Planet Privas

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Privas Planetary Cluster
Location 4F, Dauphine
Flag-gallia.png Gallia
Technical information
Docking No
Terrain unknown
Diameter unknown
Mass unknown
Temperature unknown
Escape velocity unknown

Privas planetary cluster is a rare astronomical phenomenon never seen elsewhere in Sirius. Five planets are stationed within the gravity well of each other, with one ring surrounding them all. Four of the planets are similar medium-sized gas giants, most probably sharing the same origin. Fifth planet, Privas V, is a small moon that might have been the core of another gas giant before its atmosphere was lost either to gravity of other Privas worlds, or to a massive cataclysm of unknown nature. All five planets share one rarified outer atmosphere comprised mainly of methane and inert gases.

Relative stability of Privas contradicts the laws of physics, and since the moment of its discovery astronomers have doubted its natural origin. There is a theory that the cluster is not a natural formation but rather a result of solar engineering experiment conducted by an ancient alien race, possibly Daam-K'Vosh. However, the only way to check this theory is investigating the surface and geological formations of the center of the cluster, Privas V. No ships can land on this planet due to gravitation perturbations caused by nearby gas giants. Additionally, it is possible that all five planet cores were moved together without leaving any traces of sentient activity.