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Zarita Crusellas

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Zarita Crusellas
Origin Flag-corsairs.png Corsairs
Affiliation Corsairs
Born Unknown.
Died Still alive

Zarita Crusellas is the wife of Corsair Elder Ben Laowai. Despite being wed to such a high profile and public member of the Corsair Council almost nothing is known of this shy, mysterious and enigmatic woman. The only image known to exist of her among any of the archives in Sirius consists of a single grainy image taken from Tripoli Shipyard security Camera footage. There are unsubstantiated reports that there was in fact more footage taken on this same day, where it is said Crusellas had docked but that the footage was subsquently removed at the order of her Husband. None of this can be verified however anecdotal evidence does place Elder Laowai on Tripoli soon after this footage was taken and there is evidence that some of the footage taken that day has gone "missing". Lower level technicians on Tripoli also have said that Crusellas had appeared on Tripoli that day "Disoriented, barely able to fly her ship and stating she was the wife of Elder Laowai...". What is known is that her husband does seem to be quite protective of her, unusual for a Corsair relationship in which quite often woman are as dangerous as the men.

She is known to be the owner of a single Titan vessel, registered in her own name. It is distinctive as it is a considerably older version of the Titan than what has been in service for some time and this is verified by Tripoli logs which have the vessel down for systems upgrades on at least 3 occasions, the cost of which was paid by accounts linked to Elder Laowai. Nothing is known as her ability as a pilot, and equally strangely, Corsair records concerning the Malvada Cloud right Rite of Passage or trial, usually meticulously kept have no record of her even habing completed them. She has in fact been observed flying above Crete in what some have likened to "A Corsair child taking his first ship up for the first time" indicating that despite ownership of the vessel she may have only limited knowledge of its operation. She has rarely been seen outside the Omicron Gamma system, though sensor data has shown her to have visited the Omicron Kappa, Delta and Omega 41 and 47 systems on a few occasions.

Personal Bio

Crusellas's background is notable only for its singular lack of any information or detail. It is suspected that she may have originated among some of the poorer Corsairs of Crete (where personal files prior to undertaking the Malvada Trials are notoriously unreliable) however there is nothing to confirm this. Searches of the family name "Crusellas" have revealed that the family did once reside on Crete but the line had since died out or gone missing with one branch listed as members of the ill fated Corsair colonisation attempt of Planet Tangier. Some have speculated that Crusellas could in fact be a decendant of one of the members of this long lost Colony, and indeed, Elder Laowai has shown a consistant interest in the Omega 47 System for much of his adult life, even stationing his cruiser; the Xibanya Nuren in the system at various times. However, Corsair records indicate that no traces of these colonists were ever recovered despite at least two seperate surveys of the planet over the years and thus such speculation can only be dismissed as unsubstantiated gossip. Considerably younger than her husband, she has been reported by the few who have met her on planet Crete to be a friendly and personable woman who displays an extremely inquisitive nature while yet being surprisingly niave and at times evasive. She seems to be quite solitary, residing in Elder Laowai's hangar complex and occasionally taking out her Titan for flights around Omicron Gamma although and although these flights are logged with the flight controllers on Crete they seem to be independant flights that serve no mission or military purpose.

See Also