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Enzo du Sable

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Enzo du Sable
Enzo 1.jpg
Origin Flag-gallia.png Gallia
Occupation Lord of all Brigands
Affiliation Legion of the Damned
Born September 9 791 A.S., Planet New Paris


Our story begins on the capital of Gallia, New Paris, and the date is sometime around September 791 A.S. The story takes us to one of the great crime areas of New Paris, the suburbs of the great cities. In one of them, a boy named Enzo du Sable was born, and already had a tough start in life. His father left a few days after his birth, and, as his mother could not take care for him, she gave Enzo to the nearest orphan's home. Life was very tough there, especially for the youngest ones. Until the age of 12, Enzo had to live in fear of the strict discipline of the home for parent-less, and got ordered around by the older children. When he turned 12, he had a dream on a very stormy night that changed his life. The dream was some kind of unwritten prophecy of Enzo, but it remains unknown what it really was. After that, he packed his things and left his former “home”. On that very stormy night, he had no idea where to go, until he walked infront of a Casino. A man walked up to him and said:” Where are your parents, boy?” Enzo answered: “I don’t know.” The man understood his situation and took him to a hotel room, giving him something to eat and a place to sleep. That man however was an agent of the greatest local crime mafia that was always searching for especially young recruits. Enzo was rapidly integrated into this group and his first job involved theft. He always got to keep 10% of his loot, which he spent on all the things he didn’t have in his former life. Now he could the live the life he always wanted. When he turned 16, the boss thought he was ready for some more dangerous missions. So he was sent to a bank robbery, together with 5 other youngsters like him. The boss knew, only one could survive and become a real Mafioso in the end. However, the whole coup went awfully wrong, as one of Enzo’s companions shot the hostage out of nervosity. Then he became even more nervous and started to shoot his own friends, including Enzo, who managed to hide successfully. The 5 other youngsters shot themselves to death, while Enzo was hiding. When the police finally arrived, they found a massacre and believed Enzo to be one of the survivors. Enzo saw his chance of fleeing and agreed to the policemen’s thought. They took him to the nearest police station, where he was interrogated. He successfully managed to play the unguilty one. As he wanted to leave, he heard some noises from a TV in a small room. As he walked into the room, he realized it was a videotape about the Gallic Navy and their success. He sat down and began watching it. The video was about the Navy heroes, their training, and their adventures. At the end of the video Enzo’s decision was clear: He will join the Navy. He walked up to an officer and told him that he wanted to be a recruit. In short time, he was transported to the nearest Navy space station with other recruits. He finally escaped the crime and his new life was about to start….

Navy time

The first few weeks were basic training: How to shoot, how to fight, how to dodge and so on. Enzo, already having experience at these topics, managed those tests with success. In the third month, the real training started: Flying a spaceship. The recruits had to finish off the 5 week simulator exam before really having permission to try a real ship. In the first 2 weeks, Enzo was pretty bad in the simulator. But, as he learned more, he got better and passed the exam excellently. Soon he would be able to board a real ship. And that’s what he did: His first flight hours were in a Caracal LF, of course under surveillance of a flight teacher. As the docking bay opened, and he saw the universe through a cockpit for the first time, he knew it: He was born to be in space. After the first hours, his trainer noticed he could leave Enzo alone. His results were unbelievable, only comparable to elite or vetran soldiers. He got his Navy officer license soon and was assigned to a flight group. The first step was done. It was not long before he got his first mission: A simple escort service for GMS. He and 3 others in Serval HFs had to escort 2 Vache GMS transports. Everything went pretty good, but at the end a squad of 6 Council assassins in Agamas engaged the group. The first navy pilot fell early because of the Council trap, but two of the Agamas got too near the two transports and were quickly shredded by their fast anti-fighter turrets. Enzo was having a duel with one of the Council, and, although it was a long one, he killed the traitor in the end. In the meanwhile, his Navy companion exploded and one of the Vaches was heavily damaged. Enzo quickly turned in to help them, getting a nice sniper shot at the Agama’s engine and then finishing him off with a mine. The other Council soldier fled the battle as he was scared by Enzo’s skill. In the end, Enzo managed to save the GMS transports and, when the Navy superiors heard about this, he was promoted to Capitaine. He could lead his own group now. His first missions were against some small Gallic brigand raiders, which earned him the reputation to take on more dangerous missions. When he turned 22, his greatest mission stood before him: Kill a Brigand leader. He had to do this mission alone, in a brand new Lynx equipped with strong cannons to assassinate quickly. Enzo began his search and located the Brigand and his 4 bodyguards in an asteroid field. Enzo activated his cloaking device and gotr into a nice trap position, directly behind the Brigand leader. He quickly fired his shieldbusters, and then the Mini Razor. The Brigand went up in flames. But what Enzo didn’t notice was a pair of council GB’s nearing from behind. They were closing in and Enzo already lost his shield at the remaining Bringands’ fire. In the meantime, they got extremely near to Planet New Paris’ backside. Suddenly one of the GB’s got in range and fired his large forward cannon, destroying one the Lynx’ wings, causing him to drift off into the atmosphere. Enzo knew it: He was going to die now. A loud crashing noise could be heard and some civilians were running to the Crater and Enzo’s remains….

