"Vanquisher" Gallic Bomber Plasma Cannon

From Discovery Wiki
Equipicon gun bomber.png
Hull Damage 391
Shield Damage 195.5
Hull Damage/s 1303.33
Shield Damage/s 651.67
Refire Rate 3.33
Energy usage/s 876.0
Projectile Velocity 750
Range 534
Efficiency 2.23
FLStat Rating 945.61

"Vanquisher" Gallic Bomber Plasma Cannon

In an effort to keep pace with Bretonia's weapons development, Gallia studied the doctrines of the other Houses and found their methodology behind bomber arsenals to be lacking. Theories were soon elevated to funded projects and finally live tests, resulting in the Vanquisher, an imposing but woefully inefficient cannon. Contrary to most weapons fielded by Gallia, these cannons produce an extremely visible amount of heat as a consequence of their internal workings, and are easily identified by their "smoky" and volatile plasma trails.


Sold at

Name Owner System Region Price
Shonan Base Wild Tau-44 Tau Border Worlds 3,076$
Evreux Research Facility Gallic National Intelligence Orleanais Gallia 3,076$
Limoux Base The Maquis Languedoc Gallia 3,076$
Planet Blois Gallic Navy Orleanais Gallia 3,076$
Macon Base Gallic National Intelligence Burgundy Gallia 3,076$
Oerlikon Observatory EFL Oil & Machinery Zurich Alsace Passage 3,076$
Maintenon Shipyard Gallic Navy Orleanais Gallia 3,076$
Bourg-en-Bresse Space Port EFL Oil & Machinery Burgundy Gallia 3,076$
Planet Orleans Gallic Navy Orleanais Gallia 3,076$
Battleship Dax Gallic Navy Ile-de-France Gallia 3,076$
Planet Marne Gallic Metal Service Champagne Gallia 3,076$
Battleship Venissieux Gallic Navy Orleanais Gallia 3,076$
Battleship Montmorency Gallic Navy Burgundy Gallia 3,076$
Sournia Repair Yards The Maquis Roussillon Tau Edge Worlds 3,076$
Haute-Seine Shipyard EFL Oil & Machinery Picardy Gallia 3,076$
Battleship Cassard Gallic Navy Champagne Gallia 3,076$
Nevers Gallic Navy Burgundy Gallia 3,076$
Lavars Auxiliary Dock Gallic Brigands Languedoc Gallia 3,076$
Battleship Resurgent Gallic Royalists Roussillon Tau Edge Worlds 3,076$
Battlecruiser Valmy Wild Champagne Gallia 3,076$
Versailles Station IDF Shipping Ile-de-France Gallia 3,076$
Battleship Saumur Gallic Navy Picardy Gallia 3,076$
Battlecruiser Accuser Gallic Royalists Burgundy Gallia 3,076$
Epernay Base Independent Pirates Champagne Gallia 3,076$
Salbris Base Gallic Brigands Orleanais Gallia 3,076$
Montauban Base Gallic Brigands Roussillon Tau Edge Worlds 3,076$
Compiegne Naval Academy Gallic Navy Ile-de-France Gallia 3,076$
Sournia Warship Drydock The Maquis Roussillon Tau Edge Worlds 3,076$
Epernon Base Unione Corse Orleanais Gallia 3,076$
Vercors Outpost The Maquis Burgundy Gallia 3,076$
Lausanne Complex Wild Zurich Alsace Passage 3,076$
Lavars Base Gallic Brigands Languedoc Gallia 3,076$
Vendome Station IDF Shipping Orleanais Gallia 3,076$
Boulogne Base Gallic Brigands Picardy Gallia 3,076$
Sournia Logistical Drydock The Maquis Roussillon Tau Edge Worlds 3,076$
Briancon Station ALG Waste Disposal Languedoc Gallia 3,076$
Beaumont Depot Gallic Brigands Ile-de-France Gallia 3,076$
Guise Mining Facility Gallic Metal Service Picardy Gallia 3,076$
Chartres Space Colony EFL Oil & Machinery Orleanais Gallia 3,076$
Eplessier Depot The Maquis Picardy Gallia 3,076$
Montelimar Base Unione Corse Languedoc Gallia 3,076$
Luxury Liner Argenton Unione Corse Tau-44 Tau Border Worlds 3,076$
Bourbon Base Unione Corse Burgundy Gallia 3,076$
Alesia Station Gallic Metal Service Burgundy Gallia 3,076$
Charost Depot The Maquis Tau-31 Tau Border Worlds 3,076$
Cannes Resort Station IDF Shipping Provence Gallia 3,076$
Planet New Paris Gallic Navy Ile-de-France Gallia 3,076$
Calais Research Facility Gallic National Intelligence Picardy Gallia 3,076$
Brunoy Hideout The Maquis Ile-de-France Gallia 3,076$
Monaco Base Unione Corse Provence Gallia 3,076$
Aubigny EFL Oil & Machinery Ile-de-France Gallia 3,076$
Battleship Pamiers The Maquis Roussillon Tau Edge Worlds 3,076$
Sarcelles Shipping Facility IDF Shipping Ile-de-France Gallia 3,076$
Reims Station EFL Oil & Machinery Champagne Gallia 3,076$
Battlecruiser Sisteron Gallic National Intelligence Orkney Tau Border Worlds 3,076$
Avallon Fortress Gallic Navy Burgundy Gallia 3,076$
Nimes Station IDF Shipping Languedoc Gallia 3,076$
Planet Quillan EFL Oil & Machinery Languedoc Gallia 3,076$
Abbeville Production Facility EFL Oil & Machinery Picardy Gallia 3,076$
Planet Marseille Unione Corse Provence Gallia 3,076$
Battleship Hossegor Gallic Navy Ile-de-France Gallia 3,076$
Toulon Mining Station Gallic Metal Service Provence Gallia 3,076$
Monte Carlo Freeport Freelancers Provence Gallia 3,076$
Rambouillet Shipyard Gallic Navy Ile-de-France Gallia 3,076$
Lodeve Space Port Freelancers Languedoc Gallia 3,076$
Planet Amiens Gallic Navy Picardy Gallia 3,076$
Fleury-Merogis Prison Station Gallic Navy Ile-de-France Gallia 3,076$
Melun Research Institution Gallic National Intelligence Ile-de-France Gallia 3,076$
Battlecruiser Aubagne Gallic Navy Zurich Alsace Passage 3,076$
Chalons-en-Champagne Station Gallic Metal Service Champagne Gallia 3,076$

NOTE: Page generated on the 07/06/2024 at 15:55:57 UTC