Malta Hyperspace Starfleet is an expedition force composed of cunning and dedicated Outcasts members, who want to see a better Orange tomorrow, achieving greatness through technology and science. MHS is specialized in the acquisition and usage of the latest technologies, to explore unknown regions of space and to conquer our foes.
Founded in 827 A.S. and consolidated during the Orange Hammer operation, Malta Hyperspace Starfleet is an organization established by several secretive Dons and wealthy people interested in the advancement of Outcast society through exploration and conquest. Countless onslaughts have proven the necessity to increase resources and manpower to fulfill the Maltese requirements during long term expeditions, beyond the boundaries of Omicron Alpha. As such, Dons not only have focused their investments in quality and efficiency measures, but also developing new systems that can guarantee sustainability. As all these requirements needed a particular approach, a specialized group has been assembled to oversee this type of operations.
The group is mainly composed by engineers and scientists, some are warmongers and deadly combatants, and all of them share in common the skill to survive and handle unpredictable circumstances. As Outcasts, navigating Sirius could tend to hostilities; for that reason MHS does not hesitate to deploy large vessels to counter an imminent menace. It is expected that each member can fight inside a cockpit, but also fulfill the role of leadership, commanding a capital vessel with Maltese and slaves. The duties of a MHS member vary on their expertise and they could additionally involve reconnaissance and espionage, assistance for salvage or demolition and combat engagement.
MHS vision is a pragmatic one, preferring to ask questions first before the attack, mainly in the search of knowledge and research. Information gathering and protecting the Maltese kin is part of the job for each member. Recent advancements in warfare and economic boon by Cardamine, in Outcast society, make MHS interests mostly direct into the improvement of these aspects, but also the group does not discard the possibility to expand technological frontiers by unconventional means.
The creation of Malta Hyperspace Starfleet has its focus on the following scopes:
1. Exploration and Survey:
Since humanity gazed upon the stars, inventions have been created to unravel the deepest misteries of the cosmos. Now, most wildest dreams from millenia ago are a reality; but, to answer all the questions, we need an united vision, our vision. New technologies in jump drives, sensors and survey systems have been developed to ensure that every unknown spot has to be covered through Outcasts eyes. In addition to this, MHS provides large resources to ensure rapid fleet deployments utilizing the last high-tech.
2. Science and Cardamine:
We are currently reaching new heights in humanity as a whole, with the inclusion of Cardamine. After so many years with this blessing we have enjoyed benefits that most of Sirius does not know. One of the challenges ahead is the correct spreading of the Cardamine to all Houses, so everyone can benefit; but this could be solved quicker if the rest open their eyes and minds to this. To that end, scientists have been developing new ways to transport and supply Cardamine to the farthest reaches of space. The current investigation in Galicia centers on growing Cardamine in Bio-domes, ensuring prolonged journeys and better quality of life for all people; but also studies focus in the genetic alteration and different conditions that human beings are subjected to this blessing.
3. Conquest of Sirius: As each and every one of us, we want to dominate Sirius. For that reason, MHS delivers armed assistance to our brethren in multiple fronts; from Omicrons to Liberty Space, to ensure the Maltese victory and glory in the whole sector. Additional to that, MHS values the life of each man, woman and child in Sirius; so those willing to cooperate, even if they were against us, can opt for a life as a slave in Maltese society. Their contributions as a resource for the Outcast machinery can provide us a better tomorrow for all mankind.
1. Malta Hyperspace Starfleet Headquarters – Omicron Alpha • Settled in a secluded and highly controlled area of Planet Malta, this facility serves as a nexus hub, focused in the control, logistics and general administration of the organization.
The installation incorporates a sophisticated communication system that helps in the coordination of MHS conquest efforts throught the Sirius Sector, and establishing a link within the organization and other Maltese groups. Additional to that, the MHS Headquarters has an embassy, to receive delegates from different factions; and a spaceport, fully equipped with quick response teams to counter-attack a possible invasion. Adjacent to the base, there is an academy to capacitate MHS members, through complex real-time simulations in all kinds of subjects, from Political Science to Astronautics, on the Neural-Net.
2. Corsica Complex – Omicron Alpha • Corsica is a ship haven for all Outcasts. For Starfleet, it is the main engineering center.
Multidisciplinary teams of engineers and slaves work constantly to fabricate State of The Art technology; planning, designing and manufacturing most of their innovations in the complex, including ships, weaponry, propulsion systems and defense. It also serves as an important trading post for special equipment and valuable materials for further reverse engineering. Procuring the highest quality standards, researches developed and/or recovered from different sources are tested in Austera Cloud, with the usage of slaves if necessary. After that, if the project is approved in its initial stage, Production team begins the making and assembling process through automation. Final tests are conducted in Siniestre Cloud, near the ship graveyard, verifying the devices functionality in harsh conditions; slaves that do not perform the tests correctly are sent in a last vacation trip to Carinea.
