Sebastien LaHoue

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Sebastien LaHoue
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Origin Flag-bretonia.png Bretonia
Affiliation Zoners, Formerly The Order (801-817) and the BAF (800-801)
The time of service in the Zoners 817 A.S. - Today
Rank Commander
Born July 7 767 A.S., Planet Cambridge (Age 50)



Sebastien LaHoue was born on Cambridge in a wealthy family of researchers. He is the youngest of 5 kids, and is the son of Nathalie White and Mikhael LaHoue. Very bright, he was already considered to be a genius at the age of 6: his mathematical skills were undeniable, and had already mastered the use of Violin, Piano and Trumpet. When he wasn't practicing or sleeping, he would spend his free time with his parents, who were specialized in Xenoarcheology, the study of Alien civilisations, although back then no one took this domain very seriously, spare a couple of Cambridge scientists. At the age of 10, he and his brothers were already assisting his parents in their researches, although they did no major finds. Life kept on, but at the age of 13, LaHoue lost his eldest sibling, whoo was his idol. Maxime was performing a supply duty with the Familial freighter when it was shot down by Corsair pirates. To this day, Sebastien still holds a deep grudge against the Corsairs, but manages to hide it incredibly well.

Young Adulthood

Sebastien spent the following years studying in the best colleges of Cambridge and obtained a major in Xenoarcheology by the age of 24. By then, he became a solitary man and rarely even sent messages to his relatives due to his complexedly long researches and essays, none of which were taken seriously. One of his most infamous theories is when he speculated that the civilisation that lived in Sirius before Humans were Reptilians. This theory is now considered obsolete, even though there is no real data about the Dom'Kavosh to this day. LaHoue had a short lived romantic relationship with a Kusarian woman by age 26, who left him due to his intense periods of month of isolated researches. LaHoue never had a relationship since then.

Nomad War/Service for the BAF/Joining the Order

Being childess and wifeless, LaHoue was caught in the conscription when Rheinland invaded Bretonia. Even though a poorly skilled pilot, his cool head even during the most extreme situations impressed his superiors. Since there was no major skirmishes between Rheinland and Bretonia, he had 0 confirmed victory during the short duration of the conflict. As soon as the hostilities between Rhienland and Bretonia ended, LaHoue returned to his researches on Planet Cambridge, where he was surprisingly greeted by a man who claimed to be deeply interested in his works. After a long discussion, the man presented himself as a representent of the Order and asked LaHoue if he could be one of their agents in Bretonia. Seeing an occasion to deepen his researches and work for the good of Humanity, LaHoue eagerly accepted.

Order Operative within Bretonia (801-812)

During these years, LaHoue closely cooperated with the Order although his researches didn't progress much. The illegal status of Artefacts in Bretonia disrupted his researches, and the Corsairs refused to supply a Bretonian, even if he was in fact an Order agent. Artefacts had to be obtained through detourned ways, such as from the Gaians or the Junkers. In 806, he lost at the same time both of his parents, who suicided when they learned his mother had an incurable cancer. The event shocked him so badly that he stopped everything for the next 6 years. It was during this period LaHoue developped his musical talents the most, but never managed to get a succesful career.

Captain of the Necropolis (812-817)

Tensions were rising between Bretonia and Kusari, and LaHoue was pressured by the Order to retake service and flee to Omicron Minor, where he could continue his researches on the field. Although scarred, he accepted the offer and became the Captain of the Necropolis, one of the very first replicate of the Osiris, specially modified for research purposes and as a Long Range Scanner platform. Used as a sort of Forward base and qgainst the Nomads in Omicron Minor, it became obsolete when the first Reseph were built. The The existence of the Necropolis and it's activities were kept secret to most Order operatives until 817, when the Necropolis was ambushed by a Nomad fleet shortly after the Necropolis managed to secure their first Nomad Powercell. The cell was lost during the fight, and the Necropolis was damaged beyond repair. Serverly wounded during the fight, Sebastien was hospitalized for weeks before even gaining consciousness. When he was authorized to leave the hospital, he officially left the Order.

Freeport 18