Planet Volgograd

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Planet Volgograd
Planet Volgograd.jpg

Owner The Coalition
Location 5D/5E, Omega-52
Edge Worlds
Technical information
Docking No
Terrain Rock Desert
Diameter 9,437 km
Mass 3.82 x 10e24kg
Temperature -95°C to 58°C
Escape velocity 10.14 km/sec

Volgograd is a cold tundra world, and is the site of the Coalition's capital, located in the shadow of Zvedseny Gorodok's moon base. The city sprawls for miles on the planet's surface, shielded by in-numerous domes. But that's only the tip of the ice-berg, the bulk of Volgograd City extends far below the surface in a network of tunnels and sub-levels carved out of Volgograd's rocky surface.

Engineers, taking equipment and know-how gleaned from the construction of the moon base, turned their attention to fortifying the city, making it not only defensible, but habitable as well. Coalition Premiers ensured housing for everyone in a safe, secure subterranean warren.

The planet's key resources are mining assets, primarily Cobalt, Copper and Boron, used to supply the Coalition with much needed resources to feed the factories churning out weapons and equipment to support the Coalition's infrastructure and powerful war machine. However despite significant human populace, the Commissariat decided against docking rings as a method for ensuring a safe buffer between the Coalition's people and the decedance of the capitalist powers of Sirius

The Coalition's civilian government is housed in a dome dubbed the Kremlin, where every effort has been made to restore the former glory of the Earth bound Coalition, including the Palace of the People, atop which stands a 300 foot statue to a former Great Leader stands, extending a universal gesture to the rest of Sirius.

Palace of the People on Planet Volgograd. Image courtesy of the Coalition Ministry of Truth.

Dominant as well in the Kremlin Dome is the much feared Commissariat of Truth, where, it is said His-Watchful-Eye never blinks.

Cross-section of a domed subterranean city on Planet Volgograd. Image courtesy of the Coalition Ministry of Truth.