Bomber Torpedoes

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Class 1 Guns are the weakest weapons in Freelancer. You'll usually see new players and NPCs using these weapons.

List of Class 1 Guns

Name Type Hull Shield Refire Range Speed Energy Shield +Dmg Shield -Dmg Price
Starbeam Civilian Laser Cannon 15 7 8.33 600m 750 m/s 4 Positron Gravitron $450
Justice Mk I Liberty Laser Cannon 16 8 8.33 600m 750 m/s 5 Positron Gravitron $500
Lavablade Mk I Liberty Plasma Cannon 98 49 2.00 600m 500 m/s 20 Gravitron Molecular $500
Azrael Liberty Rogue Laser Cannon 19 9 8.33 600m 750 m/s 6 Positron Gravitron $500