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Recorded data14
[21.03.2020 13:07:32] Vagrant.Anshar: (-Joy-) *The carrier of light is met again*
[21.03.2020 13:07:51] Unmistakable: *warith wave without a word*
[21.03.2020 13:07:56] Vagrant.Anshar: (-Curiosity-) *What is seeking the new light?*
[21.03.2020 13:08:07] Vagrant.Anshar: (-Curiosity-) *Was you able to find its new purpose?*
[21.03.2020 13:09:13] Unmistakable: Negitive, still trying to figure out that acturlly Elder Friend **as he chilling by the Jumpgate*
[21.03.2020 13:10:42] Unmistakable: Just one thing that got me sadly thing *as feels sad*
[21.03.2020 13:10:43] Vagrant.Anshar: (-Concentration-) *The vagrant remembers in mind share a sphere of knowledge about one of yours*
[21.03.2020 13:10:45] Vagrant.Anshar: (-Happy-) *The new light should find there its new purpose*
[21.03.2020 13:10:47] Vagrant.Anshar: (-Curiosity-) *What bothers new light, which makes it sad?*
[21.03.2020 13:11:59] Unmistakable: Just why did none our family of the light see me , real me when all I am is this, its a human body.. with a new heart of the
[21.03.2020 13:12:25] Unmistakable: light Brethren
[21.03.2020 13:13:02] Unmistakable: a stronger heart, stronger mind, feel more power then I had before, and yet none see me as a worthy Brethren
[21.03.2020 13:13:38] Vagrant.Anshar: (-Thoughtful-) *The new light should find something useful and share its knowledge in confluence, if wishes to be noticed*
[21.03.2020 13:14:34] Vagrant.Anshar: (-Thoughtful-) *The wanderer's caste has many directives, perhaps new light could try to complete one of them?*
[21.03.2020 13:14:46] Unmistakable: Till I felt a vision.. Vision of our home been attacked, broken into.. Stolen by them *as inside sounds mad at why*
[21.03.2020 13:15:02] Unmistakable: *he faces it* we will pay for what they did to us my friend
[21.03.2020 13:16:07] Vagrant.Anshar: (-Amused-) *Old homes go as new ones appear, the nomads are in search for new sphere to live in*
[21.03.2020 13:16:45] Unmistakable: but.. question is.. how am I gonna get I want I want as revenge without Risking showing any proof of myself to the darklings
[21.03.2020 13:17:07] Unmistakable: *he looks away* I want to help, in any way possible to help locate that new Sphere home. Find it without a teace of the darklin
[21.03.2020 13:17:08] Unmistakable: knowing
[21.03.2020 13:17:10] Vagrant.Anshar: (-Thoughtful-) *The one who share mindshare with us, can't be gone forever*
[21.03.2020 13:17:22] Vagrant.Anshar: (-Thoughtful-) *The nomad body dies, but mind finds new place to be*
[21.03.2020 13:18:16] Vagrant.Anshar: (-Curiosity-) *Could your mind survive the trip? That would be question for Advisors*
[21.03.2020 13:18:16] Unmistakable: one thing i need to ask the elders of our race, Why am I been reborn years ago, from an Ship Crash *he looks depressed*
[21.03.2020 13:18:57] Unmistakable: Is my heart, my visions what they need to reborn their nation?
[21.03.2020 13:20:16] Unmistakable: My friend? you and I are one
[21.03.2020 13:20:21] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: HMS-Destroyer.Firefly
[21.03.2020 13:20:26] Vagrant.Anshar: (-Thoughtful-) *This is not an answer which can be short, many goals should be achieved for it*
[21.03.2020 13:21:06] Vagrant.Anshar: (-Thoughtful-) *Deactivating the arc in the void, which destroyed our home by energy deplition, could be main step to be done*
[21.03.2020 13:21:19] Unmistakable: As long as my heart Beats as a human, and my inna self as a Light Carrier keeps between me and the family. I will accept my
[21.03.2020 13:21:30] Unmistakable: mind to help *as accepts in agreement*
[21.03.2020 13:22:12] Vagrant.Anshar: (-Thoughtful-) *Constructing new lair in a situable location, could be another helpful thing to be done*
[21.03.2020 13:23:04] Unmistakable: Indeed but one problem, Were are we gonna build the new home?
