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Ashley Sukuki

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Ashley Suzuki
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Origin Flag-kusari.png Kusari
Occupation Solar Runner Leader
Gender Female
Hair color Silver
Eye color Sea Blue
Affiliation Freelancer - Zoner
Born unknown

Bio - The Beginning

Bio: Born on Tomioka to Hakido Suzuki, a field worker, and Lily Harkens, a Libertonian tourist, Ashley Suzuki was the second to be born to the couple after they eloped to Planet Denver. Her older sister, Silver, was the most temperamental of the four children. Cursed with a temper and a master of wielding it, Silver terrorized her younger sisters, causing the massive rift between Ashley, Rori, and Yori with Silver. Silver then disappeared, and Hakido joined the Liberty Navy after being laid off his job on Denver. While hakido was off fighting on the Texas Front, Lily was forced to raise Rori and Yori herself. Ashley helped as best she could, and the family got by on what Hakido sent back. The family was going fine until the Accident. As Yori was playing in the park with Ashley, a drunk driver raced by, running up the curb and heading straight for the two. Yori pushed her older sister to the side and was hit full on. She was thrown to the side and struck the ground as the car smashed into a tree. Ashley rushed to Yori’s side and was the last person to talk to her before she passed. Her final words were “Are you ok?” and when Ashley said yes, and that Yori would be fine, Yori just smiled and closed her eyes forever. This left Ashley with a permanent stutter, which is amplified when in intimate situations. It was at this time that Lily began to become cruel and demanding, leading to a rift between her and her remaining two children. Finding no reason to stay behind, Ashley, at 17, and Rori, 14, left their mother and her cruelty behind and returned to Kusari, where they fell in with the Blood Dragons after being attacked by some Hogosha. Becoming a low-level member of the Dragons, Ashley mostly flew a few patrols around Kyoto before she received word by an old friend on Denver that informed her of her father murdering Lily Suzuki and defecting from the Liberty Navy with a group of Navy officers, including her errant sister Silver. Ashley and Rori were preparing to move away from Kyoto for their own safety, and were in Hokkaido, heading to refill on Ainu, when their Chimera came under attack from a wing of Morag Tong Sabres. Managing to make it to Ainu, the Golden Chrysantheums attempted to mediate the dispute before one of the Sabres lost control after Daito fire took off a wing and smashed into Ashley’s fighter, killing Rori immediately and wounding Ashley. The Chrysanthemums eradicated the remaining three Sabres and took the katana onboard. Treating Ashley, she left as soon as she could in the cockpit of an aged Eagle, making it to Java before it almost literally fell apart. Using the remaining parts and her meager amount of money, she managed to procure a Spatial for herself and headed for Liberty, hoping she could hide from Morag Tong right under their noses.

It went well, until Silver found her. Shortly before hand, Ashley had been accosted by Isabella Archer, and in the following days was cared for by the eccentric freelancer and her household of lesbians, pizza addict, and a brainiac teenager with a penchant for AIs. After being cared for and given a night to rest, Ashley left, but again found herself on the doorstep of Izzy’s apartment, with a flesh wound on her side and Morag Tong on her tail. Isabella nursed her back to help, and the next day asked Ashley to be her girlfriend. It was that night that Morag Tong made one last attempt at Ashley, ending with damage to the Navy Apartment Complex, and dozens of dead Morag Tong agents. Ashley, who had been shellshocked when Silver broke in and tried to kill her, ran out, causing Isaeblla, Strix, and Xi to follow. Using a walkie-talkie froma dead MT agent, Izzy and the two managed to trick the Morag Tong into revealing the location of Ashley, prompting their small assault on the warehouse. Guarded by a platoon of men, Izzy and her two friends fought their way to Ashley. Retrieving her, Izzy fought a final fight with Silver in hand-to-hand combat as Ashley lay unconcious, ending with Izzy the victor and the four leaving the Morag Tong, who had retreated as the Marines from Fort Bragg began to approach. Retreating back to home, Ashley broke from her shell shock and spent one last night with Izzy before being smuggled off the planet by Izzy’s contacts. Delivered to Freeport 1, and out of reach of the Morag Tong forces, Ashley was then transferred to a Corvo-Class cruiser that was waiting. An older one, bordering on decrepit, Ashley was left in charge of the ship, and was told it would have better use in her hands then being scrapped and thrown to the Junkers.

