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K60P - 27T "Bumblebee" Kusari Transport
Ship Class
Built by
Technical information
0 / 5
Opt. weapon class
Max. weapon class
Other equipment
Hull strength
Max. shield class
Cargo space
1,800 units
Max. impulse speed
100 m/s
Max. thrust speed
160 m/s
Max. cruise speed
350 m/s
Power output
35,000 u
Power recharge
4,800 u/s
Additional information
Ship price
Package price
DSCore: Bumblebee
One of Samuras first major construction projects, the Bumblebee has become a mainstay of Kusari shipping for centuries. Built with strong engines, a generous cargo hold, and enough speed and agility to keep her captain and crew safe in even the most dangerous situations. While built by Samura, the Bumblebee is sold on the open commercial market, and these ships can be seen in the employ of many Kusari pilots, including Kishiro and Renzu.
- This ship is too large to use docking bays, it must use mooring points.
[show]Outdated Review (4.86)
Review (4.86)
The Bumblebee is the natural first transport for any budding trader serious about upgrading their delivery capability. Its maneuverability is clearly inferior to a freighter, but that is what can be expected from a ship with a cargo hold almost three times larger than the largest freighter ( Camara/ Dromedary).
Maneuverability set aside, the firepower mustered is standard for a ship of this class. Of the five turret mounts, four are towards the rear of the ship offering clear rear-gunning and getaway options.
The Kishiro transport offering is clearly focused on maximizing value, providing the best cargo space return per credit spent in this class by a long way. The ratio of 3,600Cr per cargo slot makes it the obvious choice for the financially astute investor. Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination Review by Halogen
[show]Outdated Review (4.86)
Review (4.86)
The Bumblebee is a OK ship. But the thing I do not get, Is why spend 7.1 million, when at 10.1 million u can get a mammoth? The mammoth has 400 more cargo and more armor. And it wouldn't be that hard to make 3 million easy if you know what you are doing.
They can both hold 5 class 4 transport turrets, 300 nanobots and Batteries, and have a power output of 35,000.
And just to put another ship in the mix, the IMG Nanga Parbat. It has 45,000 power output, 1800 cargo and more armor than both the bumblebee AND the mammoth. This is a difficult pick for some people, Mammoth is 10 million, bumblebee 7 million and the Nanga Parbat for 7.5 million.
If it were me, I would choose the Mammoth. Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination Review by God
[show]Outdated Review (4.86)
Review (4.86)
The Bumblebee is amazing. It actually turns faster than the Camara. Although it is much bigger than the Camara, it's only a little longer, and actually thinner, than some of the larger freighters. This transport is small and fast enough that it can actually joust, no kidding. It is also small enough that even with a loadout of type 2's, it is still able to fight small craft effectively. This ship is as freighter-ish as you're going to get in a transport with 1,800 cargo.
Its drawbacks are are the weapon arcs. It fires only three forwards, and four in other directions, out of its five turrets. Still, for such a low price, it's capable of competing with the mammoth for best-value transport. Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination Review by TLI-Inferno
Purchase Includes
[show]Spoiler: Buying Locations