Death and Resurrection

Some citizens found Enzo’s dead body and dragged him out. He had no visible wounds, but probably suffered heavy inner damage. The civilians buried him, without the Navy knowing. Hours after the funeral, and Enzo heard a strange voice. He could not understand the language, but he heard one word:”Prophecy….” Enzo opened his eyes, started to scream and broke off the coffin. He was fighting thorugh the mud, until he breached through to the surface with his right hand. He slowly managed to get through and pull himself up. Outside it was raining heavily, and the mud was extremely wet and soft. He looked around and noticed he saw everything in red….his eyes were filled with blood, and suddenly a heavy pain reached his throat and he was vomiting blood. He fell to the ground, unconsciously. When he woke up, the sun was shining and the birds were singing. He got up and marched into the city. He had to start a new life, again, and he knew just where to start, as he was back in the city of his childhood. He knew his old boss’ location, and went to his apartment. Enzo rang the bell, and one of his bodyguards opened the door. “What the hell do you want?”, he said. Enzo replied:”I am here to meet your boss, Georges. Tell him my name, Enzo, and he will know.” The bodyguard closed the door. After some minutes, the boss himself opened the door and said:”I thought you were dead. What happened?” Enzo lied and said he was kidnapped by some bandits. Georges believed him and took him back into his mafia, but not as a simple thug, Enzo became an assassin. His jobs were to kill rich and influential people, without causing attention. He earned a fortune out of it and could buy himself the most expensive cars, clothes and women. When he finally became as rich as he wanted, he left the mafia and founded his own. He already had such an influence that he got the highest members of Geroges’ mafia to join his, which was named “Les griffes” – “The claws”. A bloody and ugly gang war began between those two mafias.

The Legion of the Damned

Enzo and his lover, Colonel Victoria Alison Corentin

The war was going on equally for both sides, both having similar losses. However, it became more of an economic war: Both were trying to damage their financial income by ambushing transports. Recently, the Claws managed to cap a very big load of drug-wine and Enzo wanted to celebrate that in the most exquisite night club on New Paris, called “La Moulin Rouge”. Only his highest members were invited, and they were having a great time. Suddenly, 2 men and one blonde-haired woman in blue Navy suits entered the club, and Enzo told his men to be careful and lay low. But the woman approached Enzo directly. His bodyguard got up and held her away. Enzo said:” Let her through!” The woman came nearer and whispered in Enzo’s ear:”Monsieur du Sable, you are hereby asked for by the King personally. There are things you need to hear. Somewhere quiet.” Enzo didn’t want any problems with the Navy, so he said:”Follow me to the VIP cabin.” She followed him and he offered her a seat on the luxurious VIP couch. “Want a drink, mademoiselle?” Enzo asked and smiled. “Non, I am on duty monsieur.”, she answered. “Bien…..”Enzo pours some Gallic wine into his glass ”What’s your name?” he asked. The woman answered: “Mon nom est Chloe…and I am here to give you a message from the King. He needs to see you as soon as possible, come with me”. Enzo knew that it was something great if even the King wants to speak to him, so he had to agree. They left immediately with the Royal Shuttle. On the shuttle, Enzo was asked to sit down in the debriefing chamber, when suddenly a holographic image of the King appears, it was a recording: “Bonjour Monsieur du Sable…. you probably wonder why you, a simple commoner are here. To keep it short, you are not a simple commoner. You are of noble blood, as your father, Michel, was. I do not know what you are right now and I also do not care about your former life as you are here only for one thing: To lead the the LEgion des Damnes. Your grandfather, Leon du Sable, was the last Lord Mareshal, the last leader, and as the whereabouts of your father are unknown, you are Leon’s direct successor and hereby officially declared Lord Mareshal of the

Enzo in a Legionnaire Plate Armor

Legion des Damnes. May honour be with you.” The image vanished. Enzo was sitting there, breathless. “This must be part of the prophecy….” he thought. “Tell the King that I accept this position. I am the new Lord Mareshal….now where’s my Legion?” That’s how the new age of the Legion des Damnes begins…..

Known Ships

He is the captain of the Grande Guillotine, the Flagship of the Legion of the Damned.

A LE Lynx and Cougar are also known to be in his posession.