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Kaiserliche Polizei Rheinland

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Rheinland Federal Police
Origin Flag-rheinland.png Federal Republic of Rheinland
Alignment Lawful
Date of founding unknown
Founder(s) unknown
Base of operations unknown



After the 80 years war against the GMG, the remaining members of the Rheinland Military were forced to withdraw back to New Berlin and surrounding systems. With the military weakened, a period of civil unrest followed causing an increase in criminal activity across Rheinland.

To counter the growing increase in crime against the civilian population, a council of high ranking military officers quickly formed a federal police agency. This agency was responsible for the enforcement of Rheinland law, civilian and trade protection, the staffing and management of Vierlande Prison, the suppression of subversive and rebel groups, and personal protection to the Chancellor.

After several years of hard-won experience, the Rheinland Federal Police are an elite police organization.


1. Assist in the safe import and export of legal goods to and from Rheinland.

2. Maintain a safe and secure Rheinland through crime prevention and prosecution.

3. Suppress civilian rebel groups including the Volksfront (VF) and Landwirtrechtbewegung (LWB).

4. Ensure space communication channels are used appropriately and free from encrypted or spy transmissions.


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