The Star Watch was named after an old activity Ashley and her sister Yori used to do at night time. Around every day at night, Yori would ask Ashley to Star Watch with her. What they did is go out in to an open area and lie down and watch the stars over head. To Yori, there was so much out there she wanted to know. Rori soon joined them and the three would watch the night sky. Star Roamer was the name of the Corvo she was given. Ashley gave it this name because Rori liked to watch one certain star at a time. Sometimes Rori told her other two sisters she could see planets in the stars orbit, sometimes she said there was only rocks, once she said she saw a planet with life on it. The night of Yori’s death shattered Ashley, when she went out that night to watch the stars, her other sister Rori was with her. Rori that night knew Ashley was broken, even she was. That night they stared at the night sky, Rori was in tears by then and Ashley tried to calm her down. Rori only said she missed Yori and she didn’t want to feel this way. Ashley told her Yori was in a better place among the stars, which this calmed Rori down. Around midnight, a tired Ashley brought home a sadly sleeping Rori.

The day of Rori’s death broke Ashley’s heart in two. She had lost three loved ones and the other two were out to kill her. She felt lost, alone, and hated. Soon she met Isabella Archer. Then her feels changed as Izzy showed feeling for Ashley. She felt better for a short time till her sister Silver found her then she broke again. She felt like everyone around her was a target as she would end up only getting them hurt or killed in the end. She fled Izzy’s home when Silver found her. Soon after the rescue and being smuggled to Freeport 1, Ashley found herself at home with her crew. Her hopes turned bright as the crew welcomed her aboard the ship. Two workers that had a job in repairing the ship were Merry and Jade, sisters of each other reminded Ashley of her family. The consent fighting and arguing of the two can sometimes drive people to laugh and ends with Ashley breaking the two up when they start throwing things about at each other. Loke, the ships oldest member, does not really have a job. He walks around the ship most of the day talking to the crew and telling stories of his time in space. He tells stories, and sometimes gives advices on what might be wrong if there is a problem or someone needs help.

Solar Runner Home System Planetary & Solar Body List

|-Discoveries-| S1|632 – star system found on the out skirts of the Sirius sector (Red Giant)

S2|632 – second star found in the system (Green Medium)

GG1|632 – gas giant orbiting the discovered stars (Drake)

GGP1|632 – Drakes first moon (size of a small planet) (Wyvern)

GGP2|632 – Drakes second moon (size of a small planet) (Katana)

GGR1|632 – Drakes first large ring (Defeat)

GGR2|632 – Drakes second and last ring (Blood)

GGP3|632 – Drakes smallest and youngest moon (Life)

LP1|632 – a lava covered planet orbiting the suns (Cross Roads)

LPM1|632 – Cross Roads only moon, a small, storm covered rocky moon (Highlands)

LPR1|632- Cross Roads only ring (Fire)

RP1/3|632 – one of the three small planetoids on the out skirts of the system (Warrior)

RP2/3|632 – one of the three small planetoids on the out skirts of the system (Assassin)

RP3/3|632 – one of the three small planetoids on the out skirts of the system (Horse)

GCA1|632 – a large gas and rock field around the planetoids (Advancing Army)

IF1|632 – a huge ice field on the farthest outskirts of the system (Retreating Storm)

R1|632 – a rock planet in the Retreating Storm ice field (Suzuki)

TP1|632 – a living planet in the middle of the system with its sister planet Rori (Yori)

TP2|632 – a living planet in the middle of the system with its sister planet Yori (Rori)

GG2|632 – a rare red gas giant far out of the pull of the suns (Lily)

GGR1|632 – Lily’s only ring, extending farther than any other ring from the other planets (Silk Road)

^ Yori & Rori ^

These two planets are similar as yet unique as possible. Covered in deserts, forests, jungles, oceans, and open grass lands. The sister planets orbit each other, getting no closer or farther from the planets. Due to this lock in pull, their seasons change normally as one is pulls away and the other one brought closer to the suns. Detectable resources have been found on their surface, but something rare is that the two are inhabited but the two do not have the same life forms, as one might have a large black meat eating bird, where the other never has. A shuttle team surveyed the planet of Yori and found it to be still in the early stages of life, where Rori on the other hand is a few hundred years older. It might be possible that one was once a large planet till a planetoid stuck it and broke its crust off, thus taking the material and using it to for the other planet. Another might be that the two just formed this way.

^ Suzuki * & Retreating Storm Ice Field ^ This planet is just a lone rock in the retreating storm ice field. A few scans have show little resources on the planet besides a small amount of ice on the planet. The small icy rock was once thought to have been larger and a huge ocean that is now the Retreating Storm. However due to the planets very low gravitational pull, the ocean left the planet and formed what is now the Retreating Storm ice field. What supports this idea is that most of the ice in the field has the minerals as those found on the planet.

