"Kagutsuchi" Blood Dragon Cruiser

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Blood Dragon "Kagutsuchi" Cruiser
Ship Class Cruiser
Built by Blood Dragons
Technical information
Guns/Turrets 1 / 7
Opt. weapon class 9
Max. weapon class 9
Other equipment
Hull strength 185,000
Max. shield class 9
Cargo space 700 units
Nanobots/Batteries 450/450
Max. impulse speed 80 m/s
Max. thrust speed 140 m/s
Max. cruise speed 350 m/s
Power output 1,800,000 u
Power recharge 110,000 u/s
Additional information
Ship price $101,000,000
Package price $114,082,250

This fearsome cruiser is most notable for its enormous forward cannon. The cannon is constructed using Outcasts technologies; it fires antimatter projectiles and is very effective against large ships and space stations. rest of the cruiser is Blood Dragons' own design: bulky hull, powerful turret weaponry, and impressive agility make this ship a worthy opponent for the Kusari destroyers and battleships.


