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Cult of sirius
- This is an unofficial player group.
The Cult of Sirius: Oracles | |
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Origin | Malta |
Alignment | Neutral |
Profile | |
Date of founding | unknown |
Founder(s) | "Nysk" |
Current leader(s) | High Exsarc Ishtar Zsun |
Base of operations | unknown |
Primary role | |
Bring cardamine to all human life. | |
Secondary role | |
The service to the divine. |
"Outcast society has always been firmly rooted into their production of Cardamine. Before this however, the effects of the plants on humans weren’t fully known until those who had ventured beyond their little colony into the lands of the dead, returned with the knowledge.
The cult itself went through many more "public" incarnations as different fronts for distributing and harvesting Cardamine as a method of acquiring space craft (highly restricted at the time) to deliver the orange dream beyond the green Seneca nebula.
In a sense the only historical achievement the cult claims often is they were the only source of cardamine to the actual nomads aka divine as they call them.
its only recently that the Cult has disclosed itself as a Humanitarian arm of devoted believers in not just the gifts of the Nomad aliens but the use of the even more ancient Cardamine plant and liquid cardamine substance given by the Slomon K'Hara as a possible means to curing the ills of the Maltese people.
While it is no longer a Rumor this faction of "Zelots" aquire strong Maltese military hardware to enforce respect for the divine upon outsiders the cult first and foremost dedicated their efforts in the assistance of the 101st and militia groups tasked with the protection of Malta. Critics say this is only because the rare Cardamine plant grows in abundance there, though the cults leadership will protest that all Maltese are brothers and sisters that should protect the home world.
Recent events.. have seemingly changed the cult. The Nomads undergoing a type of "shift" in perspective after a short but critical illness not only had the Cult conducting direct assistance in Nomad systems but providing building materials for a new line of defenses.
The Nomads sacking of Toledo, The destruction of the oracle temple ship "Cataclysm" and the death of High mother Nysk left some turmoil within the group for the coming year until a new form of governance was established.
This new "high council" of the cult is referred to as "The Nine". Whom are the nine survivors of the Cataclysms destruction."
While the Book of Cataclysm (Boc) Didn’t exist in its current form until 800A.S. It was self published chapter by chapter slowly over a period of 9 master teachers that helped produce it.
The current incarnation is admittedly revised to include Oracle preaching’s which did not exist up until weeks after their inclusion into the cult.
Currently each chapter tells morale tales reaching up to the final 9th chapter that expounds on “the disappearance of everything known”.
Previous versions in the book did seemingly blame the “divine” to smite mankind, however this has changed with reinterpretation to make man seem more foolish and blind.
Key Concepts
1.)Mankind has been in a karmic debt with itself and now carries with it a psychological parasite (the ego) that makes it unclean and suicidal.
This concept is used to blame the sins and evil done by men and that without this parasite nurtured and practically bred into mans DNA during the C.E. Or Common Era that there is innocence and enlightenment.
2.)Cardamine is the miracle and the path to salvation. While the book admits Maltese are not saints, they are blessed with good health and long life. These things making them long lived through the recreational and natural consumption of Cardamine dna suppresses the effects of the Ego permitting them to live longer and theory continues to be expanded that if the complete surrender of the ego into “joy” occurs that the Maltese will live for thousands of years or even have no natural old age as enjoyed by the divine.
3.)The link between cultist and divine is the path to godhood. It’s not directly stated, though it is hinted at strongly that some “chosen” are able to ascend and join with the divine to assist work in the coming Cataclysm.
The Apocalypse: is the A.S. Era. Man is due and expected to destroy itself through its imaginary fictions of money, power, and justice.
The book itself makes a convincing point that all house governments, like all governments throughout history are designed to control “the democracy” of the most foolish into subservience and passiveness to avoid a state of Anarchy. Anarchy in this book is apparently the last step before extinction as tribes of man fight one another into oblivion and cannibalism which is pointed to already be happening with the Corsair Empire.
The Cataclysm: The foretold occurrence when the sheltered, the saved, and the faithful unite into perfection like a massive psychic wave that creates a type of immortal mass consciousness were everything lives forever and incarnates into forms of physical and spiritual perfection. The coming of Heaven, etc.
The Divine: All and everything directly involved with Nomads.
The one who came before: Rarely mentioned but assumed to mean the Dam’Ka’vosh
Mar Sara: literally “Master Teacher” The position is a master of philosophy. IE cult philosophy dealing with non violence and appreciation. The principals of lust and truth and other human behaviors that require "deprogramming" before contact with the divine is permitted.
High Mother or Mar Selen: As it was always Nysk... her original charge and position was handling the indoctrinated Exarchs and assets in specific projects and missions. Though her "power" was so great these responsibilities where so many that it would take many more to delegate them. However nysks Death forced a void to be filled.
The position of Mar Selen is now dedicated to those who are baptized by Mar Sara signifying a cultists readiness to interact and speak with the divine this includes all new Exarchs and others 'chosen' for specific tasks involving interaction with the alien minds.
The Nine: Are a group of the original survivors of the Cataclysm. The speaker for the Nine the High Mother happens to be one of the nine but this may change in the future as anyone who demonstrates the ability to be High Mother may receive the Vision that would permit them to ascend to that position.
They are a vary guarded and tightly knitted group akin to a group marriage the nine rarely speak to anyone but the high mother as it seems their muteness is a side effect of their telepathic abilities and clara-sentient or "future sight" ability.