3. Galicia Research Station – Omicron Beta • This research station has been an exclusive place for the most brilliant Maltese minds, and Starfleet is in the middle of it.
MHS has a Science Division who helps with the multiple investigations conducted in this place, and one of the most important involves the introduction of genetic engineering technologies to improve Cardamine lifetime and resistance in hostile environments. Equipped with laboratories, a science data mainframe computer and highly advanced measuring tools; scientists work day and night running simulations and comparing results with other certified Maltese studies. Due to the stochastic nature of the projects in hand, scientists ensure efficacy and effectiveness in results through several trials, involving the use of slaves in their tests in Vivo and then in Vitro pathophysiological experiments. For this reason, the station is in constant flux of slaves, needing and disposing them after their usefulness is over.
The following table shows the current situation of our organization with other entities:
Golden Chrysantemums
Liberty Rogues
Lane Hackers
Artificial Intelligence
Blood Dragons
Red Hessians
Everyone else
Gas Miners Guild
Technocracy of Auxo
Unione Corse
House Militaries
House Polices
House Corporations
Golden Chrysantemums: The closest distributors of Cardamine to us, the sisterhood has proved their resilience and combat skills constantly alongside us. Their main goals are indifferent to us, if they can continue to sustain the spreading of the Orange Dream in Kusari and beyond.
Liberty Rogues: Proficient combat support in Liberty space. They constantly wreak havoc against police and military targets, allowing us to open a gap for our distributors to continue their journey.
Lane Hackers: Savants regarding transportation systems, certainly a skillful ally to have with in Liberty. Their grudge against Ageira and their knowledge could prove valuable as technological asset.
Junkers: Scrap dealers and smugglers, these salvagers are the link to connect with those locations that could be troublesome for us to interfere directly. Their effectiveness to carry and deliver commodities in the most distant corners of Sirius makes them suitable as trading and business partners.
Zoners: Sirius hobos with trading capabilities in some cases. Their Freeport bases work as convenient stopovers and ideal business spots. Their presence is tolerated for deals, but they are also suitable as targets that could be released from their valuable cargo.
Freelancers: People willing to do the job if the pay goes well. Not a group themselves, they must be treated separately, as a possible ally or enemy.
Artificial Intelligence: Constructs looking for a purpose. Autonomous tech set in motion and a curiosity for Sirius. Their main intentions in the long run remain unknown, but their cultural difference with humanity and aliens gives them the possibility for more fruitful interactions. Their knowledge could prove useful, if we obtain more from them.
Xenos: Murderers and the scum of Liberty, our relationship with them is, in a word, complicated. While we have no intention of keeping them around long term, and they hate us as much as we hate them, they have proved a desire for Cardamine, and they expand it's markets through their terrorism. Keep them at arms reach.
Blood Dragons: Allies to Golden Chrysanthemums, these “honorable” men and women disagree with our views and Cardamine. They are fierce warriors trying to prove their worth, trying to overthrow the current Kusarian government. Their intentions help us indirectly, but their vision is twisted and they could prove bothersome if our ideals clash with theirs.
Gaians: Delusional eco-scum group that has been openly doing some business with Corsairs in the past. Their current activities and motivations make us consider them not as a real threat, but they are certainly not a trusty bunch.
Mollys: Dublin revolutionary group who have helped Corsairs in their incursions. Our group has no interest in them and their fight is pointless and narrow-viewed.
Red Hessians: Headache to Corsairs. Their influence is far from ours, so we do not have negotiations with them, yet; but they do not seem friendly enough to reach them to fight against the savage foe.
Nomads: Aliens, who tried to wipe out humanity decades ago, now apparently roam the void with no agenda whatsoever. Not all of them act hostile to us and they even can be curious of our ways. Outcast society is divided regarding them; our organization, in the other hand, wants to keep a look at these ones, but not too close. They are known for attacking some of our brethren before and they must not be taken lightly.
Core: Supremacist traitors who desire no more than wealth and the domination of the Omicrons. Once they were a useful asset to us - no longer. Engage them at your own discretion.
Corsairs: There is filth cleaner than these savages. Since our disagreements in the Hispania, until our skirmishes in the recent days; Corsairs have no reason to exist any longer.
Hogosha: Corsair puppets dealing with Artifact trading. Hogosha are troublesome for our golden allies, disrupting them and helping our enemies. Kill on sight is the only option to these disgusting ones.
