Santa Verna

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Revision as of 22:35, 15 April 2018 by Misterich (talk | contribs)
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Santa Verna
Apagado class Asteroid Base
Flag-outcasts.png Outcasts
3E, Omicron Alpha
Technical Data
Gravity true
Docking bays true
Amenities true
Crew 830

POPULATION: 830 The rock base of Santa Verna was hollowed out from a massive asteroid that was dragged into Carinea's orbit to serve as a listening post and logistics installation. The initial plan was to have it monitor any and all vessels entering or exiting the Siniestre nebula, while also keeping tabs on the Omicron Phi jump hole. After Santa Verna was established, the station's proximity to the nearby graveyard drew the attention of some of the more religious sects of Maltese society, who have since turned a significant portion of the station's interior into places of worship. In time, Santa Verna became a hub for those of Malta to have their questions answered and voices heard after their rhetoric had fallen on deaf ears.

Missions Offered

No missions offered here

Bribes Offered


  • None