^ Warrior & Assassin & Horse * & the Advancing Army cloud ^ These three planets are locked in a gravitational well that has put them both in destructive paths with each other. Though to be once gas giants, the three seemed to have their atmosphere ripped away from them from their paths of orbit. The Advancing Army cloud hides the three planets within its self. This cloud contains the planets remaining atmosphere that was torn away and now forms the cloud that the planets rest in. strangely the cloud contains small traces of Oxygen and Water as well as small traces of CO2, hydrogen, and nitrogen. The planets might have once been minable at one point but the dive for the planet would be too risky to do it, but after the gravitation shift of all three planets, the minable material was thrown out of their risky orbits.

^ Drake & moons * & its rings ^ one of the few remaining gas giant in the system, its orbit and path keeps it at all times away from the other planets and far enough to ignore the clouds and fields. It is the only planet found in the system with moons besides Cross Roads. The moons Katana and Wyvern orbit at a safe distance. Katana is a small dense ice planet that is solid enough to keep its self safe. Wyvern on the other hand is bigger and highly active, making its surface covered in volcanic activity all or most the time. The two moons are former planets that were pulled into Drakes orbit when they got to close. Katana orbits the lower half of the planet and Wyvern orbits the upper half. When the two do get close enough, the planet is forced into a reverse spin. The two rings of Defeat and Blood are the remains of two planets that entered Drakes orbit and ended colliding with each other. The resulting impact of both planets destroyed them both and left Drake with its new rings. About after a hundred years, the remains of the two planets have started to form a new moon for Drake. Its youngest and very young planet, Life, orbits the planet at a safe distance that Katana and Wyvern won’t get close enough to harm it.

^ Cross Roads & its moon * & its ring ^ Cross roads is a large planet that is in close orbit with the suns. Its orbit is in a 8 form as it goes around half of one sun then orbits the other for a bit before returning to its normal orbit. Its closeness to the suns makes the planet into a massive lava ball. Its only moon Highlands is slightly similar to its parent planet but has many storms on it due to its magnetic pull with the planet and the suns. Highlands’s storms are a constant thing and make the moon look to be in a black haze most the time. The moons crust is also melted. Fire, Cross Roads only ring, it’s a large melted ring around the planet. Fire was once a lone, huge comet pulled into the planets orbit and was melted by the intense heat.

^ Lily * & and its ring ^ A lone blue gas giant on the out skirts of the system. Scans show old civilizations on its surface, but how anyone can live under this planets intense heat and gravity is a mystery. The planets heavy gravity of the planet is almost impossible to climb out of. Intense heat levels leave the planet looking a bright blue or sometimes a dark blue. Lily’s only ring, Silk Road, a massive ring made of rocks, ice and the remains of Lily’s moons and planes. The ring seems to be made of parts of Retreating Storm ice cloud, broken down planets and moons and stray rocks. The moons/planets that made the rings were planet Hope, planet Overseer and its lone moon Worker, and planet June.

Ships List - Equipment - Cargo

  • Ships: Star.Watch (Big Dragon Transport**) – Star.Roamer (Corvo)

New Ship: Shooting.Star.Carrier (Aquilon - Zoner Carrier) New Ship: Nova.Star (Conference - Zoner Gunship) the Big Dragon Transport has been changed to a Havoc Mk II - XB-2 Civilian Bomber

    • Star.Watch Equipment

G2 LS82-1 "Render" Energy Cannon – x4 Discovery Scanner – x1 M485 “screamer” Mine dropper – x1 CM-4 Enhanced Countermeasure Dropper – x1 CD89b "Hornet" Cruise Disruptor – x2 SP-e2 "Advanced Brigandine" Heavy Fighter Positron Shield Enhanced Thruster --

      • Cargo – (empty)

  • Star.Roamer Equipment

Cruiser Graviton Shield Capital Ship Thruster CM-5 Heavy Countermeasure Dropper- x1 CD98Rc Reinforced Cruise Disruptor – x1 EMP-4a Cruiser Pulse Cannon – x2 C-25 "Cerberus" Cruiser Turret – x4 TL-4a "Light Mortar" Antimatter Cannon – x2

    • -Cargo- (this cargo is part of Shooting.Star.Carrier)