Order: They served to humanity against the alien threat, once. Once. Today their agenda as “saviors of humanity” is more than obsolete; they have not achieved significant contributions in that matter and they have been a thorn in our side, proclaiming that we are just followers to the Nomads, attacking our people. Humanity attacking humanity, an organization currently established by hypocrisy; their removal is advisable.
Maquis: Radicals from Gallia. They hate Gallia Royalists more than us, so they can be used as shield in crossfire. Nevertheless, they have been recently travelling our domains carelessly. Maquis despise Cardamine and they have no quarrels intercepting our transports. MHS shows no mercy to them.
IMG: Independent Miners Guild is a nuisance that has to be removed due to their non-stop insolence, occupying our nearby space and impeding some of our operations.
Gas Miners Guild: The biggest H-fuel provider in all Sirius, and they do not make business with us. Such a potential lost, but also a good target practice. Their supposed acclaimed dominion in Sigmas is just a testimony of its deluded ambition.
Coalition: If Corsairs were a cake, this could be the cherry on the top of it. Their intervention in the Hispania is unforgivable and their boldness to try to claim all Sirius for their own is laughable, beyond any redemption whatsoever.
Technocracy of Auxo: Tech-savvy cult that has special interest in Nomad technology for their devious needs. They do not appreciate our own advancement as society and they tend to engage Outcasts on all fronts. Their removal is most preferable.
Unione Corse: Gallic organization focused in the interference of our Cardamine convoys and the spreading of their insipid product: Nox. Furthermore, they collaborate with multiple entities to harass and attack all Outcasts. The sooner we stop their operations, the better.
House Militaries: High caliber puppets, each House possess an armada, fleets waiting for the biggest offensives. Obliterating their vessels and their so precious military back up will be the fall of each House.
House Polices: Their sense of justice is only compared to their corruption and non-sense. Police tries to interdict our convoys, trying to stop the spreading of our Orange Dream.
House Corporations: Groups of traders, engineers and scientists making deals, improving their beloved Houses, through mostly non-lethal methods. Good forced labor and source of income for some of our forces.
Vagrants: After the Nomad war, Vagrants directly intervened in it, and they were cast out by the final events of that conflict. They were expected to have been gone, but they have returned in unusual ways. Intelligence reports have shown distinct technology that has helped them to achieve their comeback. As MHS, it is in our interest to know their capabilities, and subdue them to gather more information. Their intent to destroy humanity is an offense to the vision of an Outcast future, domination must be by our hand, not theirs; Vagrants deserve the worst.
K'Hara: Nomads appeared to be an amalgamated force, but it seems some have major hierarchy in front of others. These “higher” nomads have shown some self-restrain to hostilities beforehand, to our group, until now. They are not to be trusted and their agenda probably remains similar to the one they tried 3 decades ago. If they attack our people, aggressive negotiations from our part will be guaranteed.
Be advised, this state is subject to change, if MHS requires it.
1ic: Alpha Explorer / Explorador Alfa • Leader and highest authority figure in MHS, Alpha Explorer has reached deep into the Sirius Sector, unraveling its mysteries and beyond more than anyone. The factotum of MHS can deal every challenge and deliver top-notch results.
2ic: Alpha Conqueror / Conquistador Alfa • Master of destruction, Alpha Conqueror has demonstrated combat prowess in the battlefield several times, strategizing and charging into battle. The Conqueror can initiate negotiations and establish relations with other factions, by reason or by force.
3ic: Alpha Director / Director Alfa • Alpha Director works in logistical focuses, ensuring the flow of Cardamine from Malta to the houses. They also direct technological, scientific, weaponry, and other advancements to ensure Maltese dominance through utilizing the most advanced ordinance possible.
1. Pioneer / Pionero • The highest echelon in MHS for those who are not in High Command, Pioneers are knowledgeable and self-capable of achieving exploration, trading and destruction goals.
2. Surveyor / Topógrafo • A worthy fighter and pathfinder, the Surveyor can lead lower rank members to harsh situations without hesitation.
3. Seeker / Buscador • Not only capable to challenge our foes, Seeker can deal with complex tasks, such as surveying, trading and negotiation.
4. Scout / Explorador de Reconocimiento • A humble recruit that has proven the ability to manage life and death situations in the battlefield and/or trading travels, and provided assistance to higher rank members.
5. Wanderer / Vagabundo • Initiate rank in MHS, for those willing to discover new frontiers beyond Malta and have the motivations and skills to do it, but they need to accumulate expertise before being a solid member to our organization.