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Belfast Production Facility

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Revision as of 16:56, 5 April 2009 by Saheto (talk | contribs)
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Belfast Production Facility
E6, Newcastle
Technical Data
Gravity unknown
Docking bays Yes
Amenities unknown
Crew unknown

Belfast has had a grim and bitter past. Built in 776 S.S, the facility has been mining resources from the crust of the nearby planet Middlesbrough. The Mollys didn't take too kindly to the new trade lane and manufacturing base infringing on their territory, especially with it dangerously close to Mull Base, and started launching attacks against it. Molly agents secretly started applying for and receiving jobs aboard Belfast, ready for the day when they would claim it for their own.

In 795 A.S., the Mollys struck. They launched an all-out offensive using all of their limited gunboats and most of their heavy fighter craft. They broke out from the nearby barrier nebula and opened fire on Belfast's defense turrets, disabling them. While the battle between the Bretonia police and the Molly fighters raged outside, the Molly undercover agents onboard Belfast moved quickly. Pulling concealed weapons free they turned on their management, slaughtering them and throwing their bodies out of the airlocks. Belfast was theirs.

With her smelters working at even 60% capacity, the facility can create more than enough materials for the Mollys to construct more components and ships. Shortly after the hostile takeover, the Bretonians attempted to retrieve their lost station, but the Mollys fought hard to keep it. Along with several newly constructed weapon platforms and heavy fighter cover, they drove back the Bretonian forces twice.

After the loss of their second destroyer and the complete destruction of the Battleship Leicester with all hands lost, the Armed Forces finally admitted defeat. However they ordered the Battleship Ark Royal to keep an eye on Belfast although since the Kusari navy captured Glasgow Outcast, it is likely that the Ark Royal will soon be sent to the frontlines against Kusari.