50x Water 10x Tobacco (mostly for Loke) 30x Tea 40x Ship Hull Panels (for repairs) 40x Robotics (for repairs) 60x Pharmaceuticals (medical or illnesses) 20x Oxygen (backup oxygen or for medical) 5x Munitions (defensive ammunition) 15x Luxury Foods 20x Luxury Consumer goods 5x Light arms (defensive weapons only) 25x Industrial Materials (repairs, structures, and testing equipment) 5x Cigars (for Loke only) 10x HazMat Canisters (for radioactive storage or testing) 50x H-fuel (ship fuel, heating fuel, cloaking fuel, power generator fuel and testing fuel) 30x Food rations 10x Wine (Loke only) 80x Consumer goods 15x Deuterium (deep space fuel) 10x Holosculptures (just for looks) 14x Military Vehicles (various vehicles)

  • Shooting.Star.Carrier Equipment

Battleship Molecular Shield Capital Ship Thruster Battleship Scanner EMP-1 Battleship Pulse Cannon – x2 ZT-1 Zoner Battleship Turret– x4 TL-45 "Heavy Mortar" Antimatter Cannon – x2 "Battle Razor" Tachyon-Antimatter Cannon – x2 ZT-2 Zoner Battleship Secondary Turret – x4 Solaris Battleship Turret – x4

    • Cargo

(Take Star.Roamer’s cargo (600 space used) and add it to this) +40x Military vehicles (various vehicles – 40 = 200 cargo space) +100x Luxury Foods +200x Luxury Consumer goods +150x Light arms (defensive weapons only) +250x Industrial Materials (repairs, structures, and testing equipment) +150x Deuterium (deep space fuel) +40x Ship Hull Panels (for repairs) +40x Robotics (for repairs) +50x Pharmaceuticals (medical or illnesses) +20x Oxygen (backup oxygen or for medical)

  • Nova.Star Equipment

C-18 "Cerberus" Gunboat Turret – x6 Capital Ship Thruster CD98Rc Reinforced Cruise Disruptor CM-5 Heavy Countermeasure Dropper

    • Cargo

80x Military vehicles (various vehicles)

Info On The Ships

Shooting Star Carrier, Nova Star, Star Roamer, Star Watch and their crews The shooting star is the head ship of all of Ash’s ships. She has put Loke as the captain of the ship. The carrier is a launch pad for ash and her small ragtag team of crew. This ship remains stationed in the discovered system on the out skirts of Sirius, only returning time from time to pick up the needed cargo and then head back out. The Carriers multiple military class vehicles range differently depending on the mission of the terrain. There is a total of 134 of vehicles, 20 Jeeps, 10 trucks, 20 hullers (or large transport trucks), 5 Off road Jeeps, 5 Boats (one large ship for the head and 4 smaller ships.), 20 armored vehicles (ranging from a lightly armored jeep to a heavy tank, only 2 heavy tanks in the whole set), 5 MCV’s (used to setup an area of operation on a planet), 5 extractors (2 mining collectors, 2 weather or storm collectors, 1 lumber, plant, or ice collector), 10 Arial vehicles (ranging from heli’s to large planes), 30 Normal vehicles (cars, vans, SUV’s) and 4 mobile labs (can also be used as medical buildings, storage, dining areas, factors and communication centers).

Shooting star Carrier is out fitted with homes, labs, medical wings, storage areas, communication arrays, conference rooms, meeting areas, dining areas and two, very large training areas. The Nova Star gunship is the planetary drop ship. It lands on the planet and sets up shop. Its only areas are storage, dining, a few rooms, one meeting room and one communications room. Star Roamer holds a bit more storage then the other three, it hold three large storage areas in its hull. Its other rooms are two meeting rooms, two communication rooms, one dining area and a small conference room. The Shooting star carrier as of late has been a hub for Ash and her crew as they explore the new system. The crew on Yori and Rori are under watch and command of Captain Amanda. She has taken many trips back and forth between the two planets to see how each team is doing. The captain of Nova Star, the gunship that remains in orbit of the two planets, is under command of Officer Lewis and his second in command Jan.

The Star Roamer has been tasked to explore the system to uncover any more of the hidden planets or clouds that might be still lane hidden. The captain of the Star Roamer is Loke; he has been place in second in command of the team in the system while Ash is away. There is no one captain of the Shooting Star Carrier. Instead, Ash relies on six people for the whole ship. Captain Jan, Captain Amanda, Officer Lewis, Loke and if all else fails, Silver. Silver has been forgiven by both her sister and in return has forgave her for any hard feels. Silver is the leader of the cargo and people that are in training, her strict enforcement of any rule breaks or people that just won’t listen, in the end turns the rookies into people ready for anything.