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Barcelona Station

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Revision as of 15:36, 14 June 2009 by Hack (talk | contribs)
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Barcelona Station
Madrid class Station
Image missing
C4, Omicron-91
Technical Data
Gravity Complete
Docking bays Yes
Amenities Yes
Crew 2,000


Completed in the closing stages of 816 A.S., Barcelona is a piecemeal station modelled on basic Zoner designs. Taking the liberty of looting parts of the wreckage of Freeport 7, Corsair pilots brought the completion date of this station forward by two years.

Barcelona's main functions are the production of small fighter vessels and the cultivation of food for the Corsair people. The high level of security in Omicron-91 means that visitors to the station are rare. Components and materials that are unsuitable for the fabrication of capital ships often go to this station to be used in the construction of the fighter-class vessels for sale here.

Barcelona itself is a heavily protected and secure installation financed by the Brotherhood. Though not built for war, Barcelona has powerful defences capable of fending off a sizable attacking force, preventing damage to the precious biodomes.



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