[21.03.2020 13:23:17] Vagrant.Anshar: (-Thoughtful-) *Finding our legacy left by great creators could advance us further*
[21.03.2020 13:25:05] Vagrant.Anshar: (-Amused-) *That's the goal for wanderers, to find the new home. A sphere suitable for our purposes, where no danger for us*
[21.03.2020 13:25:27] Vagrant.Anshar: (-Amused-) *The vagrant can't say where it is, as it was not found yet*
[21.03.2020 13:25:35] Unmistakable: I remember learning human stuff and was spoken to by the light and they seem to see me as a chosen one or something.. *as rubs
[21.03.2020 13:25:40] Unmistakable: his neck*
[21.03.2020 13:26:12] Vagrant.Anshar: (-Curiosity-) *Where the new light was heading in its pathway?*
[21.03.2020 13:27:28] Unmistakable: Once I leave the Omicrons?, Maybe back to middle of solar to keep my head low from the Core and Order bastards.. who try kill
[21.03.2020 13:27:28] Unmistakable: our families
[21.03.2020 13:27:52] Vagrant.Anshar: (-Curiosity-) *Would be needing the new light, a travel through the breached rift in the void?*
[21.03.2020 13:28:25] Unmistakable: Maybe some time next week, I call when I need it but i be fine hopefully since I fly thru their rifts which is fine
[21.03.2020 13:28:50] Vagrant.Anshar: (-Amused-) *The nomad was speaking about different rifts*
[21.03.2020 13:31:15] Vagrant.Anshar: (-Amused-) *The star travel is faster, when new rifts in the void are used to reappear*
[21.03.2020 13:31:20] Unmistakable: This works **chuckles** but its fine I can fly from here, I need to ask something..
[21.03.2020 13:31:42] Vagrant.Anshar: (-Curious-) *What would be the new light wondering?*
[21.03.2020 13:32:54] Unmistakable: How am I gonna be able to contract you, or am I going to be contracted by you?
[21.03.2020 13:33:35] Unmistakable: also.. keep my relationship with our elders, mind not calling me that near the humans to keep my Identity secret..
[21.03.2020 13:35:42] Unmistakable: yea the humans are what the darklings are call if curious *as he smiles*
[21.03.2020 13:36:06] Vagrant.Anshar: (-Thoughtful-) *The distance is too great for minds to cover it. The system Kepler though has has our allies, you can ask*
[21.03.2020 13:37:03] Vagrant.Anshar: (-Happy-) *And the system could be used for rift travel back to home of the light, if someone can come and help*
[21.03.2020 13:37:38] Vagrant.Anshar: (-Joy-) *The nomad understands the need for secrecy. The light within have the same issues to carry*
[21.03.2020 13:37:41] CONSOLE: Base Mr.Trakais SpaceTech Shop is under attack by Birdie!
[21.03.2020 13:38:02] Unmistakable: The agents.. they never listen expect one friend.. but he was darking and our brethren in darkling truff been Killed in action..
[21.03.2020 13:38:30] Vagrant.Anshar: (-Amused-) *Some darklings are foe, some darklings are friends. Reach with your mind and see for yourself*
[21.03.2020 13:43:30] Unmistakable: //*Faceplam server admins** am i lagging or is the server having issueis with me like before?
[21.03.2020 13:48:09] Vagrant.Anshar: (-Amused-) *If new light stil has unfinished business in Azure Void, we return back*
[21.03.2020 13:48:36] Unmistakable: its fine *smiles* I like it here my friend