Tau-31 Gate Construction Site

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Tau-31 Gate Construction Site
6C/7C, Tau-23
Technical Data
Gravity unknown
Docking bays unknown
Amenities unknown
Crew unknown

A system as rich in resources as Tau-23 was ripe for exploitation, and once surveyed by Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing (BMM) in 730 AS, the construction of a Jump Gate network linking the system with Bretonia became a high priority. While work on the Tau-31 Jump Gate has proceeded apace, the project has recently come under intense attack by the criminal organization known as the Outcasts, though the reasons behind the hostilities remain unclear. BMM has been forced to hire extra security to protect the construction project and has even attempted to begin limited mining of the valuable Beryllium deposits in the system as a way to offset the skyrocketing costs.

