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Revision as of 15:23, 18 August 2009 by Froozin (talk | contribs) (I decided to make a short summary of Tau-45)
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Tau-45 is the Guard System of the Xenos. The jump hole is though to be located somewhere in the Kepler system. Tau-45 has acted as a main staging ground for many Xeno operations and is the main center of the Xeno civilian population. The Xeno's protect this system with many different weapons platforms and patrols and it should not be entered by any other than well respected members of the Xeno faction, all others would be immediately killed.


The Alabama went missing some time ago while patrolling the Kepler system and is thought by the the Liberty Navy to have been ambushed by Xenos. It may have wandered into the Tau-45 jumphole and its fate is currently unknown by the Liberty Navy.

DSE and Tau-45

The DSE launched a pilot project in the Tau-45 system and discovered that the main planet in the system was very rich in mineral resources. DSE built a base there but didn't realize that the Xenos already had a presence there, feeling threatened by the DSE, the Xenos rallied and drove out the DSE employees and seized the base and the subsequent files. They learned the planet in their own backyard housed untold amounts of valuable minerals. Now the Xenos guard the planet known now as Death Valley and believe that when they have won the war it will be the key employment center in Liberty.

If the Xenos could only develop those resources they would have a huge influx of cash that could be put toward their cause.