Cannes Resort Station

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Cannes Resort Station
Zinedine Zidane class Station
Cannes Space Resort.jpg
Gallic Royal Police
3E, Provence
Technical Data
Gravity Complete
Docking bays Yes
Amenities Yes
Crew 1,900

Cannes Resort Station was built by EFL Oil & Machinery for Bouvet Space Entertainment in 665-668 AGS. It is officially operated by the Royal Police, mostly due to security reasons. Since the government has a stake in operating Cannes, the Royal Police and Royal Navy have a formal obligation to defend the facility from pirate attacks, and are responsible for the lives of the facility's inhabitants. Contracts with the government also ensured that Cannes became a popular resort with some of the top officials of the monarchy. The presence of VIP guests from the Royal administration allowed the owners to increase prices for other visitors. Cannes is currently one of the most expensive (the most expensive if luxury liners are not counted) and one of the most luxurious resorts in Gallic space, and the danger does not lower the price. The chance to see a real-life space battle from the illuminator of one's own apartment, or even participate in one within one of the rented Navy ships (safety guaranteed, and the ejection pod fully functional!) attract many wealthy adventure lovers from all around Gallia. Battleship Arles is currently stationed not far from the station to ensure its safe operation during the high season.

Missions Offered

No missions offered here

Bribes Offered

