindshare, the Nomads were able to influence the Outcasts into doing their will with the help of the nomad mind Aurora, Infection of Humans into Rheinland started to increase in number, and the newly developed form of infiltration, the Specters were created with much help of these Nomad minds.

At the end of the Nomad War, the Dyson Sphere was completely destroyed by the Order which in turn destroyed the Nomad Mindshare causing all of them to go insane. After the period of time it took for the Nomads to begin to recover, Dur-Shurrikun was completed and all of the Nomads were linked together once more. Because of the failure and the pain the Nomads had to go through, many of the Nomads decided that the ways of the Slomon Nyctores were not the way to go. Most minds changed their ways and resorted to violence with the K’Hara, yet many remained resolved to continue to attempt to accomplish their goals with deceit and manipulation of the Human species.

The Slomon Nyctores and the K’Hara are the same beings. Yet the Nyctores have different views on what the most efficient way of going about things with the Human race.

Nomad Diplomacy

Faction Relationship
Slomon K'Hara
Strange Humans
Everyone Else