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63rd Order Expeditionary Force

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This is an unofficial player group.

63rd Order Expeditionary Force
Origin Omicron Minor
Alignment Quasi-Lawful
Date of founding 810 A.S.
Founder(s) John Carter
Current leader(s) Daniel Marshal
Base of operations CV-Trident
Primary role
Expeditionary force and quick response unit for Order High Command


In 810 AS, John Carter was assigned as the commander of the OCV-Trident, a newly constructed Osiris battleship. Armed to the teeth with high performance weapon systems and 4x strength armor hull, along with one of the best scanner systems available in Sirius. After commanding the Trident for a few months, John went to the secondary fleet headquarters to do a bit of research. What he found was that there was no fast response force capable of initiating strikes on short notice. After this revelation, John took it upon himself to create the 63rd Order Expeditionary Force, a fighter and bomber wing stationed aboard the Trident as a force recon and fast response unit, reporting directly to high command but being independent enough to operate without the various restrictions the primary fleet has.

In 816 AS, During Operation Thunder Storm, an operation into Liberty dropping a squadron of marines via escape pods into Manhattan's atmosphere, the Trident and its fighter escort where caught in a crossfire between two navy dreadnoughts, cutting off the Tridents escape route. Captain Carter ordered the fighter patrols to focus fire on one of the dreadnoughts, while the Trident opened fire on the second. Within five minutes, The Trident had finished off one of the dreadnoughts, but a slightly damaged second dreadnought continued to fire on the Trident. Weakened, the Trident continued to fight, and after a gruesome battle, the second dreadnought succumbed to the firepower of the Trident and the fighter wings. Crippled, the Trident on the verge of destruction, limped away from Manhattan's orbit to begin field repairs, and prepare the ship for the travel back to Omicron 100, where it would be stuck in drydock for almost two years. During the two years, the various officers where reassigned to different parts of the order, some moving to the primary fleet, some staying in the secondary fleet.

In 818 AS, Daniel Marshal was appointed captain of the newly repaired Trident, and taking on command of the near defunct 63rd Order Expeditionary Force. Daniel quickly noticed the potential of the 63rd, and begun restructuring the force into what it is now. After restructuring the Unit, he began to recruit the best and brightest the Order secondary fleet had to offer, hand picking them for optimal mission readiness.

Equipment and List of Ships

The 63rd Order Expeditionary Force uses a variety of order and civilian ships, depending on the mission at hand.


VHF (maneuverable)

-Capital Ships-


There is only one battleship in the 63rd as of 818AS, the home of the 63rd. The Trident was commisioned in 807AS, completed in 810AS, loaded with heavy armor plating and top notch armaments and sensor systems. throughout the years, the Trident has undergone many upgrades and refits, ranging from minor replacements to major overhauls in the engine and fire control systems.

Faction Diplomacy

Faction Relationship
The Order
Zoner Groups
Blood Dragons
Hellfire Legion
Everybody Else
Liberty Forces
At War
Das Wilde
At War
Aoi Iseijin
At War
Bounty Hunters Guild
At War
Bounty Hunters Guild Core
At War
At War
At War