Category talk:Player Characters

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Revision as of 19:56, 26 May 2008 by Chovynz (talk | contribs) (Forums needs to be used for Character Bios. Not the Wiki.)
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I say No to Character Bios on the Wiki

I'm not sure the Wiki is the right place for Character Bios. I think the Forum is a better place for that. It's not my call, but I'm a little uncomfortable with 17,000+ Character Bios on the wiki. We want people to go to the forums.

Why I say no to Character Bios on the wiki:

  • The information will change and lots of it will become irrelevant or simply old. What happens if the character dies in the game? (i.e. dies dies.) Do we delete the wiki info? Having a WikiBio creates too much work for the wiki users.
  • It gives Character Bio control over to Joe Blogs. I wouldn't want my stories and Character development so available to be changed. I want them read, not written by other people. The exception is where those other people interact with me in game, so it becomes a collaborative story.
  • We have LOTS of characters. Just getting the base Discovery information in and maintained is enough work to do. If we add our character Bios it makes ... A LOT more unnecessary work.
  • Putting a Character Bio up on the wiki is a personal choice. There are some characters I play that I dont want to put up. Instead of making a main page for the character, I suggest that we put character Bios, under our names. Taking Lash McDaggit as an example I would put that page under (presumably) AndreDelArco's main page as an entry. Not as a main page for Lash McDaggit.

The main idea is getting people to the forums. The wiki is a great place for general information (what base, where, what race, who much, weapons,) but not characters. Character information is too fluid for the wiki, I believe.

Chovynz 19:56, 26 May 2008 (GMT)