Orange: Cardamine
Indigo: Liquid Cardamine
Faction Structure
The initiate and the trial of giving.
A perspective initiate of the cult is charged with the quest of giving and is given the vow of purity.
Instructions are given to the initiate to not speak directly to the unclean but to seek those who will take the blessings of one unit of cult issued Cardamine and once done the initiate is allowed to speak to their “hopeful”. Once their lot of 5 units is up and each encounter is logged and journal for review the Wind-caller (handler) suggest further trial (if necessary) or simply induct the initiate as a complete member of the cult.
Cultists: Simple rules, Cultists protect Cardamine shipments and perform grunt tasks for a short time and while they are within the order are urged to learn and study during their time. They cannot speak to unclean and are given their own large supply of cult Cardamine for recruiting hopefuls as initiates or to circumvent the vow of purity (giving unclean Cardamine so they can speak to them) otherwise speech as an initiate or a cultist is improvised and NEVER in first person.
The taking of Cardamine has been known to enhance the creativity of initiates and cultists and often make up languages of gibberish, or poetic third person prose.
Wind-callers: The first administrative level of the cult. Wind callers primarily deal with the human side of the cult and instruct cultists on tasks and answer their questions, as they were cultists themselves but wind callers are learners of responsability. They undergo the absolution of purity with a few tests and can speak to unclean however they wish to. Wind-callers are still however subservient to Exarchs and Oracles
Exarch: When a wind caller is baptized by Mar Sara they are ready to learn the disciplines of pure speech this is required to speak to the Divine and to understand and assist them. Exarchs are often given an assignment or command. Those who aren't given a command typically roam in a gunboat and escort cardamine traders or even patrol the Nomad systems given they are invited to.
Oracles: All cult IFF's are Oracle| however the position of Oracle is more akin to secret agent then Wayseer or shower. The Oracle exists in other groups and society's of humanity. They observe, work jobs, and designate possible converts to the Order secretly. This is the extent of their mission. Where they were simply known as "devoted" informers.. the nine decided to honor them with title. Notable Oracles are still in the field and even in groups that are highly xenophobic and may even hunt Slomon K'hara. The Oracles job is never to risk ones self and only to Observe.
The Shrine, Unknown
"Deep within the unknown, unexplored parts of space it lies, silent but alive, quiet but beckoning, a massive monument to the power of a long forgotten race. The Shrine, as it has come to be called by those humans who occupy it, serves as a library of knowledge containing the entire history of Sirius ready for the reaping. Built long before humans ever crawled from the oceans of Earth, the Shrine serves as one of the last testaments to the massive expanse of an alien empire." (From the original oracles page)
Planet Soledad, Omicron-81
"With the increase of Maltese government attention the cult began to shift a majority of its membership to Omicron-81. Projects regarding the refinement and reproduction of highly specialized and purposed forms of Cardamine could continue without much hindrance.
The research and development of Liquid Cardamine and its uses for the betterment of the cult and the children of malta is also undertaken on this world."
Seguro Refugio, Omicron-81
"While the backwater nature of this planetoid station suits the Cults need for secrecy the bonds that formed between the pioneers of Omicron-81 and the Cult are strongest here. The Cult being one of Malta's oldest institutions (be it a quietly ignored one) was able to provide connections between the backwater station and home world.
Providing the workers with luxury goods from the cults trafficking of Cardamine as well as a large fleet of their private navy assist all the inhabitants with ease of transportation, supplies, and unquestioning support to those who live in Omicron-81 from this base in exchange for the sanctuary it offers by being out of the way."
Galicia Research Station
"The majority of the cults research into Liquid Cardamine is done here. The Cults ability to supply the substance to science teams gives a mutual benefit for the stations independent research tenants and its owners."
"Other projects launched from this station is the Cults explorations of Omicron-82 the goals of this expedition are unknown to all those but the highest order of the cult."
Currently a small host of allies enjoy the Cults attentions. Some activities with Pirate groups such as the Vagrant Raiders include ongoing public meetings and dinner parties where co-operative projects can be done involving Liquid Cardamine. The VR alliance is one of great convenience as their active sphere is in areas where the Cult would like to expand but feels it would be stepping on the Toes of other outcast allies.
The Samarran Raiders devote themselves purely tot he will of the Divine. As their communications with them are clumsy and not as efficient as the oracles or exarchs their deed speak greater and have gotten attention from both Divine and Cult. Also oddly the Divine are protective of these raiders as they are of the cultists..perhaps more so as the Samarrans are newcomers to Sirius.
The Reapers of Sirius have been assisted by the Divine, active contact between cult and Reapers has yet to occur but hostilities have never erupted between the two.
The 101st were a needed diplomatic contact. As Malta is not completely united in the worship of the divine the Ghosts are tasked with the defense of the home world. Therefore all the breakthroughs and gifts and technology created with the help of the divine for Malta is automatically offered to them for judgement and prescription tot he people of Malta. Unless of course a certain project was requested by a Former Don of the old ruling council.
A.I.'s FEW a.i.s are trusted by the cult, however the ORB A.I. and its associations with the former SMA and S.E.L.F. nodes are welcome allies to the cults causes.
Groups of interest:
TAZ, Natures Last Hope, Junkers Congress, VE Misc-Individuals : Consist of groups who have had neutral to positive contacts with the Slomon Khara. Each contact is.. strange and sometimes un comprehend able by the Oracles or Exarch reviewing the memories given to them.