Rheinland Pirate Cruiser

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Full Name

Rheinland Pirate Cruiser


Of all Rheinland pirate groups, only Red Hessians are capable of building cruisers of their own. Bundschuh, Unioners, and LWB don't build capital ships, but sometimes have a chance to buy - or steal - Red Hessian cruisers of older modifications, or even newer models that were crippled in battle. Having weaker hull and less firepower than new Hessian cruisers, these ships are still usable for defending pirate bases and attacking Rheinland Military convoys.


  • Ship Class: Cruiser
  • Ship Faction: Rheinland Pirates
  • Guns: 0
  • Turrets: 9
  • Hull: 165,000
  • Cargo: 800
  • Maximum Shield Batteries/Nanobots: 400/400
  • Optimal Weapon Class: 9
  • Maximum Weapon Class: 9
  • Maximum Shield Class: 9
  • Maximum Impulse Speed: 80
  • Power Output: 1,400,000
  • Power Recharge Rate: 95,000
  • Hull Only Price: 71,000,000
  • Full Price: 76,082,250
  • Additional Equipment: Countermeasures, Cruise Disruptor


